
pyspark, sparkML, sparkSQL

Primary LanguagePython

Spark Examples

This repo make use of Spark MLlib and ML library for classification tasks. Algorithms includes:

  • Kmeans
  • Logistic Regression
  • Decision Tree
  • Random Forest

I. KMeans with MLlib and RDD

In part I, the players are classified with the MLlib library and Spark RDD.


Firstly, a spark session was initiated with an app name.

# set up the session 
spark = SparkSession\

Next, the csv file was loaded into the spark context as RDD, parsed, cleaned, and filtered into the datapoints. After the preprocessing, the RDD are mapped into a list of arrays with 3 elements that corresponds to [SHOT_CLOCK, SHOT_DIST, CLOSE_DEF_DIST] for each player.


Then, the cleaned RDD array list are fed into MLlib's KMean function, with the parameters of the number of clusters = 4, and the maximum number of iterations as 10. After training, the cluster centers are extrated and printed out.

model = KMeans.train(player_rdd, 4, maxIterations=10)
cluster_centers = model.clusterCenters

II: KMeans with ML and DataFrame

In part II, the players are classified with the ML library and Spark Dataframe.


Firstly, a spark session was initiated and the csv file was loaded into the spark context as dataframe with:

df = spark.read.format("csv").load(sys.argv[1], header="true", inferSchema="true")

Then, the dataframe is cleaned and filtered into a 3-d dataframe with floating point values in each feature, for each player.

dataPts = df.filter(df.player_name == player).select('SHOT_DIST','CLOSE_DEF_DIST', 'SHOT_CLOCK').na.drop()


Next, given the ML package only takes in feature in the form of a array vector, the features are extratced and transformed by VectorAssembler:

assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=["SHOT_CLOCK", "SHOT_DIST", "CLOSE_DEF_DIST"], outputCol = "features")
vector = assembler.transform(dataPts).select("features")

Finally, the transformed feature vector was fed into the ML KMean algorithm, with the parameters of the number of clusters = 4. After training, the cluster centers are extrated and printed out.

kmeans = KMeans().setK(4).setSeed(1)
model = kmeans.fit(features)
cluster_centers = model.clusterCenters()

III: Toxic Comment Classification


convert the column commen_text into a column of sparse vectors for use in a classification algorithm in the spark ml library


  1. copy file from local to GCP
scp -i ~/.ssh/my-ssh-key [LOCAL_FILE_PATH] [USERNAME]@[IP_ADDRESS]:~
  1. Store the data in HDFS
  2. Use DataFrame to prepare the data for Logistic Regression APIs.