Updated on July 5th, 2024


1. Personal details

First / Surnames Yuichi TAKEUCHI, Ph.D.
Nationality Japan
Place of Birth Aichi, Japan
Date of Birth 04 Sep 1982
Gender Male
Office Address Faculty of Pharmacy, Laboratory of Pharmacotherapy: 3 Chome-4-1 Kowakae, Higashiosaka, Osaka 577-8502, Japan
Phone +81-6-4307-3651
E-mail ytake@phar.kindai.ac.jp
Website https://ytake.org/

Current Appointment

01 Apr 2024–present Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Kindai University
01 Apr 2024–present Visiting Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University

2. Education/Qualifications


2005 B.S. in Pharmaceutical Science Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University, Nagoya, Japan
2007 M.S. in Pharmaceutical Science Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University, Nagoya, Japan
2010 Ph.D. in Science Department of Physiological Sciences, School of Life Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Hayama, Japan


28 Nov 2005 Pharmacist, Japan, No. 399397
01 Jan 2016 Physiology Educator, Physiological Society of Japan, No. 160018
26 Jan 2017 FELASA C certificate, Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations, No. 63/2017, 035/14
02 Jan 2018 Certified Peer Reviewer, Web of Science Academy
25 Nov 2021 Pharmacology Educator, The Japanese Pharmacological Society, No. 0539

3. Professional Appointments

2007–2008 Research Assistant, National Institute of Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan
2009–2010 Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan
2010–2015 Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
2016 Research Fellow, The Uehara Memorial Foundation, Japan
2015–2020 Research Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
2015–2020 Visiting Lecturer, Hungarian Medical Universities
2020–2021 Specially-Appointed Lecturer, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
2018–2022 Research Fellow, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University
2021–2024 Associated Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University
2022–2024 Visiting Research Fellow, National Institute for Quantum Science and Technology

4. Other Appointments and Affiliations

Professional Societies

2006–present Japanese Pharmacological Society, Member
2008–present The Japan Neuroscience Society, Member
2010–present The Physiological Society of Japan, Member
2010–present Society for Neuroscience, Member
2012–present Japanese Neural Network Society, Member
2015–present Asia Pacific Neural Network Society, Member
2022–present The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Member

Professional Bodies

18 Mar 2020–present Board Member, The Physiological Society of Japan
20 Nov 2020–31 Dec 2021 Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
20 Nov 2020–present Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
15 Mar 2021–present Board Member, Japanese Pharmacological Society
01 Apr 2022–present Board Member, The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Hokkaido Branch
05 May 2023–present Review Editor, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
19 Nov 2023–present Mentor, IUPS International Mentoring Program

5. Prizes, Awards and other Honors

2006 First prize of the entrance exam of the Department of Physiological Sciences, School of Life Sciences, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
2007 A total exemption from repayment of two-year scholarship by outstanding results and fulfills, Japan Student Services Organization
2009 Research Fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2009 A partial exemption from repayment of two-year scholarship by outstanding results and fulfills, Japan Student Services Organization
2012 Research award, Narishige Neuroscience Research Foundation
2013 First prize of The Science Research Promotion Fund for young researcher, The Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private School of Japan
2013 Incentive Award for Young Scientist, Physiological Society of Japan
2016 Research Fellowship, The Uehara Memorial Foundation
2019 Special award for excellent presentation, Annual meeting of Young Neurobehavioral Pharmacologists
2022 Research award, Nishinomiya Basic Research Fund, Japan
2022 The Hokkaido University Research Encouragement Award
2023 The Hokkaido University Research Encouragement Award
2024 Promotion Award of the Physiological Society Japan for Young Scientists


