A Place where just you and a handful of parents can ask questions and exchange experience in the journey of raising infants. It is inspired by Quora.
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/yuefang323/pQuora
- Install dependencies
- In root folder, install Python server.
pipenv install
- Navigate to react-app folder, install React
cd react-app
npm install
- Setup your PostgreSQL user, password and database
CREATE USER pquora_app_dev WITH PASSWORD 'password';
CREATE DATABASE pquora_app WITH OWNER pquora_app_dev;
create a .env file in root folder, based on the .env.example with proper settings for your development environment
Migrate and seed your database in root folder
pipenv run flask db upgrade
pipenv run flask seed all
- Start the server
- In root folder
pipenv run flask run
- Navigate to React-app folder
npm start
- Have fun!
- Tags feature