
A Python Implementation of a Genetic Algorithm-based Solution to Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Python License Last Commit


A Python Implementation of a Genetic Algorithm-based Solution to Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW)


Project Origin (Backstory)

This project is originated from a university course project.

In 2016, a friend of mine, majoring in logistic engineering, came to me to discuss his course work project. He wanted to solve VRPTW using genetic algorithm, which I happened to know. The discussion went well and my friend got what he needed.

After that, I implemented the approach in Python. The first version of the this project came out that night.

Performance Issue (Frequently Asked)

I wrote this project on the spur of that moment. However, after running a few tests with several combinations of parameters and set-ups, I realized that implementing the idea is one thing, and tuning the algorithm to yield a converged result is another thing. The latter would definitely require much more effort.

Therefore, I should say, to be precise, the performances of the given examples are very poor.

Of course, tuning improvements of this algorithm and forks are always welcome.

Some Outstanding Forks:




Installing with Virtualenv

On Unix, Linux, BSD, macOS, and Cygwin:

git clone https://github.com/iRB-Lab/py-ga-VRPTW.git
cd py-ga-VRPTW
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick Start

See sample codes.

Problem Sets

Solomon's VRPTW Benchmark Problems1

Problem Set Random Clustered Random & Clustered
Short Scheduling Horizon R1-type C1-type RC1-type
Long Scheduling Horizon R2-type C2-type RC2-type


  1. Solomon generated six sets of problems. Their design highlights several factors that affect the behavior of routing and scheduling algorithms. They are:

    • geographical data;
    • the number of customers serviced by a vehicle;
    • percent of time-constrained customers; and
    • tightness and positioning of the time windows.
  2. The geographical data are randomly generated in problem sets R1 and R2, clustered in problem sets C1 and C2, and a mix of random and clustered structures in problem sets by RC1 and RC2.

  3. Problem sets R1, C1 and RC1 have a short scheduling horizon and allow only a few customers per route (approximately 5 to 10). In contrast, the sets R2, C2 and RC2 have a long scheduling horizon permitting many customers (more than 30) to be serviced by the same vehicle.

  4. The customer coordinates are identical for all problems within one type (i.e., R, C and RC).

  5. The problems differ with respect to the width of the time windows. Some have very tight time windows, while others have time windows which are hardly constraining. In terms of time window density, that is, the percentage of customers with time windows, I created problems with 25, 50, 75 and 100% time windows.

  6. The larger problems are 100 customer euclidean problems where travel times equal the corresponding distances. For each such problem, smaller problems have been created by considering only the first 25 or 50 customers.

Instance Definitions

See Solomon's website.

Text File Format

The text files corresponding to the problem instances can be found under the data/text/ directory. Each text file is named with respect to its corresponding instance name, e.g.: the text file corresponding to problem instance C101 is C101.txt, and locates at data/text/C101.txt.

Below is a description of the format of the text file that defines each problem instance (assuming 100 customers).

<Instance name>
<empty line>
  K           Q
<empty line>
<empty line>
    0       x0        y1         q0         e0          l0            s0
    1       x1        y2         q1         e1          l1            s1
  ...      ...       ...        ...        ...         ...           ...
  100     x100      y100       q100       e100        l100          s100


  1. All constants are integers.
  2. CUST NO. 0 denotes the depot, where all vehicles must start and finish.
  3. K is the maximum number of vehicles.
  4. Q the capacity of each vehicle.
  5. READY TIME is the earliest time at which service may start at the given customer/depot.
  6. DUE DATE is the latest time at which service may start at the given customer/depot.
  7. The value of time is equal to the value of distance.
  8. As a backup, you can download a zip-file with the 100 customers instance definitions2 here.

JSON Format

For the further convenience, a Python script named text2json.py is written to convert problem instances from the text file format to JSON format and stored under the data/json/ directory. Like the text files, each JSON file is named with respect to its corresponding instance name, e.g.: the JSON file corresponding to problem instance C101 is C101.json, and locates at data/json/C101.json.