Peer Reviewed Publications

Original Article

  1. Takeuchi Y, Takasu K, Honda M, Ono H, Tanabe M, Neurochemical evidence that supraspinally administered gabapentin activates the descending noradrenergic system after peripheral nerve injury. Eur J Pharmacol 556 (1-3): 69-74. 03 Nov 2007. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejphar.2006.10.059
  2. Tanabe M, Takeuchi Y, Ono H, The supraspinally mediated analgesic effects of zonisamide in mice after peripheral nerve injury are independent of the descending monoaminergic system. J Pharmacol Sci 104 (4): 335-340. 01 Aug 2007. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1254/jphs.FP0070827
  3. Takeuchi Y, Takasu K, Ono H, Tanabe M, Pregabalin, S-(+)-3-isobutylgaba, activates the descending noradrenergic system to alleviate neuropathic pain in the mouse partial sciatic nerve ligation model. Neuropharmacology 53 (7): 842-853. 19 Aug 2007. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropharm.2007.08.013
  4. Nagumo Y, Takeuchi Y, Imoto K, Miyata M, Synapse- and subtype-specific modulation of synaptic transmission by nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the ventrobasal thalamus. Neurosci Res 69 (3): 203-213. 15 Dec 2010. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neures.2010.12.002
  5. Takeuchi Y, Yamasaki M, Nagumo Y, Imoto K, Watanabe M, Miyata M, Rewiring of afferent fibers in the somatosensory thalamus of mice caused by peripheral sensory nerve transection. J Neurosci 32 (20): 6917-6930. 16 May 2012. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5008-11.2012
  6. Matsumine H, Sasaki R, Takeuchi Y, Miyata M, Yamato M, Okano T, Sakurai H, Vascularized versus non-vascularized island-median nerve grafts in the facial nerve regeneration and functional recovery of rats for facial nerve reconstruction study. J Reconstr Microsurg 30 (2): 127-136. 25 Oct 2013. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0033-1357500
  7. Takeuchi Y, Asano H, Katayama Y, Muragaki Y, Imoto K, Miyata M, Large-scale somatotopic refinement via functional synapse elimination in the thalamus of developing mice. J Neurosci 34 (4): 1258-1270. 22 Jan 2014. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3865-13.2014
  8. Matsumine H, Takeuchi Y, Sasaki R, Kazama T, Kano K, Matsumoto T, Sakurai H, Miyata M, Yamato M, Adipocyte-derived and dedifferentiated fat cells promoting facial nerve regeneration in a rat model. Plast Reconstr Surg 134 (4): 686-697. Oct 2014. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1097/PRS.0000000000000537
  9. Sasaki R, Matsumine H, Watanabe Y, Takeuchi Y, Yamato M, Okano T, Miyata M, Ando T, Electrophysiologic and functional evaluations of regenerated facial-nerve defect with a tube containing dental pulp cells in rats. Plast Reconstr Surg 134: 970-978. Nov 2014. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1097/PRS.0000000000000602
  10. Matsumine H, Sasaki R, Takeuchi Y, Watanabe Y, Niimi Y, Sakurai H, Miyata M, Yamato M, Unilateral multiple facial-nerve branch reconstruction using "end-to-side loop graft "supercharged by hypoglossal nerve. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2 (10): e240. 07 Nov 2014. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1097/GOX.0000000000000206
  11. Niimi Y, Matsumine H, Takeuchi Y, Sasaki R, Watanabe Y, Yamato M, Miyata M, Sakurai H, Effectively axonal-supercharged interpositional-jump graft with an artificial nerve-conduit for rat facial nerve paralysis model. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 3 (6): e416. 08 Jul 2015. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1097/GOX.0000000000000397
