
More than a bunch of LeetCode problem solutions, the cookbook focus on the strategies for spending your time wisely to improve your ability.

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Although the Notebook contains a bunch of problem solutions, we demand more. The notebook aims at helping us become skilled at solving problems using Data structures, Algorithms and tricks properly. Most problems will be hard with hands dirty if one uses "Brute Force", but if we work on them with proper Data structures, Algorithms and tricks, the life will become quite easy as well as with a high quality yield. Instead of through hard working on problems again and again, our motivation is to develop problem-solving skills wisely by applying and deveoping meta-skills such as abstracting, grouping, finding properties, connecting, comparing, evaluating, etc.. (Sounds like working with Category Theory, doesn't it?) Parallelly, there will be a collection of common procedures and steps, guidelines and tips available.

Furthermore, through this project, we hope to collect and develop (usually by abstracting) strategy for developing meta-skills useful in developing problem-solving skills. They can be viewed layer by layer vertically. And horizontally, we need to supply common procedures and steps, guidelines and tips by abstracting. These abilities and the strategy are common in other domains of materials. The higher demand will motivate us through the journey.

How to use LeetCode

Therefore, LeetCode problems are no more isolated individual problems, but a repository of problems with hidden connections of similarity and variance. We need to manage time wisely instead of hacking on everyone starting from problem #1 which is frustrating. Note LeetCode is NOT the place for learning fundamental concepts, we should do that before starting LeetCode. The repository are trainings for developing individual skills and also for applying them flexibly and logically. Moreover, the problems are putting together for abstracting the common procedures and steps for solving problems.

Although it will be slower at the beginning, but it will become much faster at the end with additional gain of higher level abilities.


The knowledges are organized in groups of "Analysis-Solutions", "Algorithms" and "Data-structures". More than a structure, with time passing, we should have a virtual map in our brain for contents as nodes and connections as pathes. That is, LeetCode problems are no more in a linearly ordered sequence, but a graph of nodes and connections.


  • One month on "Easy" questions: They provide us the chance for understanding and getting familiar with concepts and properties. They are for developing individual basic skills and tricks for the future. They are the starting point of the journey for expanding our power. But we do not have to go through all of them, since many of them are not worth spending much efforts (See Tips). Therefore we start with questions for fundamental concepts and skills. And then make sure to cover all "Top 100 Liked Questions" and "Top 100 Interview Questions". At this time, we focus on implementation skills.

  • Then one "Medium-Hard" problem per day: They are essential problems closer to real daily problems. They are more complexed problems composed of lower level problems with new restrictions, which require us to play with a bunch of basic building blocks flexibly and logically. Make sure to cover all "Top 100 Liked Questions" and "Top 100 Interview Questions". At this time, we focus on solutions skills.

Time Management

Only spend less than 20-30 minutes for generating a solution without implementation. See "How to come up with own solutions".

On one hand, it trains us to get used to the real interview scene.

On the other hand, remember our goal is to get the problem-solving ability through the training. Our time is valuable, we have to spend our time wisely. We do not have to beat every question by our own during the training. No one knows everything when he is growing. The failure guides us to the next success by showing what knowledge do we need to make up, and what skills do we need to spend our time for. See "How to check with other solutions".

How to come up with own solutions

  • Grab a piece of white paper.
  • 90-10 stratege: 90% time for thinking, 10% time for coding.
  • Read the description carefully.
  • Find and write down input-output-functionality, know what is the data structure for input.
  • Find and write down restrictions.
  • Abstract tasks and information to higher level as a conceptuality.
  • Determine which group it belongs to.
  • Connect to Data Structures, Algorithms and tricks commonly used for the group and estimate if they help to make the tasks easier.
  • Manipulate this optional solution with a general example to make sure it works.
  • Find other solutions and repeat above steps, and then estimate their time / space complexity.
  • Pick one solution and decompose the tasks into sub-tasks according to your chosen tools and mark them down.
  • Move on to "How to implement your own solutions".

