A GUI-based program to see distribution of events, stations, and seismograms available in the earthquake data providers
- Download events, station metadata, and waveforms from the open networks
- Load waveforms, plot, and pick phases
- forward modeling of HVSR
- download ISC catalogue and convert to OpenQuake catalogue
- Load station metadata (xml) and plot the response and location
- Live recording (show the real-time waveforms) on the open networks
- Set the time, access the recording data, and real-time view from RaspberryShake seismometers
- Calculating Magnitude of Completeness (Mc), b-value from Magnitude-Frequency Distribution (MFD/FMD), and extract the catalogue based on the shape of faults and area (wrapped to Openquake Engine)
Install the reqired packages in requirements.txt
and run quakesee.py
in your Python. Enjoy!
Notes: We use python 3.10
- Install miniconda/anaconda (Download miniconda)
- Open Anaconda prompt (run as administrator) in Windows / Open terminal in Linux or Mac
- Make sure Anaconda is active by seeing
- Run command
conda create -n quakesee python=3.10
- Run command
conda activate quakesee
- Download/Clone this repository to your computer drive
- If in a Zip file, extract the contents in one folder
- Locate Anaconda prompt/Terminal to the extracted folder by command
cd "locate/to/folder"
(In Windows, for going to a different drive, run the drive name as a command in CMD e.g.F:
or runcd /d "F:/locate/to/folder"
) - Run command
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run command
python quakesee.py
- Enjoy!
Change some paths in user.yaml
file to avoid the warning messages in the console after opening the program. If you do not have "OpenQuake" python, then choose another python path in general.
Before using the Create OQ Inputs feature, we need to:
- Install OpenQuake (download)
- Open
file, change the contents:
python: "path/to/openquake/python/executable/file"
outputdir: "/path/to/output/destination/file/directory"
- Run command
python quakesee.py
(see detail instruction) - Enjoy!
- Expand to a bigger software
- Add a utility to load waveforms and save it as a single file in *.mseed
- Add a utility to modify waveforms data
- Add a utility to plot time vs offsets in loaded waveform data
- Complete descriptions of "References", "How to Contribute", and "This Program"
- Add a utility to download ISC catalogues
- Convert ISC catalogue to OpenQuake catalogue
- Add a utility to load station/inventory data in *.xml
- Add a utility to plot station/inventory responses
- Add a utility to conduct HVSR analysis (to do: Inverse Modeling)
- Add a utility to prepare Openquake inputs such as declustering, delimiting data based on sources, a-b values
- Add a utility to pick phases on loaded waveform data
- Add a utility to download and view from raspberry shake seismometers/accelerometers.