
Primary LanguageJavaScript

African Impact Challenge: Community & E-Learning Virtual Platform

Table of contents

About The Project

The project is based on the African Impact Challenge, a continent-focused project that provides aspiring African entrepreneurs the opportunity to solve critical problems with technology. The goal of the project is to fulfill the raising needs of the challenge in creating two major consumer segments:
(1) an user-focused virtual platform to better connect the start-up community of the African Impact Challenge and
(2) an e-learning space that is user-friendly and simple to use.


This project will follow closely to the MERN stack model. MERN stands for MongoDB, Express(.js), React(.js), and Node(.js).
The following explains the relationship of MERN (extract from MongoDB)

For installation, click here for reading or follow the steps below:

Basic Environment Setup

Make sure you have:

  1. Installed Node
    click for Windows or Mac
  2. Have a code editor
    VS code might be a good choice

Connet to Mongo DB Atlas

  1. Sign up or login to MongoDB Atlas
  2. Notify through the discord server so you can be invited to access the database
  3. Once you have been invited to the project, click on the "Database Access" tab.
  4. Add your self as user by clicking on the "ADD NEW DATABASE USER" on the right top corner. Fill in the username and password you prefer.

5. Click on "Cluster" tab and click on "connect" 6. Choose "Connect your application" as the connection method. A URL like the following should appear:

* Remember to replace the < password> with your own password. Note that "<>" should be replaced as well.

How to Run

Make sure you have access to Mongo DB Atlas database first before completing the following step.
In mern/server/config.env, replace the URL with the URL obained in Step 6 of Connect to Mongo DB Atlas.



  1. In mern/server, run:
npm install
npm install -g nodemon
  • If npm install -g nodemon doesn't work. Try sudo $npm install -g nodemon
  1. Activate the server
nodemon server

It should look like this if suceed:

  • If your code failed with:
    [nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...
    You will need to kill the pid occupying the port first.


  1. In mern/client, run:
npm install
npm start

You should be able to lunch the web now.


Git Flow

This project uses git flow.


  • Master
  • Develop
  • Test
  • Feature branches...


The project will be using Jira and Github Issues for issue tracking.

Pull Requests

You can follow the steps below to edit in a separate branch.

  1. Branching off from the main branch and create own branch
git checkout -b branch_name
  1. Implement new features and commit & push the new changes to the branch
git add --all
git commit -m “msg”
git push
  1. Pull Request
    A "Compare & pull request" button will appear and you will be able to create a new pull request.
  • If you are solving for specific issue, include Resolves #issue_number in the description so that git close the issue automatically.
  1. Merge
    Using squash and merge is recommended

  2. Delete the branch

git branch -d local_branch_name

Reference Links