Below is a description of the format of the JSON file that defines each problem instance (assuming 100 customers).

    "instance_name" : "<Instance name>",
    "max_vehicle_number" : K,
    "vehicle_capacity" : Q,
    "depart" : {
        "coordinates" : {
            "x" : x0,
            "y" : y0
        "demand" : q0,
        "ready_time" : e0,
        "due_time" : l0,
        "service_time" : s0
    "customer_1" : {
        "coordinates" : {
            "x" : x1,
            "y" : y2
        "demand" : q1,
        "ready_time" : e1,
        "due_time" : l1,
        "service_time" : s1
    "customer_100" : {
        "coordinates" : {
            "x" : x100,
            "y" : y100
        "demand" : q100,
        "ready_time" : e100,
        "due_time" : l100,
        "service_time" : s100
    "distance_matrix" : [
        [dist0_0, dist0_1, ..., dist0_100],
        [dist1_0, dist1_1, ..., dist1_100],
        [dist100_0, dist100_1, ..., dist0_0]


  1. dist1_1 denotes the distance between Customer 1 and Customer 1, which should be 0, obviously.
  2. To obtain the distance value between Customer 1 and Customer 2 in Python can be done by using <json_data>['distance_matrix'][1][2], where <json_data> denotes the name of a Python dict object.

Use Customized Instance Data

You can customize your own problem instances.

Supported File Format

The customized problem instance data file should be either text file format or JSON format, exactly the same as the above given examples.

Directory Set-up

Customized *.txt files should be put under the data\text_customize\ directory, and customized *.json files should be put under the data\json_customize\ directory.

Convert *.txt to *.json

Run the text2json_customize.py script to convert *.txt file containing customized problem instance data to *.json file.

python text2json_customize.py
GA Set-up

The customize_data flag of the run_gavrptw() method should be set to True. For further understanding, please refer to the sample codes section at the end of this document.

GA Implementation

Individual (Chromosome)

Individual Coding

All visited customers of a route (including several sub-routes) are coded into an individual in turn. For example, the following route

Sub-route 1: 0 - 5 - 3 - 2 - 0
Sub-route 2: 0 - 7 - 1 - 6 - 9 - 0
Sub-route 3: 0 - 8 - 4 - 0

are coded as 5 3 2 7 1 6 9 8 4, which can be stored in a Python list object, i.e., [5, 3, 2, 7, 1, 6, 9, 8, 4].

Individual Decoding

ind2route(individual, instance)

decodes individual to route representation. To show the difference between an individual and a route, an example is given below.

# individual
[5, 3, 2, 7, 1, 6, 9, 8, 4]

# route
[[5, 3, 2], [7, 1, 6, 9], [8, 4]]
  • individual – An individual to be decoded.
  • instance – A problem instance dict object, which can be loaded from a JSON format file.
  • A list of decoded sub-routes corresponding to the input individual.
def ind2route(individual, instance):
    route = []
    vehicle_capacity = instance['vehicle_capacity']
    depart_due_time = instance['depart']['due_time']
    # Initialize a sub-route
    sub_route = []
    vehicle_load = 0
    elapsed_time = 0
    last_customer_id = 0
    for customer_id in individual:
        # Update vehicle load
        demand = instance[f'customer_{customer_id}']['demand']
        updated_vehicle_load = vehicle_load + demand
        # Update elapsed time
        service_time = instance[f'customer_{customer_id}']['service_time']
        return_time = instance['distance_matrix'][customer_id][0]
        updated_elapsed_time = elapsed_time + \
            instance['distance_matrix'][last_customer_id][customer_id] + service_time + return_time
        # Validate vehicle load and elapsed time
        if (updated_vehicle_load <= vehicle_capacity) and (updated_elapsed_time <= depart_due_time):
            # Add to current sub-route
            vehicle_load = updated_vehicle_load
            elapsed_time = updated_elapsed_time - return_time
            # Save current sub-route
            # Initialize a new sub-route and add to it
            sub_route = [customer_id]
            vehicle_load = demand
            elapsed_time = instance['distance_matrix'][0][customer_id] + service_time
        # Update last customer ID
        last_customer_id = customer_id
    if sub_route != []:
        # Save current sub-route before return if not empty
    return route

Print Route

print_route(route, merge=False)

prints sub-routes information to screen.