  12. Takeuchi Y, Osaki H, Yagasaki Y, Katayama Y, Miyata M, Afferent fiber remodeling in the somatosensory thalamus of mice as a neural basis of somatotopic reorganization in the brain and ectopic mechanical hypersensitivity after peripheral sensory nerve injury. eNeuro 4 (2): e0345-16.2017. 23 May 2017. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/ENEURO.0345-16.2017
  13. Niimi Y, Matsumine H, Takeuchi Y, Osaki H, Tsunoda S, Miyata M, Yamato M, Sakurai H, A collagen-coated PGA conduit for interpositional-jump graft with end-to-side neurorrhaphy for treating facial nerve paralysis in rat. Microsurgery 39 (1): 70-80. 08 Jan 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/micr.30291
  14. Vöröslakos M, Takeuchi Y, Brinyiczki K, Zombori T, Oliva A, Fernández-Ruiz A, Kozák G, Kincses Z T, Iványi B, Buzsáki G, Berényi A, Direct effects of transcranial electric stimulation on brain circuits in rats and humans. Nat Commun 9 (1): 483. 20 Feb 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-02928-3
  15. Takeuchi Y*, Osaki H, Matsumine H, Niimi Y, Sasaki R, Miyata M, A method package for electrophysiological evaluation of reconstructed or regenerated facial nerves in rodents. MethodsX 5: 283-298. 30 Mar 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2018.03.007
  16. Nagy A, Takeuchi Y, Berényi A, Coding of self-motion induced and self-independent visual motion in the rat dorsomedial striatum. PLoS Biol 16 (6): e2004712. 25 Jun 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.2004712
  17. Narushima M, Yagasaki Y, Takeuchi Y, Aiba A, Miyata M, The metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 1 regulates development and maintenance of lemniscal synaptic connectivity in the somatosensory thalamus. PLoS ONE 14 (12): e0226820. 27 Dec 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0226820
  18. Nagumo Y, Ueta Y, Nakayama H, Osaki H, Takeuchi Y, Uesaka N, Kano M, Miyata M, Tonic GABAergic inhibition is essential for nerve injury-induced afferent remodeling in the somatosensory thalamus and associated ectopic sensations. Cell Rep 31 (12): 107797. 23 Jun 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107797
  19. Yasunaga H, Takagi T, Shinko D, Nakayama Y, Takeuchi Y, Nishikawa A, Loesing A, Ohsawa M, Sekiguchi H, Development of a neural probe integrated with high-efficiency MicroLEDs for in vivo application. Jpn J Appl Phys 60 (1): 016503. 16 Dec 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.35848/1347-4065/abcffa
  20. Takeuchi Y, Harangozó M, Pedraza L, Földi T, Kozák G, Li Q, Berényi A, Closed-loop stimulation of the medial septum terminates epileptic seizures. Brain 144 (3): 885–908. 27 Jan 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/brain/awaa450
  21. Robinson KC, Kemeny LV, Fell GL, Hermann AL, Allouche J, Ding W, Yekkirala A, Hsiao JJ, Su MY, Theodosakis N, Kozák G, Takeuchi Y, Shen S, Berényi A, Mao J, Woolf CJ, Fisher DE, Reduced MC4R signaling alters nociceptive thresholds associated with red hair. Sci Adv 7 (14): eabd1310. 02 Apr 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abd1310
  22. Li Q†, Takeuchi Y†, Wang J, Gellért L, Barcsai L, Pedraza LK, Nagy AJ, Kozák G, Nakai S, Kato S, Kobayashi K, Ohsawa M, Horváth G, Kékesi G, Lőrincz ML, Devinsky O, Buzsáki G, Berényi A, Reinstating olfactory bulb derived limbic gamma oscillations alleviates depression-like behavioral deficits in rodents. Neuron 111: 2065-2075. 05 Jul 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2023.04.013
  23. Sierra RO†, Pedraza LK†, Barcsai L, Peijin A, Li Q, Kozák G, Takeuchi Y, Nagy AJ, Lőrincz ML, Devinsky O, Buzsáki G, Berényi A, Closed-loop brain stimulation augments fear extinction in male rats, Nat Commun 14: 3972. 05 Jul 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-39546-7


