
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

CryoNeFEN: High-resolution real-space reconstruction of cryo-EM structures using a neural field network

CryoNeFEN is a neural network based algorithm for cryo-EM reconstruction. In particular, the method models an isotropic representation of 3D structures using neural fields in the spatial domain.


# clone the repo.
git clone https://github.com/yuehuang2023/cryoNeFEN.git
cd CryoNeFEN

# Make a conda environment.
conda create -n cryonefen python=3.9 pytorch==1.13.0 torchvision==0.14.0 pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda activate cryonefen

# Install required packages
conda install matplotlib 
pip install starfile mrcfile scipy

Note: Please ensure that you have met the prerequisites for PyTorch, the code is tested with pytorch version 1.13, 2.0, and 2.1.

Dependencies (click to expand)
  • pytorch
  • starfile
  • mrcfile
  • matplotlib
  • scipy

Quickstart: cryo-EM reconstruction

1. Data preprocessing

Perform a homogeneous refinement in cryoSPARC software. We will use the poses and CTF parameters from this "consensus reconstruction".

  • In cryoSPARC, 1) import the particles, 2) run an ab initio reconstruction job, and 3) run a homogeneous refinement job, all with default parameters.
  • CryoNeFEN extracts image poses from a .cs file directly. Copy the path of cryoSPARC's metadata file (.cs file) that contains particle poses and CTF parameters.

cryoSPARC metadata file

2. CryoNeFEN training

When the input image stack (.cs file) has been prepared, a cryoNeFEN model can be trained with python train.py:

python train.py -h
usage: train.py [-h] -o OUTDIR [--poses POSES] [--ctf pkl] [--mask mrc] [--split {1,2}] [--load WEIGHTS.PKL] [--checkpoint CHECKPOINT] [--log-interval LOG_INTERVAL] [--seed SEED] [--uninvert-data] [--no-window]
            [--window-r WINDOW_R] [--ind IND] [--lazy] [--datadir DATADIR] [-n NUM_EPOCHS] [-b BATCH_SIZE] [--wd WD] [--lr LR] [--norm NORM NORM] [--layers LAYERS] [--dim DIM] [--l-extent L_EXTENT]
            [--pe-type {geom_ft,geom_full,geom_lowf,geom_nohighf,linear_lowf,gaussian,none}] [--pe-dim PE_DIM] [--activation {relu,leaky_relu}]

positional arguments:
  particles             Input particles (.mrcs, .star, .cs, or .txt)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                    Output directory to save model
  --poses POSES         Image poses (.pkl)
  --ctf pkl             CTF parameters (.pkl)
  --mask mrc            Optional mask (.mrc, default: sphere mask)
  --split {1,2}         Split dataset for computing GSFSC
  --load WEIGHTS.PKL    Initialize training from a checkpoint
  --checkpoint CHECKPOINT
                    Checkpointing interval in N_EPOCHS (default: 1)
  --log-interval LOG_INTERVAL
                    Logging interval in N_IMGS (default: 100)
  --seed SEED           Random seed
  --symmetry SYMMETRY   Symmetry for training

Dataset loading:
  --uninvert-data       Do not invert data sign
  --no-window           Turn off real space windowing of dataset
  --window-r WINDOW_R   Windowing radius (default: 0.85)
  --ind IND             Filter particle stack by these indices
  --lazy                Lazy loading if full dataset is too large to fit in memory
  --datadir DATADIR     Path prefix to particle stack if loading relative paths from a .star or .cs file

Training parameters:
  -n NUM_EPOCHS, --num-epochs NUM_EPOCHS
                    Number of training epochs (default: 20)
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                    Minibatch size (default: 4)
  --wd WD               Weight decay in Adam optimizer (default: 0)
  --lr LR               Learning rate in Adam optimizer (default: 0.001)
  --norm NORM NORM      Data normalization as shift, 1/scale (default: 0, 1)

Network Architecture:
  --layers LAYERS       Number of hidden layers (default: 2)
  --dim DIM             Number of nodes in hidden layers (default: 256)
  --l-extent L_EXTENT   Coordinate lattice size (if not using positional encoding) (default: 0.5)
  --pe-type {geom_ft,geom_full,geom_lowf,geom_nohighf,linear_lowf,gaussian,none}
                    Type of positional encoding (default: geom_ft)
  --pe-dim PE_DIM       Number of sinusoid features in positional encoding (default: 32)
  --activation {relu,leaky_relu}
                    Activation (default: relu)

The required arguments are:

  • particles, an input image stack (.cs or other listed file types)
  • -o, a clean output directory for storing results

Additional parameters that are typically set include:

  • -n, Number of epochs to train
  • -b, Batchsize of the image stack during the training
  • --lazy, Lazy loading if the full dataset is too large
  • --mask, Mask for accelerating the training
  • --symmetry, Enforce symmetry during training
  • --split, Split the image stack randomly

Neural network architecture settings

  • --layers, Number of hidden layers
  • --dim, Number of hidden dims
  • --pe-dim, Number of sinusoid features in positional encoding

If the golden standard Fourier shell correlation (GSFSC) is required in further benchmarking, run commands:

python train.py {cryoSPARC directory}/xxx_particles.cs  --mask {cryoSPARC directory}/xxx_volume_mask_refine.mrc --lazy --outdir ./tutorial/ --split 1
python train.py {cryoSPARC directory}/xxx_particles.cs  --mask {cryoSPARC directory}/xxx_volume_mask_refine.mrc --lazy --outdir ./tutorial/ --split 2


  1. {cryoSPARC directory}/xxx_particles.cs is the .cs file processed in step 1.
  2. {cryoSPARC directory}/xxx_volume_mask_refine.mrc is the mask refined by cryoSPARC.

We strongly recommend using a mask to accelerate the training. In cryoSPARC, the refined mask can be found from the web interface as the "mask_refine" output.

cryoSPARC refined mask

3. Reconstruction analysis

Once the model has finished training, the generated density maps are saved in outdir for further visualization, and analysis.

GSFSC of final results can be computed with python analysis.py:

python analysis.py -h
usage: analysis.py [-h] [--mask mrc] volumes

positional arguments:
   volumes     Half-maps directory (.mrc)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --mask mrc  FSC mask (.mrc)

Example usage:

python analysis.py ./tutorial/ --mask {cryoSPARC directory}/xxx_volume_mask_refine.mrc

Masked FSC curves and reconstructed maps will be plotted.

4. Heterogeneous reconstruction

Heterogeneous reconstruction can be trained with python train_heter.py:

Example usage:

python train_heter.py {cryoSPARC directory}/xxx_particles.cs  --mask mask.mrc --zdim 8 --lazy --outdir ./tutorial/


  1. The applied mask should contain all the heterogeneous particle volumes. A spherical mask is the default.
  2. Heterogeneous reconstruction requires more GPU memory and training time than standard cryoNeFEN.

After the training, the heterogeneous density maps can be generated with commands in the file analysis_heter.ipynb.


Trained models and reconstructed maps for EMPIAR-10005, EMPIAR-10049, EMPIAR-10076, EMPIAR-10492 are deposited here.


Huang, Y., Zhu, C., Yang, X. et al. High-resolution real-space reconstruction of cryo-EM structures using a neural field network. Nat Mach Intell (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42256-024-00870-2