  • route – A route decoded by ind2route(individual, instance).
  • merge – If Ture, detailed sub-routes are displayed in a single line.
  • None
def print_route(route, merge=False):
    route_str = '0'
    sub_route_count = 0
    for sub_route in route:
        sub_route_count += 1
        sub_route_str = '0'
        for customer_id in sub_route:
            sub_route_str = f'{sub_route_str} - {customer_id}'
            route_str = f'{route_str} - {customer_id}'
        sub_route_str = f'{sub_route_str} - 0'
        if not merge:
            print(f'  Vehicle {sub_route_count}\'s route: {sub_route_str}')
        route_str = f'{route_str} - 0'
    if merge:


eval_vrptw(individual, instance, unit_cost=1.0, init_cost=0, wait_cost=0, delay_cost=0)

takes one individual as argument and returns its fitness as a Python tuple object.

  • individual - An individual to be evaluated.
  • instance - A problem instance dict object, which can be loaded from a JSON format file.
  • unit_cost - The transportation cost of one vehicle for a unit distance.
  • init_cost - The start-up cost of a vehicle.
  • wait_cost - Cost per unit time if the vehicle arrives early than the customer's ready time.
  • delay_cost - Cost per unit time if the vehicle arrives later than the due time.
  • A tuple of one fitness value of the evaluated individual.
def eval_vrptw(individual, instance, unit_cost=1.0, init_cost=0, wait_cost=0, delay_cost=0):
    total_cost = 0
    route = ind2route(individual, instance)
    total_cost = 0
    for sub_route in route:
        sub_route_time_cost = 0
        sub_route_distance = 0
        elapsed_time = 0
        last_customer_id = 0
        for customer_id in sub_route:
            # Calculate section distance
            distance = instance['distance_matrix'][last_customer_id][customer_id]
            # Update sub-route distance
            sub_route_distance = sub_route_distance + distance
            # Calculate time cost
            arrival_time = elapsed_time + distance
            time_cost = wait_cost * max(instance[f'customer_{customer_id}']['ready_time'] - \
                arrival_time, 0) + delay_cost * max(arrival_time - \
                instance[f'customer_{customer_id}']['due_time'], 0)
            # Update sub-route time cost
            sub_route_time_cost = sub_route_time_cost + time_cost
            # Update elapsed time
            elapsed_time = arrival_time + instance[f'customer_{customer_id}']['service_time']
            # Update last customer ID
            last_customer_id = customer_id
        # Calculate transport cost
        sub_route_distance = sub_route_distance + instance['distance_matrix'][last_customer_id][0]
        sub_route_transport_cost = init_cost + unit_cost * sub_route_distance
        # Obtain sub-route cost
        sub_route_cost = sub_route_time_cost + sub_route_transport_cost
        # Update total cost
        total_cost = total_cost + sub_route_cost
    fitness = 1.0 / total_cost
    return (fitness, )

Selection: Roulette Wheel Selection

deap.tools.selRoulette(individuals, k)

selects k individuals from the input individuals using k spins of a roulette. The selection is made by looking only at the first objective of each individual. The list returned contains references to the input individuals.

