
EBU6304 - Software Engineering - LearningJourney

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Learning Journey

Table of Contents


Learning Journey is an off-line software designed for BUPT international college students to help them store and manage all kinds of information and documents they encounter in college study and life, providing convenience for their study and life.

Learning Journey can not only help students manage courseware, homework, grades, notes and other contents in the class, but also help students manage the information of various extracurricular activities, such as scientific research information, internship information, positions and so on.

Languages and Tools

java git

Interface preview

Please check User Manual or JavaDoc

Quick start

  1. Make sure your development environment meets the following requirements:

    • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or higher.

    • Apache Maven 3.0 or higher.

  2. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/yuhuoji/LearningJourney
  3. Extract the file "doc/LearningJourneyFiles.rar" to the "target" folder. After extraction, the "Course", "Internship", and other folders should be located in "target/LearningJourneyFiles".

  4. Open a terminal or command line interface and navigate to the project's root directory.

  5. Execute the following Maven command to compile and run the project:

    mvn javafx:run

    This command will use the Maven plugin to launch the JavaFX application.

  6. Once the program starts successfully, you will see the user interface of the JavaFX application.

Project structure

│  ├─java
│  │  └─com
│  │      └─javafx
│  │          └─learningjourney
│  │              │  JavaFXApplication.java
│  │              │  
│  │              ├─controller
│  │              │  │  LoginController.java
│  │              │  │  MainController.java
│  │              │  │  package-info.java
│  │              │  │  
│  │              │  ├─component
│  │              │  │      NavbarController.java
│  │              │  │      package-info.java
│  │              │  │      RectangleItemController.java
│  │              │  │      
│  │              │  ├─course
│  │              │  │      AddCourseDialogController.java
│  │              │  │      CourseController.java
│  │              │  │      CourseInformationController.java
│  │              │  │      CourseScoreController.java
│  │              │  │      package-info.java
│  │              │  │      StatisticDialogController.java
│  │              │  │      
│  │              │  ├─internship
│  │              │  │      InternshipController.java
│  │              │  │      package-info.java
│  │              │  │      
│  │              │  ├─research
│  │              │  │      package-info.java
│  │              │  │      ResearchController.java
│  │              │  │      
│  │              │  └─work
│  │              │          package-info.java
│  │              │          WorkController.java
│  │              │          
│  │              ├─dao
│  │              │  │  FileDAO.java
│  │              │  │  package-info.java
│  │              │  │  
│  │              │  └─impl
│  │              │          FileDAOImpl.java
│  │              │          
│  │              ├─entity
│  │              │      Course.java
│  │              │      Internship.java
│  │              │      package-info.java
│  │              │      Research.java
│  │              │      Work.java
│  │              │      
│  │              ├─service
│  │              │  │  package-info.java
│  │              │  │  
│  │              │  └─impl
│  │              └─util
│  │                      Cache.java
│  │                      JsonUtil.java
│  │                      package-info.java
│  │                      RootPathUtil.java
│  │                      
│  └─resources
│      ├─fxml
│      │  │  LoginView.fxml
│      │  │  MainView.fxml
│      │  │  
│      │  ├─component
│      │  │      navbar.fxml
│      │  │      RectangleItem.fxml
│      │  │      sidebar.fxml
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─course
│      │  │      addCourseDialog.fxml
│      │  │      CourseInformation.fxml
│      │  │      CourseScore.fxml
│      │  │      CourseView.fxml
│      │  │      statisticDialog.fxml
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─internship
│      │  │      InternshipView.fxml
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─research
│      │  │      ResearchView.fxml
│      │  │      
│      │  └─work
│      │          WorkView.fxml
│      │          
│      └─static
│          └─ico


  1. askmmmm
  2. Giggsss997
  3. makino-w
  4. MengGith
  5. randlyoyo
  6. yuhuoji
