
📦 AWS S3 storage plugin for verdaccio

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


📦 AWS S3 storage plugin for verdaccio


  • AWS Account
  • Verdaccio server (>3.0) (see below)
npm install -g verdaccio@beta

This plugin is not supported in the version 2.x


npm install verdaccio-s3-storage

This will pull AWS credentials from your environment.

In your verdaccio config, configure

# necessary (see https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/673)
storage: ./storage

    bucket: your-s3-bucket
    keyPrefix: some-prefix # optional, has the effect of nesting all files in a subdirectory
    region: us-west-2 # optional, will use aws s3's default behavior if not specified
    endpoint: https://{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com # optional, will use aws s3's default behavior if not specified
    s3ForcePathStyle: false # optional, will use path style URLs for S3 objects
    accessKeyId: your-access-key-id # optional, aws accessKeyId for private S3 bucket
    secretAccessKey: your-secret-access-key # optional, aws secretAccessKey for private S3 bucket