This is a simple python scorer for the CoNLL-YAGO entity linking dataset. It is part of my entity linking research project, the code for which might be released later.

The scorer outputs the micro average, which is defined to be: true positive/(true positive + negative positive)

Running the Scorer

To run the scorer, you need the gold-standard file distributed as part of the CoNLL-YAGO dataset. Once the dataset is downloaded, the file can be found under aida-yago2-dataset/AIDA-YAGO2-annotations.tsv.

While CoNLL-YAGO dataset contains a blank line between every two adjacent files, the scorer assumes no such blank line in the system output. Also, the scorer only evaluates the correctness of index (0th column) and Wikipedia entity name (1st column). Therefore, only these two columns are required. The following example shows an expected output format:

-DOCSTART- (1 topic)
1	China 
3	United_States
4	--NME--
-DOCSTART- (2 topic)
10	Michael_Jordan
12	--NME--
20	National_Basketball_Association

Assuming your system output is under ./output/system_output.tsv, the following is a sample script to run the scorer:

python \
  --gold_std="./aida-yago2-dataset/AIDA-YAGO2-annotations-trunc.tsv"  \
  --system_out="./output/system_output.tsv" \

report.txt will show all the incorrect system outputs and summarize your system performance with micro average.