
Book of Cities

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Create GIS visualizations for selected cities


For a given city, perform the following steps:

1. Get boundaries

  • If the city is in the US, use the census tracts. Open QGIS and load census tracts of state from data/0_boundaries/0_Census. Select and save polygons for the city into a geopackage in data/0_boundaries/[city]/[city].gpkg.
  • If the city is not in the US, get the boundaries from OSM. Add a list of cities into a text file and include the filepath in config.py. Then run python run.py boundaries. If the script fails to retrieve boundaries, download them directly from Overpass Turbo and save them into data/0_boundaries/[city]/[city].gpkg.

If you use QGIS to edit the boundaries save the QGIS file into data/3_QGIS/[city].qgz for step 3.

2. Get buildings, streets and morphometrics

  • Edit config.py and run the script with python run.py or any option described in the section Docker below. The output will be stored in data/1_buildings_streets and data/2_morphometrics.

3. Visualize in QGIS

  • Load the boundaries in data/0_boundaries/[city]/[city].gpkg into QGIS and add a Dark Matter (retina) layer. Save the file into data/3_QGIS/[city].qgz if it does not exist.
  • In the QGIS Python Editor, run 0_load_layers.py.
  • Reclassify all layers: for each morphometrics layer, go to Properties>Symbology and click Delete All, then Classify.
  • Open map layout and check it looks good, set scale to round numbers.
  • In the QGIS Python Editor, run 1_export_images.py.

All images are exported into figs/[city]/[city].jpg.


Run the container

To use a docker image with all required packages:

make docker

Run inside the container

To open a shell inside the container:

make shell

To run, edit config.py and run python run.py or add command line arguments.

Run outside the container

Outside the container, edit config.py and run:

make run
make run cmd="'Buenos Aires'"
make run cmd="data/cities_us.txt start 'New York'"

Command line arguments

You can use command line arguments directly to run a list of cities:

python run.py "New York" "Los Angeles"

You can also provide a text file and a starting point:

python run.py data/cities_us.txt start "New York"




New York City Boroughs: NYC Open Data Portal