How to implement your own solutions

  • Never start before coming up with own solutions.
  • Open a notebook to write it down. It is where we make our hands dirty dealing with details.
  • Bottom-up refinement with an example.
  • Start with output or return, place them at different locations.
  • Around return output to add code blocks for it and comment briefly for how to come up with the return.
  • Structure the blocks by cases or loops and comment briefly for each one.
  • Add initializations.
  • Add guards.
  • Double check with the margin cases.
  • Verify by drawing test cases and manipulating them with our code. Modify the code to handle the error.
  • Use compiler knowledge on codes for possible optimization.
  • Optimize (make concise) our codes by combining redundant, but sometimes it reduces readibility.
  • Move on to "After implementation".

After implementation

  • Copy it to LeetCode and submit.

  • Record bugs you couldn't find and do reasoning.

  • Check with otherones answers for improvements.

  • Move on to "How to check with other solutions".

How to check with other solutions

  • Benefit to check with standard solutions and also those in "Discuss" (click "Most Votes" and only for <=2 pages).

  • Use "Debugger" to understand the solution step by step if necessary.

  • Abstract their tricks and find out how to come up with the tricks from the questions, then extend our tricks set for this topic.

  • Evaluate and compare time / space complexity of all solutions.

  • Mark the problem number down and review it in the near future.


  • Use filters. E.g., pick "Top 100 Liked Questions".
  • Do not work on the problems with 👎 >> 👍. It doesn't mean the problem is "bad", but it is too easy if you have worked out "T-I".
  • Only view discussion with 👍 >> 👎.
  • Do not connect the problem to a particular problem, but to a general category, because we have limited memory.
  • Optimization and conciseness are different.
  • Understand the relationship of Data Structures, i.e., Hash Table with don't care values, then use Set.
  • Keep in mind the operations can be arranged in different structures, by trade off between readibility and conciseness.
  • Conciseness might not always help optimization (which is by estimating complexity and mind-compiling), but reduce readability.
  • We will be skilled at conciseness automatically with the time going, but focus on correctness and time / space complexity.
  • Do not RUSH! The faster is the slower; The slower is the faster.
  • Instead of hacking on solving problems, it benefits from reviewing sloved problems as well as other people's solutions.

Content Table

Note we supply solutions as much as possible for inspiration, but please estimate if it satisfies the question restrictions.


  • "I" stands for Implementations are supplied, which take the training for coding skills
  • "A" stands for Analysis are supplied, which take the training for coming up solutions, and also the overview of all solutions
  • "N" stands for no work, either because the analysis and implementation are straight forward, or a slightly alternate to one already seen
  • "T-I" stands "Top 100 Interview Questions"
  • "T-100" stands "Top 100 Liked Questions"
  • "E" stands for "Building blocks", because they are from LeetCode category "Easy"
  • "E+" stands for "Requiring changes on Building blocks", also from LeetCode category "Easy"
  • "BFS" stands for "Breadth-First Search"
  • "BM" stands for "Bit Manipulation"
  • "BS" stands for "Binary Search"
  • "DC" stands for "Divide and Conquer"
  • "DP" stands for "Dynamic Programming"
  • "DFS" stands for "Depth-First Search"
  • "GR" stands for "Greedy"
  • "HT" stands for "Hash Tables"
  • "LI" stands for "List"
  • "REC" stands for "Recursion"
  • "SO" stands for "Sorting"
  • "TP" stands for "Two Pointers"
  • "* " stands for "Incomplete"
  • ":star:" stands for fundamental tasks from LeetCode category "Easy"
  • ":star::star:" stands for fundamental tasks from LeetCode category "Easy", but with a little bit change on ":star:"
  • ":star2:" stands for fundamental tasks from LeetCode category "Medium"


# Title Difficulty Level Algorithms Related 👍 👎 Solutions Lists
0001 Two Sum Easy HT >> N T-I
0026 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Easy ⭐⭐ TP 27 << AI T-I
0053 Maximum Subarray Easy DC, DP, GR 121 >> N T-I
0075 Sort Colors Medium 🌟 TP >> I T-I
0088 Merge Sorted Array Easy TP 21 < A T-I
0121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy ⭐⭐ DC, DP, GR 53 >> A T-I
0122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Easy GR >> I T-I
0136 Single Number Easy HT, SO, BM, MA 242 >> A T-I
0169 Majority Element Easy HT, SO, DC, REC >> N T-I
0198 House Robber Medium 🌟 DP 746 >> I T-I
0217 Contains Duplicate Easy SO, Set, HT >> AI T-I
0283 Move Zeroes Easy ⭐⭐ TP 27 >> A T-I
0322 Coin Change Medium 🌟 DP >> I T-I
0350 Intersection of Two Arrays II Easy TP, BS, HT, SO >> N T-I


