
Generate MOBI files for Kindle from your news feeds.

Primary LanguagePython


DailyKindle is a Python scripts which, given a set of RSS/Atom feeds URLs, creates a MOBI file that you can directly use on you Amazon Kindle (or any other device that supports MOBI documents).

Want to see what it looks like? Take a look at examples/mobi_doc/!


  • A working Python 3 environment (tested on OS X + Python 3.2 + Virtualenv).
  • Amazon's KindleGen binary.


  1. Grab the script code. Choose one of the following:
  2. (optional) Source your virtualenv.
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt


DailyKindle usage:
python dailykindle.py <output dir> <day|week> <kindle_gen> <feed_url_1>
[<feed_url_2> ...]

Passing day will only keep posts younger than one day; week for one week.

This will create a daily.mobi in <output dir>. You can now transfer this file to your device.


python dailykindle.py ~/Desktop/temp/ day \
"~/Downloads/KindleGen_Mac_i386_v1.2/kindleGen" \
"http://feeds.feedburner.com/b-list-entries" \

Want more?

Run the script as a cron job: see /examples/cronjob/.


Have fun.