Capstone for MCDS

Primary LanguageJava


Capstone for MCDS

Visualization -- Shimin Wang


build a visualization system upon the QA dataset and help developer get better understanding on the data


metadata for Yahoo Answer dataset generated.

sample data for category "Buenos Aires" got, testing visualization to be built

Retrieval related concepts


Build an retrieval system to search relavant biological concepts


Download all the ontologies datasets.

Standadize the data format.

LeToR feature design - congkong


Enrich feature space of LeToR.


Get familiar with current features.

Set up the environment to generate features and prediction results.

Design a new feature - 2-gram token overlap count

Design a new feature (score) aggregation method - deviation

Pending evaluation result...

Word Embedding - Yu


Apply word embedding to tasks of query expansion and summarization


Completed a program which can do query expansion based on word embedding and evaluate document retrieval performance.