
A video display Platform. Exclude presentation materials since it is tooooooo large.

Primary LanguageJava


Project description

The purpose of this project is to provide a comprehensive educational platform for teenagers, providing multiple interesting educational services for young people to enjoy their spare time.
This application will solve the social responsibility concerning teenager education by providing various materials and foster a love of learning among communities which without access to instructional resources before. In addition, providing an optimized manage system could further improve the efficiency of the platform.

Hierarchical Object Model

Naming Convention

Package and Class

To avoid naming conflicts between package and class, use lower camel case or lower case abbreviation for any packages and upper camel case for classes.


  • package
    • biz
    • ui
    • topBar
  • class
    • Business
    • AdDepartment

UI Elements

Elements that might be accessed manually in .java should have a abbreviation prefix.


class prefix example
JLabel lbl lblTitle
JButton btn btnAdd
JTable tbl tblOrder
JTextField txt txtUsername
JPassword txt txtPassword
JComboBox cb cbState
JCheckBox ck ckEnabled
JRadioButton rb rbMale