
RestSharp with Polly

Primary LanguageC#


RestSharp with Polly Wrapping the RestClient with Polly framework. Usage:

 var client = RestClientFactory<IRestResponse>.Create(TimeoutAndRetryPolicy.Build(3, 10, 60));
            client.BaseUrl = new Uri("");
            var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
            var response = client.Execute(request);

The class RestClientFactory is generic.

RestClientFactory<TResult> Create(ISyncPolicy<TResult> syncPolicy)


Import RestSharpPolly into an existing project

Go to the project folder of the application and install the Nuget package reference

$ dotnet add package RestSharpPolly

ID your project using the RestSharp v107, to checkout the branch V107

in the v107 case,

            var client1 = new RestClientFactory<RestResponse>().Create(asyncPolicy2);
            var request1 = new RestRequest();
            client1.RestClientOptions.BaseUrl = new Uri("https://httpstat.us/500");
            var host = client1.Build(client1.RestClientOptions);
            var response5 = await host.ExecuteAsync(request1);

About v107 branch

NOT fully tested, Not recommended for production use unless you know what you're doing. :) btw official RestSharp 107.3.0 is not compatible with .net45 /.net46 /.net47, so RestSharpPolly does not support for the frameworks.


Simply git pull or git rebase the latest changes