# Title Difficulty Level Algorithms Related 👍 👎 Solutions Lists
0014* Longest Common Prefix Easy DC, BS >> A T-I
0020 Valid Parentheses Easy STK >> N T-I
0028 Implement strStr() Easy TP = A T-I
0038 Count and Say Easy < N T-I
0125 Valid Palindrome Easy ⭐⭐ TP 304,709 << N T-I
0242 Valid Anagram Easy ⭐⭐ SO 217 >> AI T-I
0344 Reverse String Easy TP, REC 27 >> AI T-I
0387 First Unique Character in a String Easy HT, Set >> N T-I


# Title Difficulty Level Algorithms Related 👍 👎 Solutions Lists
0002 Add Two Numbers Medium 🌟 >> I T-I
0019 Odd Even Linked List Medium 🌟 TP >> N T-I
0021 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy TP, REC 88 >> I T-I
0141 Linked List Cycle Easy TP, Set >> AI T-I
0160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists Easy TP, Set >> A T-I
0206 Reverse Linked List Easy REC >> AI T-I
0234* Palindrome Linked List Easy ⭐⭐ TP, REC 206, 876 >> A T-I
0237 Delete Node in a Linked List Easy << N T-I
0328 Odd Even Linked List Medium 🌟 TP >> A T-I

Math & Stack

# Title Difficulty Level Algorithms Related 👍 👎 Solutions Lists
0007 Reverse Integer Easy 326 < N T-I
0013 Roman to Integer Easy < N T-I
0069 Sqrt(x) Easy BS, BM 367 < N T-I
0070 Climbing Stairs Easy DC, REC 509 >> AI T-I
0171 Excel Sheet Column Number Easy >> N T-I
0172 Factorial Trailing Zeroes Easy = N T-I
0202 Happy Number Easy HT, Set >> I T-I
0204 Count Primes Easy HT >> N T-I
0268 Missing Number Easy BM, SO, HT = N T-I
0326 Power of Three Easy << N T-I


# Title Difficulty Level Algorithms Related 👍 👎 Solutions Lists
0101 Symmetric Tree Easy BFS, DFS >> T-I
0104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Easy BFS, DFS, REC >> T-I
0108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Easy BFS, DFS >> T-I

Non Top 100 Interview Questions


# Title Difficulty Level Algorithms Related 👍 👎 Solutions Lists
0027 Remove Element Easy TP << A
0035 Search Insert Position Easy BS, REC 704 >> N
0080 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II Medium 🌟 TP 26 >> AI
0167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted Easy ⭐⭐ TP, BS, HT 1 >> I
0349 Intersection of Two Arrays Easy TO, BS, SO, Set 350 << N
0448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array Easy >>
0704 Binary Search Easy BS, REC 35 >> N
0724 Find Pivot Index Easy >>
0905 Sort Array By Parity Easy >>


# Title Difficulty Level Algorithms Related 👍 👎 Solutions Lists
0205 Isomorphic Strings Easy >>
0290 Word Pattern Easy >>
0557 Reverse Words in a String III Easy >> N
0771 Jewels and Stones Easy >>
0844 Backspace String Compare Easy TP, STK >> N
1002 Find Common Characters Easy HT >> N
1047 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String Easy STK >>


# Title Difficulty Level Algorithms Related 👍 👎 Solutions Lists
0083 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List Easy ⭐⭐ REC 203, 26 >> I
0203 Remove Linked List Elements Easy REC >> AI
0876 Middle of the Linked List Easy TP, LI >> AI

Math & Stack

# Title Difficulty Level Algorithms Related 👍 👎 Solutions Lists
0118 Pascal's Triangle Easy >>
0119 Pascal's Triangle II Easy >>
0155 Min Stack Easy STK >>
0190 Reverse Bits Easy TP, BM >> N
0191 Number of 1 Bits Easy BM >
0232 Implement Queue using Stacks Easy STK, QU >>
0367 Valid Perfect Square Easy BS 69 >> N
0374 Guess Number Higher or Lower Easy BS 704 < N
0389 Find the Difference Easy BM, HT >> N
0509 Fibonacci Number Easy REC, DP 70 > N
0566 Reshape the Matrix Easy >
0674 Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence Easy TP, DP >> N
0746 Min Cost Climbing Stairs Easy ⭐⭐ DP 70 >> I
0766 Toeplitz Matrix Easy >>
0832 Flipping an Image Easy >>
0867 Transpose Matrix Easy =


