
Chatroom project using Socket.io, Node and React

Primary LanguageHTML

This is a project that allows people to open private chatrooms and talk to their friends. When everyone leaves the chatroom, it disappears.

Usage and testing:

  1. Run "index.js" by using node index.js
  2. Open two instances via localhost:3000 in web browser


  1. Style message feed to include usernames and separate recieved from sent messages
  2. Add functionality for multiple rooms


At the moment, this project uses Socket.io for messaging and Node.js on the backend.

Future Updates:

  • Encrypted communication
  • Some form of identity validation (socialist billionaire?)

Functions and features

Setting up a new chatroom

  1. Client requests to set up a new chatroom
  2. Server opens a room, sends room_ID to client
  3. Client receives room_ID, joins room, is assigned a username, and waits for others to join

Joining a chatroom

  1. Client sends room_ID to server, along with join request
  2. Server adds client to room, assigns client a username, routes messages to client
  3. Client receives most recent messages (last 50 messages)
  4. Client can begin chatting with other members of the room

Sending a message

  1. Client sends message to server
  2. Server adds message to temporary store, sends to clients
  3. Clients receive messages

Receiving a message

  1. Client recieves message from server
  2. Client stores message in mesaageDB, logs time of receipt
  3. Client renders messages from messageDB in chronological order