  • individuals – A list of individuals to select from.
  • k – The number of individuals to select.
  • A list of selected individuals.
def selRoulette(individuals, k):
    s_inds = sorted(individuals, key=attrgetter(fit_attr), reverse=True)
    sum_fits = sum(getattr(ind, fit_attr).values[0] for ind in individuals)
    chosen = []
    for i in range(k):
        u = random.random() * sum_fits
        sum_ = 0
        for ind in s_inds:
            sum_ += getattr(ind, fit_attr).values[0]
            if sum_ > u:
    return chosen

Crossover: Partially Matched Crossover

cx_partially_matched(ind1, ind2)

executes a partially matched crossover (PMX) on the input individuals. The two individuals are modified in place. This crossover expects sequence individuals of indexes, the result for any other type of individuals is unpredictable.

  • ind1 – The first individual participating in the crossover.
  • ind2 – The second individual participating in the crossover.
  • A tuple of two individuals.
def cx_partially_matched(ind1, ind2):
    cxpoint1, cxpoint2 = sorted(random.sample(range(min(len(ind1), len(ind2))), 2))
    part1 = ind2[cxpoint1:cxpoint2+1]
    part2 = ind1[cxpoint1:cxpoint2+1]
    rule1to2 = list(zip(part1, part2))
    is_fully_merged = False
    while not is_fully_merged:
        rule1to2, is_fully_merged = merge_rules(rules=rule1to2)
    rule2to1 = {rule[1]: rule[0] for rule in rule1to2}
    rule1to2 = dict(rule1to2)
    ind1 = [gene if gene not in part2 else rule2to1[gene] for gene in ind1[:cxpoint1]] + part2 + \
        [gene if gene not in part2 else rule2to1[gene] for gene in ind1[cxpoint2+1:]]
    ind2 = [gene if gene not in part1 else rule1to2[gene] for gene in ind2[:cxpoint1]] + part1 + \
        [gene if gene not in part1 else rule1to2[gene] for gene in ind2[cxpoint2+1:]]
    return ind1, ind2

Mutation: Inverse Operation


inverses the attributes between two random points of the input individual and return the mutant. This mutation expects sequence individuals of indexes, the result for any other type of individuals is unpredictable.

  • individual – Individual to be mutated.
  • A tuple of one individual.
def mut_inverse_indexes(individual):
    start, stop = sorted(random.sample(range(len(individual)), 2))
    temp = individual[start:stop+1]
    individual[start:stop+1] = temp
    return (individual, )


run_gavrptw(instance_name, unit_cost, init_cost, wait_cost, delay_cost, ind_size, pop_size, \
    cx_pb, mut_pb, n_gen, export_csv=False, customize_data=False)

implements a genetic algorithm-based solution to vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW).