  1. Tanabe M, Takasu K, Takeuchi Y, Ono H, Pain relief by gabapentin and pregabalin via supraspinal mechanisms after peripheral nerve injury. J Neurosci Res 86 (15): 3258-3264. 15 Nov 2008. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jnr.21786
  2. Takeuchi Y* and Berényi A*, Oscillotherapeutics – Time-targeted interventions in epilepsy and beyond. Neurosci Res 152: 87-107. 16 Jan 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neures.2020.01.002
  3. Takeuchi Y*, Nagy AJ, Barcsai L, Li Q, Ohsawa M, Mizuseki K, Berényi A*, The medial septum as a potential target for treating brain disorders associated with oscillopathies. Front Neural Circuits 15: 701080. 08 Jul 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fncir.2021.701080

Conference paper (International)

  1. Xu Y, Yoshida K, Takeuchi Y, Toward non-invasive, precise control of internal organs via ultrasound neuromodulation of the autonomic nervous system. Proc. SPIE 12608, Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference, 126081O. 20 Sep 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3008167

Conference paper (Domestic)

  1. Suzuki N, Sawahata H, Akai D, Yamashita K, Numano R, Koida K, Takeuchi Y, Kawano T, Design and fabrication of an oscillator circuit for ultrasound neuromodulation. Future Technologies from Kumamoto 2023. 7P2-PS-25. 07 Nov 2023.


  1. Takeuchi Y*, Li Q, Kawano T, Nagai J, Mima T, Editorial: Oscillotherapeutics – Toward real-time control of pathological oscillations in the brain. Front Behav Neurosci 16: 1021616. 08 Sep 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2022.1021616

Thesis for Doctoral Degree

  • Takeuchi Y, Developmental and peripheral nerve injury-induced changes of afferent synapses in the somatosensory thalamus. The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Kanagawa, Japan. 24 Mar 2010.

Non-peer Reviewed Publications

Book etc.

  1. Miyata M and Takeuchi Y, Neurophysiology of Body image: Remodeling of the body map. Clin Neurosci 29 (8): 895–899. Aug 2011. Chugai-igakusha. (Invited, Japanese)
  2. Takeuchi Y, Epilepsy progress: Development of on-demand interventions of epileptic seizures and a quantitative method of seizure susceptibility. Medical Science Digest 46 (2): 118–121. Feb 2020. Hokuryukan. (Invited, Japanese)
  3. Takeuchi Y, Imaging of neuropsychiatric disorders: Revealing neuronal network dynamics underlying behavioral phenotypes of psychiatric disorders. Medical Science Digest 46 (6): 906–909. Jun 2020. Hokuryukan. (Invited, Japanese)
  4. Takeuchi Y, Updates in novel therapies against neurodegenerative diseases: Development of on-demand interventions of epileptic seizures and a quantitative method of seizure susceptibility. BIO Clinica 35 (9): 771–774. Aug 2020. Hokuryukan. (Invited, Japanese)
  5. Takeuchi Y, Tau biology: Toward real-time control of neuropsychiatric disorders. The cells 53 (1): 50–53. Jan 2021. Hokuryukan. (Invited, Japanese)
  6. Takeuchi Y, Dynamic heterarchy:Oscillotherapeutics. Clin Neurosci 39 (7): 847–851. Jul 2021. Chugai-igakusha. (Invited, Japanese)
  7. Takeuchi Y, Seki K, Ultrasound and Neurological disorders–How useful?: Ultrasound Neuromodulation, Clin Neurosci 40 (2): 249–253. Feb 2022. Chugai-igakusha. (Invited, Japanese)
  8. Takeuchi Y*, Kawano T, Li Q, Mima T, Nagai J, eds. (2022). Oscillotherapeutics - Toward Real-Time Control of Pathological Oscillations in the Brain. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/978-2-88976-458-7
  9. Hara K, Takeuchi Y, Time-targeted stimulation of the bran rewarding system as a novel brain disorder treatment, Medical Science Digest 49 (3): 154–156. Mar 2023. Hokuryukan. (Invited, Japanese)
  10. Chan M†, Yoshida K†, Yang G†, Mimura T†, Kudo N, Takeuchi Y, Time-targeted intervention of brain oscillations with transcranial ultrasound irradiation, Neuromethods, in press, Springer-Nature. (Invited)

