
Converts svg solid colour icons in a project to font icons and provides an interactive interface

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


icon list

npm npm GitHub


Converts svg solid colour icons in a project to font icons and provides an interactive interface. The core is implemented by fantasticon.

✨ Features

  1. Easily configurable with just one line.
  2. Automatically converts SVG to Iconfont.
  3. Provides a beautiful interactive user interface.
  4. Quick copy icon code functionality.
  5. Supports comparison between original and rendered images, allowing for quick difference checking.
  6. Intelligent prompting for duplicate icons.
  7. Multiple icon sorting and filtering options.
  8. Supports previewing generated icons in VSCode Iconify IntelliSense.

📦 Install

npm i vite-plugin-supericon -D

# yarn
yarn add vite-plugin-supericon -D

# pnpm
pnpm add vite-plugin-supericon -D

🦄 Usage

  1. Add and configure the superIcon plugin to vite.config.js / vite.config.ts.
// vite.config.js / vite.config.ts
import { superIcon } from 'vite-plugin-supericon'

export default {
  plugins: [
      srcDir: './src/assets/icons'
  1. Introducing modules in the entry file
// main.ts / main.js
import 'virtual:supericon'
  1. Then run the service, click on the link in the terminal or open localhost:5173/__supericon/ to access the interactive interface.

The full demo can be found at demo

😀 Iconify IntelliSense Support

Configure vscode settings for the workspace.

// .vscode/setting.json
  "iconify.customCollectionJsonPaths": ["node_modules/.supericon/iconify.json"]


Property Type Partial Default Description
srcDir string no Svg icons source folder.
base string yes read from Vite's config Base URL for superIcon UI
clearCache boolean yes true clear cache pre server start
watch boolean yes true Watch srcDir files change
open boolean yes false Automatically open super icon page in browser
silent boolean yes false Print URL output silently in the terminal
name string yes iconfont Name of icons font
prefix string yes icon Icon css class prefix
fontHeight number yes 300 the output font height (icons will be scaled so the highest has this height)
descent number yes font descent
round number yes icon setup the SVG path rounding [10e12]
selector string yes null use a CSS selector instead of 'tag + prefix'
tag string yes null CSS base tag for icons
cssTemplate string yes i Use a custom Handlebars template file to generate css file(template file path)
normalize boolean yes true normalize icons by scaling them to the height of the highest icon


MIT licenses