
Code is on master branch

DB used:h2 in memory database you can check the DB : 'http://localhost:8080/h2-console' jdbc url:you can find it in startup logs when you run the project username:sa pass: (blank)

you can post the loan using : http://localhost:8080/loan json body required (just an example):{ "loanId":"L2", "customerId":"C1", "lenderId":"LEN2", "amount":"30000", "remainingAmount":"20000", "paymentDate":"05-06-2023", "interestPerDay":"1", "dueDate":"08-06-2023", "penaltyPerDay":"0.01" }

group by lenderid(GET request):http://localhost:8080/loan/lenderid

group by customerid(GET request):http://localhost:8080/loan/customerid

group by interest(GET request):http://localhost:8080/loan/interest

You can check my junit files in src/test