
GraphQL walkthrough in Go, examples use progressive disclosure

Primary LanguageGo

GraphQL Walkthrough

I recently learned GraphQL and was blown away at its power and simplicity. As a Gopher, I experimented with several packages before landing on graph-gophers/graphql-go implementation.

This is a series of tutorials designed to teach you (and me!) graph-gophers/graphlq-go from basic to increasingly complex examples.

The first tutorial just confirms whether or not we imported graph-gophers/graphql-go correctly and that it compiles. In the second to last tutorial, we prepare a basic Postgres database with mock data, and interact with it in Go using a GraphQL-powered backend. And last tutorial demonstrates how to query a GraphQL service (e.g. a client) and how to respond to queries over HTTP (e.g. a server).

This tutorial series is designed for anyone interested in graph-gophers/graphql-go and assumes familiarity with Go and GraphQL; no advanced expertise in either are needed. If you have questions or comments, please feel free to interact with me via Twitter @username_ZAYDEK or Gophers Slack, @zaydek or in the #graphql channel.
