
A full-stack web application modeling Amazon system. Frontend is developed with Django and backend is developed in Java.

Primary LanguageHTML

mini amazon

A full-stack web application modeling Amazon system paired with warehouse and delivery system. It simulated the whole process from buying products to getting the package delivered. Frontend is developed with Django and backend is developed in Java. Google Protocol Buffer is used to communicate with world-simulator and mini UPS system partner.

author: Kewei Xia, Yue Yang

Feature checklist(requirement)

  • Buy products(communicate with both the world and UPS).
  • Different catalog of products.
  • Check the status of an order.
  • Specify the deliver address(i.e. (x,y)).
  • Specify a UPS account name to associate the order with.
  • Provide the tracking number for the shipment.

Extra features we have

  • A full-featured shopping cart(implemented by jQuery + Ajax).
    • check(& uncheck) any orders you want
    • change the item count of each order dynamically
    • delete any order you don't need anymore
    • the price will change according to your action(e.g. delete order, change count)
    • sort the orders via different constraints
  • A full-featured product management system + seller.
    • any authenticated user can register as a seller(or unregister)
    • seller will has his/her own selling page, displaying all products they are selling
    • sellers will have a product management system which he/she can - publish new products - edit their selling products(e.g. name, price, category) - delete(or on sell) their selling products
  • Search bar in home page.
    • search products from all categories
    • search products in one specific category
    • search products for one specific seller
  • A full-featured order page.
    • search bar --- locate any order by item name
    • delete any history orders
    • view detail of any orders
  • Build-in data
    • use signals to make sure we have some build-in data(e.g. initial items, defualt user), easy to deploy
  • Warehouse dynamic alloccation.
    • we have 10 build-in warehouses(as part of the initial data)
    • we will allocate the nearest warehouse to each package(to facilate the delivery process)
  • Email notification.
    • we will send a confirmation email to user once purchase successful
  • Product category.
    • several category of products, can switch between them in the home page
  • Edit user profile
    • a separate page to allow user edit his/her personal infromation(e.g. name, email, password)
  • Associate your amazon account with your UPS account.
    • automatically associate each order with your UPS account
  • Address book.
    • store your frequently use address, fill out the address autimatically when checkout next time
  • User-friendly UI and interaction.
    • all edit info page will have some error handling, will show the error message if failed
    • use jQuery + aJax to make interaction more smooth(e.g. use partial refresh in shopping cart)