
Yugabyte K8s Operator

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YugabyteDB Kubernetes Operator


The YugabyteDB Kubernetes Operator automates the deployment and management of YugabyteDB clusters on Kubernetes. It goes beyond yugabyteDB current management automation (which relies on REST APIs and GUIs and helm charts).

The operator establishes ybuniverse as a custom resource in kuberntes and enables declarative management of yugabytedb universe by updating the CRs We support deploying and customizing the ybuniverse resources such as CPU, memomry, disks. Allow the deployment of a multi-AZ balanced yugabytedb universe on the underlying cluster. The CR supports seamless no downtime upgrades of the yugabytedb universe. The operator also supports transparent scale up/scale down/scale out and scale in operations

As part of this first release, we also relase some additonal CRDs to manage the day2 operations of the yugabytedb universe. These include:

  • Release CRD - To run multiple releases of yugabytedb and upgrade the software in a universe.
  • Support Bundle CRD - To collect logs when universe fails.
  • Backup and Restore CRDs - To take full backup of universe and restore.
  • Storage Config CRD - To configure backup destinations.

This documentation is intended for Kubernetes clusters version 1.27 and above and includes details on setting up necessary roles and permissions for the service account.


  • Kubernetes Cluster: Version 1.27 or later.
  • Helm: Version 3.11 or later.
  • Administrative Access: Required for the Kubernetes cluster, abilty to create cluster roles, roles, namespaces


Adding the Helm Chart Repository

To add the Yugabyte Helm chart repository:

helm repo add yugabyte https://charts.yugabyte.com
helm repo update

Installing the Operator with RBAC Permissions

To install the Yugabyte Operator with necessary RBAC permissions:

clone this repo.
git clone
kubectl create ns operator-test
kubectl apply -f ./crd/concatinated_crd.yaml
cd ./chart
helm install . -n operator-test --debug --timeout 3600s --set rbac.create=true --set kubernetesOperatorNamespace=operator-test --generate-name 

This command sets up the necessary Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) permissions, including the creation of cluster roles and roles within the service account.

This file describes the list of rbac roles that are required for the operator to create and manage yugabytedb universes.

Verifying the Installation

To verify the installation of the operator:

kubectl get pods -n <operator_namespace>
[centos@dev-server-anijhawan-4 yugabyte_k8s_operator_chart]$ kubectl get pods -n <operator_namespace> 
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
chart-1706728534-yugabyte-k8s-operator-0   3/3     Running   0          26h

Check for available releases for yugabyte operator to use.

[centos@dev-server-anijhawan-4 yugabyte-k8s-operator]$ kubectl get releases -n testoperator
NAME                VERSION         STATUS      DOWNLOADED    Available   true   Available   true     Available   true

Service Account

The Yugabyte Operator requires a service account with sufficient permissions to manage resources within the Kubernetes cluster. When installing the operator, ensure that the service account has the necessary roles and cluster roles bound to it.

Cluster Roles and Roles

  • ClusterRole: Grants permissions at the cluster-level, necessary for operations that span multiple namespaces or have cluster-wide implications.
  • Role: Grants permissions within a specific namespace, used for namespace-specific operations.

The operator chart, when installed with rbac.create=true, will automatically create appropriate ClusterRoles and Roles.

Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)

The operator supports various CRDs for managing YugabyteDB clusters, software releases, backups, and restores. Detailed configurations for each CRD are available in the operator's schema, these can be viewed using kubectl explain or a tool like kubectl explore.


[centos@dev-server-anijhawan-4 resources]$ kubectl explain ybuniverse.spec
GROUP:   operator.yugabyte.io
KIND:    YBUniverse
VERSION:  v1alpha1

FIELD: spec <Object>

  Schema spec for a yugabytedb universe.

 deviceInfo  <Object>
  Device information for the universe to refer to storage information for
  volume, storage classes etc.

 enableClientToNodeEncrypt   <boolean>
  Enable client to node encryption in the universe. Enable this to use tls
  enabled connnection between client and database.

 enableIPV6  <boolean>
  Enable IPV6 in the universe.

 enableLoadBalancer  <boolean>
  Enable LoadBalancer access to the universe. Creates a service with
  Type:LoadBalancer in the universe for tserver and masters.

 enableNodeToNodeEncrypt    <boolean>
  Enable node to node encryption in the universe. This encrypts the data in
  transit between nodes.

 enableYCQL  <boolean>
  Enable YCQL interface in the universe.

