
This project build a serverless architecture from scratch with AWS Lambda.

Primary LanguagePython


This project build a serverless architecture with AWS lambda.
It reads company data from DynamoDB table every minute, generates wikipedia snippts for each company, detects sentiment, key phrases and entities on the wikipedia snippts, and writes result to S3.
The first lambda function reads from DynamoDB table, and puts messages into SQS. The second lambda function reads from SQS queue, generates wikipedia snippts, performs analysis using AWS comprehend and writes result to S3.
The workflow is as below.


The generated result is as below.



Source code: github.com/noahgift/awslambda

How to build from scratch

To build this sesrverless architecture on AWS from scratch, you can follow these steps:

Create DynamoDB table, SQS queue, S3 bucket & working environment

Open AWS DynamoDB console, create a table called "ffang"(or whatever you want). For the primary key, use "name" with type "string".
Click on the newly created table, add items with name like "Apple", "Google" and etc.
Open AWS SQS console, create a standard queue called "checkDB"(or whatever your want).
Open AWS S3 console, create a bucket called "faangsentiment"(or whatever you want).
Open AWS Cloud9 console, open the IDE of your working environment, create a new directory for this project and cd into it.

Create producer-side lambda function

The first lambda function reads data from DynamoDB table, and puts messages into SQS. It is triggered by a cloudwatch timer.

Create SAM application

create lambda

In Cloud9 IDE, click on "AWS", then right click on "Lambda", and choose to "Create Lambda SAM Application".
For settings of the SAM app, select python 3.7/3.8 as the run time, select "AWS SAM Hello World" as the SAM application template, select the directory you want to store the files, and name your app "checkDB"(or whatever your want).
In Cloud9 IDE, click on "Environment" and check the file hierarchy. Find your lambda function's folder and open the sub-folder "hello-world".
Replace "app.py" with the file checkDB/hello_world/app.py from this repo.
Modify app.py, change the name of DynamoDB table and the name of SQS queue.
Replace "requirements.txt" with the file checkDB/hello_world/requirements.txt from this repo.

Build and deploy

Then you can build and deploy this application. More details can be found in the README file in this lambda fuction's folder.

sam build --use-container
sam deploy --guided

Add permission & trigger

Open AWS Lambda console, there'll be a new app "checkDB" and a new lambda function "checkDB-HelloWorldFunction-xxxx".
Click on the function, then click on "Configuration", then click on "permission", and click on the existing role. You will be lead to the IAM console.
On the new page, click on "Attach Policies". On the next page, find "AdministratorAccess" policy and attach it.
Go back to previous function page in AWS lambda console, click on "Triggers". Delete the "API Gateway" trigger.
Add a new EventBridge(CloudWatch Events) trigger. For the settings, create a new rule, and name it "OneMinuteTimer"(or whatever). For "schedule expression", type "rate(1 minute)".


Now you can enable the trigger and see the messages in SQS queue.
In AWS SQS console, click on the "checkDB" queue, then click on "Send and receive messages" and then "poll for messages".
In AWS Lambda console, on the specific function page, you can click on the monitor and find more details about the activity. You can also "View Logs in CloudWatch".
You can disable the trigger and purge the SQS queue anytime you want.

Create consumer-side lambda function

The second lambda function reads messages from SQS queue and grabs company name from them. Then it makes wikipedia snippts of the name. Then it performs sentiment detction, key_phrases detection and entities detection on the wikipedia snippts using AWS comprehend API. Finally, it writes the analysis result to S3. This function is triggered by SQS.

Create SAM application

Create second SAM application named "checkSQS" like the previous one.
Replace "app.py" with the file checkSQS/hello_world/app.py from this repo.
Modify app.py, change REGION and bucket name.
Replace "requirements.txt" with the file checkSQS/hello_world/requirements.txt from this repo.

Build and deploy

sam build --use-container
sam deploy --guided

Add permission & trigger

Add permission and delete the "API Gateway" trigger like before.
Add a new SQS trigger. For the settings, select your queue, and set batch_size as 1.

Modify Timeout of Lambda function

To succsssfully write result to S3, you should change the timeout of the second lambda function.
Open the second lambda function's page, click on "Configuration", then click on "General configuration". Set the timeout to 1 minute.


Now you can enable both triggers of the two functions and check the results in S3 bucket. You sould find some csv files.
You can also monitor the two lambda functions like before.
If you want to clear the activity, you can disable the triggers and purge the SQS queue.