
Mining Stackoverflow & Use NLP technologies to find something interesting

Primary LanguagePython



  • Mining Stackoverflow & Use NLP technologies to find something interesting.


  • You can input some terms and we will fetch all related questions&answers in SO.(Support tag search currently)
  • Analysis questions contents & Generate a Topic Model(lda/lsi)
  • Use the model, you can find similar questions. (not too precise, improve in the future)
  • Analysis the words & tags in questions
  • Extract answers' summary to help developers find what they want. (Support 6 summary algorithms)
  • Extract Java codes snippets in Questions & Answers, find apis that developers care most or often have problems with. (The codes can also be leveraged in many fields, such as generate a summary for a code snippet, and we are exploring it.)


  • Prerequisites

    • python >= 2.7
    • Java >= 1.8
  • Installation

    • python packages:

      numpy; matplotlib; nltk; gensim; wordcloud; sumy; argparse
    • Java maven dependencies:

      jdt.core; guava; xchart; junit


  • First cd Py-StackExchange, download the Q&A information. It is implemented based on the project py-stackexchange. The infomation will save in files, the files' path can be set in common.py, Then run python download.py

    $ python download.py -h
    usage: download.py [-h] [--type TYPE] term
    positional arguments:
      term         your search tag
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help   show this help message and exit
      --type TYPE  choose download type: 1 - only questions; 2 - questions &
  • After get the data, you can start analysis, run python analysis.py

    $ python analysis.py -h
    usage: analysis.py [-h] [--topic TOPIC] [--tfidf TFIDF] [--word WORD]
                       [--tag TAG] [--summary SUMMARY]
    positional arguments:
      term               your search tag
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help         show this help message and exit
      --topic TOPIC      choose topic model: 0 - no; 1 - lsa; 2 - lda
      --tfidf TFIDF      use tfidf vertor: 0 - no;1 - yes
      --word WORD        choose word count: 1 - wordcount&cloud;
      --tag TAG          choose tag count: 1 - tagcount;
      --summary SUMMARY  choose summary algorithm: 0 - LSA; 1 - LEX_RANK; 2 -
                         TEXT_RANK; 3 - SUM_BASIC; 4 - Submodular1; 5 -
                         Submodular2; 6 - TextTeaser; 7 - MMR
  • If you choose download type '2', we will save the Java code snippets in Q&As. Then, we can analysis the code data by JavaCodeParser

    • Import the project JavaCodeParser into IDE (e.g. Idea, etc)
    • Run Main.java

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