  • instance_name - A problem instance name provided in Solomon's VRPTW benchmark problems.
  • unit_cost - The transportation cost of one vehicle for a unit distance.
  • init_cost - The start-up cost of a vehicle.
  • wait_cost - Cost per unit time if the vehicle arrives early than the customer's ready time.
  • delay_cost - Cost per unit time if the vehicle arrives later than the due time.
  • ind_size - Size of an individual.
  • pop_size - Size of a population.
  • cx_pb - Probability of crossover.
  • mut_pb - Probability of mutation.
  • n_gen - Maximum number of generations to terminate evolution.
  • export_csv - If True, a CSV format log file will be exported to the results\ directory.
  • customize_data - If Ture, customized JSON format problem instance file will be loaded from data\json_customized\ directory.
  • None
def run_gavrptw(instance_name, unit_cost, init_cost, wait_cost, delay_cost, ind_size, pop_size, \
    cx_pb, mut_pb, n_gen, export_csv=False, customize_data=False):
    if customize_data:
        json_data_dir = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'data', 'json_customize')
        json_data_dir = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'data', 'json')
    json_file = os.path.join(json_data_dir, f'{instance_name}.json')
    instance = load_instance(json_file=json_file)
    if instance is None:
    creator.create('FitnessMax', base.Fitness, weights=(1.0, ))
    creator.create('Individual', list, fitness=creator.FitnessMax)
    toolbox = base.Toolbox()
    # Attribute generator
    toolbox.register('indexes', random.sample, range(1, ind_size + 1), ind_size)
    # Structure initializers
    toolbox.register('individual', tools.initIterate, creator.Individual, toolbox.indexes)
    toolbox.register('population', tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual)
    # Operator registering
    toolbox.register('evaluate', eval_vrptw, instance=instance, unit_cost=unit_cost, \
        init_cost=init_cost, wait_cost=wait_cost, delay_cost=delay_cost)
    toolbox.register('select', tools.selRoulette)
    toolbox.register('mate', cx_partially_matched)
    toolbox.register('mutate', mut_inverse_indexes)
    pop = toolbox.population(n=pop_size)
    # Results holders for exporting results to CSV file
    csv_data = []
    print('Start of evolution')
    # Evaluate the entire population
    fitnesses = list(map(toolbox.evaluate, pop))
    for ind, fit in zip(pop, fitnesses):
        ind.fitness.values = fit
    print(f'  Evaluated {len(pop)} individuals')
    # Begin the evolution
    for gen in range(n_gen):
        print(f'-- Generation {gen} --')
        # Select the next generation individuals
        offspring = toolbox.select(pop, len(pop))
        # Clone the selected individuals
        offspring = list(map(toolbox.clone, offspring))
        # Apply crossover and mutation on the offspring
        for child1, child2 in zip(offspring[::2], offspring[1::2]):
            if random.random() < cx_pb:
                toolbox.mate(child1, child2)
                del child1.fitness.values
                del child2.fitness.values
        for mutant in offspring:
            if random.random() < mut_pb:
                del mutant.fitness.values
        # Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
        invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not ind.fitness.valid]
        fitnesses = map(toolbox.evaluate, invalid_ind)
        for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses):
            ind.fitness.values = fit
        print(f'  Evaluated {len(invalid_ind)} individuals')
        # The population is entirely replaced by the offspring
        pop[:] = offspring
        # Gather all the fitnesses in one list and print the stats
        fits = [ind.fitness.values[0] for ind in pop]
        length = len(pop)
        mean = sum(fits) / length
        sum2 = sum([x**2 for x in fits])
        std = abs(sum2 / length - mean**2)**0.5
        print(f'  Min {min(fits)}')
        print(f'  Max {max(fits)}')
        print(f'  Avg {mean}')
        print(f'  Std {std}')
        # Write data to holders for exporting results to CSV file
        if export_csv:
            csv_row = {
                'generation': gen,
                'evaluated_individuals': len(invalid_ind),
                'min_fitness': min(fits),
                'max_fitness': max(fits),
                'avg_fitness': mean,
                'std_fitness': std,
    print('-- End of (successful) evolution --')
    best_ind = tools.selBest(pop, 1)[0]
    print(f'Best individual: {best_ind}')
    print(f'Fitness: {best_ind.fitness.values[0]}')
    print_route(ind2route(best_ind, instance))
    print(f'Total cost: {1 / best_ind.fitness.values[0]}')
    if export_csv:
        csv_file_name = f'{instance_name}_uC{unit_cost}_iC{init_cost}_wC{wait_cost}' \
        csv_file = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'results', csv_file_name)
        print(f'Write to file: {csv_file}')
        if not exist(path=csv_file, overwrite=True):
            with io.open(csv_file, 'wt', newline='') as file_object:
                fieldnames = [
                writer = DictWriter(file_object, fieldnames=fieldnames, dialect='excel')
                for csv_row in csv_data:

Sample Codes

Instance: R101

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


import random
from gavrptw.core import run_gavrptw

def main():

    instance_name = 'R101'

    unit_cost = 8.0
    init_cost = 60.0
    wait_cost = 0.5
    delay_cost = 1.5

    ind_size = 25
    pop_size = 80
    cx_pb = 0.85
    mut_pb = 0.01
    n_gen = 100

    export_csv = True

    run_gavrptw(instance_name=instance_name, unit_cost=unit_cost, init_cost=init_cost, \
        wait_cost=wait_cost, delay_cost=delay_cost, ind_size=ind_size, pop_size=pop_size, \
        cx_pb=cx_pb, mut_pb=mut_pb, n_gen=n_gen, export_csv=export_csv)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Instance: C204