# Title Difficulty Level Algorithms Related 👍 👎 Solutions Lists
0100 Same Tree Easy >>
0107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II Easy >>
0112 Path Sum Easy >>
0226 Invert Binary Treee Easy >>
0404 Sum of Left Leaves Easy >>
0559 Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree Easy >>
0572 Subtree of Another Tree Easy >>
0700 Search in a Binary Search Tree Easy >>
0872 Leaf-Similar Trees Easy >>
0938 Range Sum of BST Easy REC >>
0993 Cousins in Binary Tree Easy >>

Done before (NOT 👍 >> 👎. Easy if you have worked out "T-I".)

# Title Difficulty Level Algorithms Related 👍 👎 Solutions Lists
0058 Length of Last Word Easy << N
0066 Plus One Easy < N
0219 Contains Duplicate II Easy =
0345 Reverse Vowels of a String Easy <<
0383 Ransom Note Easy >
0412 Fizz Buzz Easy <
0414 Third Maximum Number Easy <<
0434 Number of Segments in a String Easy <<
0485 Max Consecutive Ones Easy >
0520 Detect Capital Easy >
0521 Longest Uncommon Subsequence I Easy <<
0541 Reverse String II Easy <<
0551 Student Attendance Record I Easy <
0561 Array Partition I Easy =
0589 N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal Easy >
0605 Can Place Flowers Easy >
0657 Robot Return to Origin Easy >
0697 Degree of an Array Easy =
0705 Design HashSet Easy >
0706 Design HashMap Easy >>
0709 To Lower Case Easy << N
0717 1-bit and 2-bit Characters Easy <<
0804 Unique Morse Code Words Easy =
0819 Most Common Word Easy <<
0824 Goat Latin Easy <<
0830 Positions of Large Groups Easy >
0859 Buddy Strings Easy >
0888 Fair Candy Swap Easy >
0893 Groups of Special-Equivalent Strings Easy <<
0896 Monotonic Array Easy >
0965 Univalued Binary Tree Easy >
1160 Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters Easy >
1189 Maximum Number of Balloons Easy >
1207 Unique Number of Occurrences Easy >

Todo (for up >> down and up > 1000) For practicing topics if needed

# Title Difficulty Level Algorithms Related 👍 👎 Solutions Lists
0009 Palindrome Number Easy >>
0067 Add Binary Easy >>
0168 Excel Sheet Column Title Easy >>
0175 Combine Two Tables Easy >>
0231 Power of Two Easy >>
0235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a BST Easy >>
0278 First Bad Version Easy >>
0392 Is Subsequence Easy >>
0409 Longest Palindrome Easy >>
0415 Add Strings Easy >>
0459 Repeated Substring Pattern Easy >>
0461 Hamming Distance Easy >>
0463 Island Perimeter Easy >>
0476 Number Complement Easy >>
0501 Find Mode in Binary Search Tree Easy >>
0530 Minimum Absolute Difference in BST Easy >>
0543 Diameter of Binary Tree Easy >>
0617 Merge Two Binary Trees Easy >>
0628 Maximum Product of Three Numbers Easy >>
0637 Average of Levels in Binary Tree Easy >>
0665 Non-decreasing Array Easy >>
0653 Two Sum IV - Input is a BST Easy >>
0669 Trim a Binary Search Tree Easy >>
0680 Valid Palindrome II Easy >>
0696 Count Binary Substrings Easy >>
0703 Kth Largest Element in a Stream Easy >>
0733 Flood Fill Easy >>
0796 Rotate String Easy >>
0821 Shortest Distance to a Character Easy >>
0929 Unique Email Addresses Easy >>
0942 DI String Match Easy >>
0953 Verifying an Alien Dictionary Easy >>
0977 Squares of a Sorted Array Easy >>
0997 Find the Town Judge Easy >>
1046 Last Stone Weight Easy >>
1154 Day of the Year Easy >>
1365 How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number Easy >>