 enableYCQLAuth    <boolean>
  enableYCQLAuth enables authentication for YCQL inteface.

 enableYSQL  <boolean>
  Enable YSQL interface in the universe.

 enableYSQLAuth    <boolean>
  enableYSQLAuth enables authentication for YSQL inteface.

 gFlags    <Object>
  Configuration flags for the universe. These can be set on masters or

 kubernetesOverrides  <Object>
  Kubernetes overrides for the universe. Please refer to yugabyteDB
  documentation for more details.

 numNodes   <integer>
  Number of tservers in the universe to create.

 providerName <string>
  Preexisting Provider name to use in the universe.

 replicationFactor   <integer>
  Number of times to replicate data in a universe.

 universeName <string>
  Name of the universe object to create

 ybSoftwareVersion   <string>
  Version of DB software to use in the universe.

 ycqlPassword <Object>
  Used to refer to secrets if enableYCQLAuth is set.

 ysqlPassword <Object>
  Used to refer to secrets if enableYSQLAuth is set.

 zoneFilter  <[]string>
  Only deploy yugabytedb nodes in these zones mentioned in the list. Defaults
  to all zones if unspecified.

[centos@dev-server-anijhawan-4 resources]$ kubectl explain ybuniverse.spec.gFlags
GROUP:   operator.yugabyte.io
KIND:    YBUniverse
VERSION:  v1alpha1

FIELD: gFlags <Object>

  Configuration flags for the universe. These can be set on masters or

 masterGFlags <map[string]string>
  Configuration flags for the master process in the universe.

 perAZ <map[string]Object>
  Configuration flags per AZ per process in the universe.

 tserverGFlags <map[string]string>
  Configuration flags for the tserver process in the universe.

Getting Started

Example CRs

To create a universe:

apiVersion: operator.yugabyte.io/v1alpha1                                                               
kind: YBUniverse                                                                                        
  name: operator-universe-demo                                                                         
  numNodes:    3                                                                                        
  replicationFactor:  1                                                                                 
  enableYSQL: true                                                                                      
  enableNodeToNodeEncrypt: true                                                                         
  enableClientToNodeEncrypt: true                                                                       
  enableLoadBalancer: false 
  ybSoftwareVersion: "" 
  enableYSQLAuth: false                                                                                 
  enableYCQL: true                                                                                      
  enableYCQLAuth: false                                                                                 
    tserverGFlags: {}                                                                                   
    masterGFlags: {}                                                                                    
    volumeSize: 400                                                                                     
    numVolumes: 1                                                                                       
    storageClass: "yb-standard"                                                                         
          cpu: 2                                                                                        
          memory: 8Gi                                                                                   
          cpu: 3                                                                                        
          memory: 8Gi 

To add a new software release to use of yugabyteDB

apiVersion: operator.yugabyte.io/v1alpha1
kind: Release
  name: example-release7
    version: ""
          helmChart: "https://charts.yugabyte.com/yugabyte-2.19.3.tgz" 

To create a backup

We first need to create a storage config that describes where the backup will be stored.

apiVersion: operator.yugabyte.io/v1alpha1
kind: StorageConfig
  name: sco
  config_type: STORAGE_S3
    BACKUP_LOCATION:  s3://example-backup-location

To create a backup that refers to the above storage config we use the backup CR

apiVersion: operator.yugabyte.io/v1alpha1
kind: Backup
  name: my-backup
  backupType: PGSQL_TABLE_TYPE 
  sse: true
  storageConfig: "sco"
  universe: "operator-universe919"
  tableByTableBackup: false
  keyspaceTableList: []
  timeBeforeDelete: 0

To Restore the backup from the above backup to an existing universe we use

apiVersion: operator.yugabyte.io/v1alpha1
kind: RestoreJob
  name: example-restore-job
  actionType: RESTORE
  universe: example-universe
  storageConfig: example-storage-config
  backupType: YQL_TABLE_TYPE
    - keyspace1.table1
    - keyspace2.table2
  backupStorageLocation: example-backup-location


We have tested this operator on GKE, EKS, AKS, it needs the following labels defined on the nodes to work correctly. failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/region: us-west1 failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone: us-west1-b


We know testing an operator can be cumbersome due to resources needed and elvated permissions required. To get around the resource issue, we verified that the operator and crds work with a minikube cluster.

