
Predict whether the number of confirmed people will increase or not with the use of RNN.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Predict whether the number of confirmed cases will increase or not with the use of RNN, LSTM & GRU.


Observe the sequences of comfirmed cases during 2020-1-22 ~ 2020-4-12 from 185 countries.
The gloabl data of comfired cases please refer to 👉 https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus


Execution & Overall Structure of system

  1. Sequence Preprocessing : find high correlated countries & prepared segments for sequence modelling
    python3 Preprocess.py
  2. RNN for trend prediction : training the model with Torch package.
    python3 RNN.py
  3. Visualization on a world map by "pygal" packag
    python3 WorldMap.py

Sequence Preprocessing

  1. Compute to correlation coefficient (CC) between 2 countries.

  2. Add the pair of countries to set C if their CC higher than 0.7 (highly-correlated)

  3. Generate the data pair (segment,lebel) for modelling from set C

RNN for Classification

  • RNN with 2 layers & dropout
    In this project, dropout is adopted to aviod overfitting problem.



Visualization of prediction on a World Map
