Official implementation of "Why are Visually-Grounded Language Models Bad at Image Classification?" (NeurIPS 2024)
Jupyter Notebook
- BekyilmaUniversity of Luxembourg
- cheliu-computationImperial College London
- Eurekaleo
- evdcush
- flashcp
- flying-lby
- ForJadeForestSoutheast University
- jhcho99POSTECH
- Jhvictor4@Toss
- JiachengCheng96
- JiamingLv
- jmhb0
- JubStevenShanghai Jiao Tong University
- KooryeUniversity of Eletronic Science and Technology of China
- Lucky-LanceThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- MaxlinnNLP@Tencent AI Lab, TEG
- MillX2021
- ngthanhtinN.G.U
- orrzoharStanford PhD in AI
- oshapioTübingen, Germany
- piotr-teterwakDato
- PJin0MLV Lab @ Korea University
- rese1fUniversity of Washington
- Sigmoid-WuSoutheast University
- wesleyliweiMicrosoft
- wjpoomFudan University
- xinyu1205Fudan University
- xwen99University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- ytaek-ohKAIST
- yuhui-zh15Stanford University
- zw-ruanBeijing China