
Out of the box spa application first screen loading placeholder plugin, avoid long time white screen before app launch.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Out of the box spa application first screen loading placeholder plugin, avoid long time white screen before app launch.

📦 Install

npm i vite-plugin-spa-loading -D

# yarn
yarn add vite-plugin-spa-loading -D

# pnpm
pnpm add vite-plugin-spa-loading -D

🦄 Usage

Add spaLoading plugin to vite.config.js / vite.config.ts and configure it:

// vite.config.js / vite.config.ts
import { spaLoading } from 'vite-plugin-spa-loading'

export default {
  plugins: [spaLoading()]


text loading placeholder

import { spaLoading } from 'vite-plugin-spa-loading'

export default {
  plugins: [
    spaLoading('text', {
      tipText: 'The loading text...'

svg loading placeholder

import { spaLoading } from 'vite-plugin-spa-loading'

export default {
  plugins: [
    spaLoading('svg', {
      path: 'xxx/loading.svg'
      // or
      // content: '<svg>....</svg>'

img loading placeholder

import { spaLoading } from 'vite-plugin-spa-loading'

export default {
  plugins: [
    spaLoading('img', {
      src: 'xxx/loading.gif'


Property Name Type Description Default Value
rootElementId string The ID of the element where the app will be mounted. -
devEnable boolean Whether to enable development environment. false
css string Custom CSS styles. -
cssPath string External CSS file path. -
tipText string The loading placeholder text. "Loading..."
debounce number Debounce duration to avoid blinking of the loading animation in good network conditions. -
error.tip string The error message text. -
error.detail boolean Whether to show the error details. -
error.handler Function Error handling function that accepts an array of strings as a parameter. -


Image interface extends BaseOptions and adds the following properties:

Property Name Type Description Default Value
src string Path to the image file or base64 encoded string. -


_Svg interface extends BaseOptions and adds the following properties:

Property Name Type Description Default Value
content string SVG content string. -


Property Name Type Description Default Value
path string SVG file path. -


MIT licenses