
npw 031 course project

Primary LanguagePython

Pollinator monitoring in flower-enriched maize using an iterative AI-assisted annotation pipeline and visual surveys

This is the official code repo for our paper entitled "Pollinator monitoring in flower-enriched maize using an iterative AI-assisted annotation pipeline and visual surveys" which is currently under review.

Reproducing Paper's Results


Download our validation data as a sample of our dataset. We also expose the test set images. If you need the annotations for the test set, extract them from the annotations from each iteration. We will make our full dataset public upon the paper's acceptance. Till then, email me (Linn) for early access to our data. If you are from IPB, the data is on our dataserver @ bee_detection_chong_bauer.

For reproducibility, we also provide the annotations from each iteration. These are needed to reproduce Table 7, Fig. 5 and 6 (Number of annotated individuals on given days and treatments in 2022).

For the Table 9 (Total number of annotated individuals for the dataset from each iteration and manual quality control baseline), you will also need the manual quality control annotations.


To fully reproduce the results of YOLOv5 used in our iterative computer vision pipeline, you will also need to download the model weights to reproduce Table 7, 8, and 11 (YOLOv5 performance). Test using script from yolov5 repo (see below how to run evaluation script).



Our code was tested on a Linux machine, with Python 3.7.13.

Environment setup

Use pip to setup your favourite virtual environment (venv/conda/etc)

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/yuelinn/bee_detection.git
cd bee_detection
pip install -r requirements.txt

You may need to install PyTorch separately if you have specific version requirements.


Training YOLOv5 for AI-assisted labelling

  1. Download the images
  2. Download the annotations for training and also the annotations around which to be patched (these are the uncorrected predictions from iteration x.5)
  3. Generate the patches
python3 crop_BBs.py \
--images_dir <path to image dir> \
--labels_dir <path to labels> \                                  
--patching_labels_dir <path to annotations for location of patches (iteration x.5)> \       
--output_dir <path to output dir> \                        
--num_repeats 1 \
--patch_size 1024
  1. You may want to visualise the patches as a sanity check (see how to section on visualise)
  2. split patches into train-val set. We do not need a test set because we will predict on the full images for AI-assisted annotation and are not interested in the YOLOv5 test performance at this stage. python scripts/split_dataset.py <path to parent dir of patches> --test_split 0.0 --val_split 0.15
  3. create a config file pointing to the patches dataset. See yolov5/data/roundx.yaml for an example
  4. Train using the patches
python -m torch.distributed.run --nproc_per_node <number of gpus> --master_port <pick an unused port> train.py --data <config yaml of dataset> --cfg yolov5m.yaml --batch-size 6 --workers 6 --epochs 600 --img 1024 --name <whatever name you would like to use to call this experiment> --project <path to output training logs> --save-period 20 --weights <pretrained weights pt> --cache ram --hyp data/hyps/hyp.scratch-high.yaml;

Evaluating YOLOv5

python val.py --data <config for test dataset yaml> --weights <weights to evaluate> --batch-size 8 --task "test" --workers 8 --name <experiment name> --img 5120 --project <path to output logs>;

Generating labels for manual annotation from prediction

cd scripts;
python merge_yolo_hiwi.py \
--hiwi_labels_dir <dir of labels from previous iteration> \
--round_labels_dir <dir of predictions from current round> \
--out_dir <path to output dir> \
--imgs_dir <path to img dir> 

Generating plots from the annotations

Generate graphs and table with the python script cd scripts; python plot_graphs.py --parent_dir <path to where you unziped the labels>


You can visualise the bounding boxes from the annotations or the predictions using my repo yolo-labels-python-visualiser.

cd yolo-labels-python-visualiser


If you use this code for academic purposes, cite the paper: TBD

Prior work

For our previous work for the module NPW301, please refer to the branch npw301.