
improved PAWN doc style + adds an index table with all members

Primary LanguageXSLT

improved is subjective


base xsl taken from the PAWN repo

Changes (doesn't include all; see commits for everything):

  • more uniform style
  • member types each have a different color
  • fixed showing empty properties in firefox and chromium
  • generated index table
  • larger fontsize
  • auto link to sa-mp wiki for every member
  • support for <b> <strong> <a> tags
  • ignore __file __date __time members
  • added table of keys appendix for SA-MP's key definitions



See the PAWN language guide page 52: A tutorial introduction - Documentation comments for the PAWN documentation syntax.

Use the -rfilename PAWN compiler option to generate a report of your code in XML format.

After the report was generated, change the xml-stylesheet href to pawndoc.xsl and put this xsl in the same folder. You could also just use https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yugecin/pawndocimproved/master/pawndoc.xsl, but this only works in IE and Firefox, chromium does not allow cross domain resources.

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