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


import random
from gavrptw.core import run_gavrptw

def main():

    instance_name = 'C204'

    unit_cost = 8.0
    init_cost = 100.0
    wait_cost = 1.0
    delay_cost = 1.5

    ind_size = 100
    pop_size = 400
    cx_pb = 0.85
    mut_pb = 0.02
    n_gen = 300

    export_csv = True

    run_gavrptw(instance_name=instance_name, unit_cost=unit_cost, init_cost=init_cost, \
        wait_cost=wait_cost, delay_cost=delay_cost, ind_size=ind_size, pop_size=pop_size, \
        cx_pb=cx_pb, mut_pb=mut_pb, n_gen=n_gen, export_csv=export_csv)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Customized Instance

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


import random
from gavrptw.core import run_gavrptw

def main():

    instance_name = 'Customized_Data'

    unit_cost = 8.0
    init_cost = 100.0
    wait_cost = 1.0
    delay_cost = 1.5

    ind_size = 100
    pop_size = 400
    cx_pb = 0.85
    mut_pb = 0.02
    n_gen = 300

    export_csv = True
    customize_data = True

    run_gavrptw(instance_name=instance_name, unit_cost=unit_cost, init_cost=init_cost, \
        wait_cost=wait_cost, delay_cost=delay_cost, ind_size=ind_size, pop_size=pop_size, \
        cx_pb=cx_pb, mut_pb=mut_pb, n_gen=n_gen, export_csv=export_csv, \

if __name__ == '__main__':

View Logs

The sample codes will print logs on the screen. Meanwhile, a CSV format log file will be saved in the results\ directory after running each sample code, which can be canceled by setting the export_csv flag to False, i.e.,

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# sample_R101.py

    export_csv = False

    run_gavrptw(instance_name=instance_name, unit_cost=unit_cost, init_cost=init_cost, \
        wait_cost=wait_cost, delay_cost=delay_cost, ind_size=ind_size, pop_size=pop_size, \
        cx_pb=cx_pb, mut_pb=mut_pb, n_gen=n_gen, export_csv=export_csv)

API Reference

Module: gavrptw

Excerpt from gavrptw/__init__.py:

BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))

Module: gavrptw.core

route = ind2route(individual, instance)
print_route(route, merge=False)
eval_vrptw(individual, instance, unit_cost=1.0, init_cost=0, wait_cost=0, delay_cost=0)
ind1, ind2 = cx_partially_matched(ind1, ind2)
individual, = mut_inverse_indexes(individual)
run_gavrptw(instance_name, unit_cost, init_cost, wait_cost, delay_cost, ind_size, pop_size, \
    cx_pb, mut_pb, n_gen, export_csv=False, customize_data=False)

Module: gavrptw.utils

exist(path, overwrite=False, display_info=True)
calculate_distance(customer1, customer2)

File Structure

├── data/
│   ├── json/
│   │   ├── <Instance name>.json
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── json_customize/
│   │   ├── <Customized instance name>.json
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── text/
│   │   ├── <Instance name>.txt
│   │   └── ...
│   └── text_customize/
│       ├── <Customized instance name>.txt
│       └── ...
├── results/
│   └── ...
├── gavrptw/
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── core.py
│   └── utils.py
├── text2json.py
├── text2json_customize.py
├── sample_R101.py
├── sample_C204.py
├── sample_customized_data.py
├── requirements.txt
├── README.md
├── .travis.yml
└── .gitignore

Further Reading

Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python (DEAP)


  1. Solomon's VRPTW Benchmark Problems
  2. 100 Customers Instance Definitions
  3. Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python (DEAP)


MIT License