We tested the following workflow.

minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8192
kubectl edit nodes

# Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
# and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be
# reopened with the relevant failures.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Node
    kubeadm.alpha.kubernetes.io/cri-socket: unix:///var/run/cri-dockerd.sock
    node.alpha.kubernetes.io/ttl: "0"
    volumes.kubernetes.io/controller-managed-attach-detach: "true"
  creationTimestamp: "2024-02-20T20:15:38Z"
    beta.kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
    beta.kubernetes.io/os: linux
    failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/region: region-1 <-- Added these labels
    failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone: region-1-zone-1 <-- Added these lables
    kubernetes.io/arch: amd64

Created a universe with minimal memory and cpu usage using k8soverrides.

          cpu: 1 
          memory: 1Gi 
          cpu: 3
          memory: 8Gi
          cpu: 1 
          memory: 1Gi 
          cpu: 3
          memory: 8Gi

full spec present in sample cr for minikube file

Additional Information

  • Ensure Kubernetes cluster version is 1.27 or higher.
  • CRDs are located in a concatenated crd spec file
  • The operator is provided as a Helm chart.

CRD Documentation

The CRDs associated with the operator are self documenting and we usekubectl explain to document these.

Here is an example

[centos@dev-server-anijhawan-4 yugabyte-k8s-operator]$  kubectl explain ybuniverse.spec.kubernetesOverrides
GROUP:      operator.yugabyte.io
KIND:       YBUniverse
VERSION:    v1alpha1

FIELD: kubernetesOverrides <Object>

    Kubernetes overrides for the universe. Please refer to yugabyteDB
    documentation for more details.

  master	<Object>
    Set overrides for master values.yaml such as affinity, labels, service
    account.  details on what can be overriden are provided at

  nodeSelector	<map[string]string>
    Specify nodeSelector labels, these will be used to deploy pods to specific
    nodes. For Example -
       we can add a nodeSelector to only deploy to ssd labels.
       by adding
         disktype: ssd.
         This will deploy yugabytedb pods only on nodes that have the label of

  resource	<Object>
    Set memory and cpu resource settings for master and tserver pods in the
    statefulset, these follow regular k8s resource quanity descriptions. memory
    needs to be set in whole number Gib, cpu can be fractional.

  serviceEndpoints	<[]Object>
    Override default service endpoints created for the univerese.  As a default
    we support yb-master-ui, yb-masters, yb-tservers of  type LoadBalancer.

  tserver	<Object>
    Set overrides for tserver such as affinity, labels, service account.
    Details on what can be overriden are provided at

[centos@dev-server-anijhawan-4 yugabyte-k8s-operator]$  kubectl explain ybuniverse.spec.kubernetesOverrides.resource.master
GROUP:      operator.yugabyte.io
KIND:       YBUniverse
VERSION:    v1alpha1

FIELD: master <Object>

    Set memory and cpu resource settings for master pods.  These follow regular
    k8s resource quanity descriptions. memory needs to be set in whole number
    Gib, cpu can be fractional.

  limits	<Object>
    <no description>

  requests	<Object>
    <no description>

[centos@dev-server-anijhawan-4 yugabyte-k8s-operator]$ kubectl explain backup.spec
GROUP:      operator.yugabyte.io
KIND:       Backup
VERSION:    v1alpha1

FIELD: spec <Object>

  backupType	<string>
    Type of backup to be taken. Allowed values are - YQL_TABLE_TYPE

  keyspaceTableList	<[]string>
    List of Keyspaces to be backed up.

  sse	<boolean>
    Server side encryption for the backup.

  storageConfig	<string>
    Storage configuration for the backup, should contain name of storage config

  tableByTableBackup	<boolean>
    Boolean indicating if backup is to be taken table by table.

  timeBeforeDelete	<integer>
    Time before backup is deleted from storage in milliseconds.

  universe	<string>
    Name of the universe for which backup is to be taken, refers to a ybuniverse
    CR name.


yugabyte-k8s-operator is early alpha version, we recommend using the yugabytedb helm charts for deploying production usecases on kubernetes.

yugabyte-k8s-operator can only be used to deploy universes on the same kubernetes cluster as it is deployed on.

xCluster cannot be configured via the K8s operator. (Note: it can still be used, but not explicitly configured via the K8s operator. See xCluster docs)

yugabyte-k8s-operator is single cluster only, does not support multicluster universes.

yugabyte-k8s-operator does not support software upgrade rollback currently.

Only above listed operations can be performed on the universes via the yugabyte-k8s-operator, for any operations not listed above consult official yugabtyedb documents


For assistance or issues related to the Yugabyte Kubernetes Operator, please reach out to us on slack https://communityinviter.com/apps/yugabyte-db/register