
view all DAG nodes in the .git/objects folder

Primary LanguageTypeScript


view all DAG nodes in the .git/objects folder


When we run git log ... we only see the commits. But if we open the .git folder and cruise through the objects folder, we see much more content in there. This tool allows you to view all the DAG nodes and visualize their relationships and content.

How to Use

  1. Specify the git repo to examine: Inside the src folder, create an env.json file that looks like this:

      "gitRepo": "/path/to/your/repo"

    Note that this is to the root repo folder, the one with the .git folder inside it, not the .git folder itself.

  2. npm install or yarn install

  3. npm start

  4. Browse to http://localhost:3000/

    By default, it shows all the commits in a big blob. Click on the buttons above to arrange the nodes or show more features.

    Click on a dot on the left to show the content of that DAG node on the right.


License: MIT, Copyright Richardson & Sons, LLC