Proceedings and Reports

  1. Takeuchi Y, Uchida M, Miyata M, Neuroanatomical and physiological analyses of afferent fiber rewiring in the ventrobasal thalamus of mice after peripheral nerve injury. Proceedings of Tokyo Women’s Medical University Medical Institute 32: 20–21. 2012. (Japanese)
  2. Takeuchi Y and Miyata M, Neuroanatomical analyses of thalamic circuitry rewiring (I). Proceedings of Tokyo Women’s Medical University Medical Institute 33: 21. Nov 30th, 2013. (Japanese)
  3. Takeuchi Y and Miyata M, Neuroanatomical analyses of thalamic circuitry rewiring (II). Proceedings of Tokyo Women’s Medical University Medical Institute 34: 16. Nov 30th, 2014. (Japanese)
  4. Miyata M, Matsumine H, Sasaki R, Watanabe Y, Takeuchi Y, Yamato M, and Sakurai H, Functional evaluations of regenerated peripheral nerve. J Tokyo Wom Med Univ 84: 130. Aug 25th, 2014. (Japanese)
  5. Takeuchi Y and Miyata M, Neuroanatomical analyses of thalamic circuitry rewiring (III). Proceedings of Tokyo Women’s Medical University Medical Institute 36: 22–23. Feb 27th, 2017. (Japanese)
  6. Takeuchi Y, Annual report of research project, Hyper-Adaptability Area 2022 Annual report, A05-1, 2023.
  7. Takeuchi Y, Closed-loop control of epilepsy with transcranial ultrasound irradiation, Tateisi Foundation Annual report 32: 2221019, 2023.
  8. Takeuchi Y, Development of a non-invasive and spatiotemporally-specific in vivo gene transfection technology, Noastec Foundation Research Report 2023: 7, 2023.
  9. Takeuchi Y, An international collaboration research for clinical application of a novel therapeutic technology of epilepsy, The Nagai Foundation Tokyo Annual Report 29: 6–8, 2023.

Recent Preprints

  1. Matsushita Y, Yoshida K, Yoshiya M, Shimizu T, Tsukamoto S, Takeuchi Y*, Higuchi M, Shimojo M*, TRPC6 is a mechanosensitive channel essential for ultrasound neuromodulation in mammalian brain. bioRxiv 2024.03.06.583779. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.06.583779

Recent Abstracts (International)

  1. Yoshida K, Chan M, Li Q, Pedraza L, Sierra R, Minami M, Berényi A, Takeuchi Y, A neural basis of decision-making under conflicting predictions of reward and punishment. The 52nd SfN Annual Meeting. San Diego, U.S.A. Nov 15, 2022. (Abstract No. 565.14) Poster
  2. Xu Y, Yoshida K, Takeuchi Y, Toward non-invasive, precise control of internal organs via ultrasound neuromodulation of the autonomic nervous system. 9th Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference. Yokohama, Japan. Apr 21, 2023. (Abstract No. BISC9-01) Symposium
  3. Li Q†, Takeuchi Y†, Wang J, Gellért L, Barcsai L, Pedraza LK, Nagy AJ, Kozák G, Nakai S, Kato S, Kobayashi K, Ohsawa M, Horváth G, Kékesi G, Lőrincz ML, Devinsky O, Buzsáki G, Berényi A, Reinstating olfactory bulb derived limbic gamma oscillations alleviates depression-like behavioral deficits in rodents. The 2nd International Symposium Hyper-Adaptability. Kyoto, Japan. Nov 29, 2023. (Abstract No. II-10) Poster

Recent Abstracts (Domestic)

  1. Yoshida K, Chan M, Li Q, Pedraza L, Sierra R, Berényi A, Minami M, Takeuchi Y, A neural basis of decision-making under conflicting predictions of reward and punishment. The 45th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society. Okinawa, Japan. Jun 30 – Jul 03, 2022. (Abstract No. 1P-069) Poster
  2. Takeuchi Y, Li Q, Berényi A, Minami M, Decoding and quantification of seizure susceptibility with cross-regional oscillatory brain activity patterns in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy. The 45th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society. Okinawa, Japan. Jun 30 – Jul 03, 2022. (Abstract No. 1P-109) Poster
  3. Chan M, Li Q, Horváth G, Berényi A, Minami M, Takeuchi Y, Reduced operant task engagement and altered neural oscillations in a triple-hit rat model of schizophrenia. The 45th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society. Okinawa, Japan. Jun 30, 2022. (Abstract No. 1P-263) Poster
  4. Takeuchi Y, A neural basis of decision-making under conflicting predictions of reward and punishment. The 73rd meeting of the north branch of The Japanese Pharmacological Society. Sapporo, Japan. Sep 18th, 2022.
  5. Takeuchi Y, Chan M, Maeki M, Kudo N, Development of Transcranial Gene Manipulation Technologies. The 8th Hokkaido University Cross-Departmental Symposium. Sapporo, Japan. Oct 28th, 2022. (Abstract No. K-14) Poster
  6. Yoshida K, Chan M, Li Q, Pedraza L, Sierra R, Minami M, Berényi A, Takeuchi Y, A neural basis of decision-making under conflicting predictions of reward and punishment. The 8th Hokkaido University Cross-Departmental Symposium. Sapporo, Japan. Oct 28th, 2022. (Abstract No. P-49) Poster
  7. Takeuchi Y, Closed-loop control of neurological and psychiatric disorders, BPCNPNPPP4. Tokyo, Japan. Nov 4th, 2022. (Abstract No. S13-3) Symposium
  8. Itagaki K, Minami M, Takeuchi Y, Bidirectional GABAergic and cholinergic modulation of delta-band activities in a hippocampal-like circuit in silico, The 100th Anniversary Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan. Kyoto, Japan. Mar 14th, 2023.(Abstract No. 1P-023) Poster
  9. Mimura T, Chan M, Minami M, Takeuchi Y, Transcranial sonoporation technology for non-invasive gene transfection to neurons in the cerebral cortex, The 143rd Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. Sapporo, Japan. Mar 26, 2023. (Abstract No. 26P1-pm2-089S) Poster
  10. Mimura T, Chan M, Minami M, Omata D, Suzuki R, Takeuchi Y, Transcranial sonoporation technology for non-invasive gene transfection, The 150th Annual Meeting of the Hokkaido Branch of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. Sapporo, Japan. May 21st, 2023. (Abstract No. C-11) Poster
  11. Yoshida K, Minami M, Takeuchi Y, A closed-loop transcranial ultrasound irradiation system for an awake rat model of absence epilepsy, The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society. Sendai, Japan. Aug 1, 2023. (Abstract No. 1Pm-094) Poster
  12. Chan M, Mimura T, Minami M, Takeuchi Y, Non-invasive gene transfection to neurons in the cortex using transcranial ultrasound irradiation, The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society. Sendai, Japan. Aug 3, 2023. (Abstract No. 3Pm-131) Poster
  13. Yoshida K, Chan M, Minami M, Takeuchi Y, A neural basis of decision-making when faced with contradictory predictions of reward and punishment, CogFeel@ALIFE2023. Sapporo, Japan. Jul 25, 2023. Oral
  14. Yoshida K, Xu Y, Mimura T, Chan M, Kudo N, Minami M, Takeuchi Y, Non-invasive, spatiotemporal control of internal organs via sonogenetic stimulation of the autonomic nervous system, JNNS2023. Tokyo, Japan. Sep 4, 2023. (Abstract No. 15) Poster
  15. Yoshida K, Minami M, Takeuchi Y, A closed-loop sonogenetic control of absence epilepsy, The 101st Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan. Kita-Kyushu, Japan. Mar 28, 2024. (Abstract No. 1S05a-3) Symposium
  16. Mimura T, Chan M, Minami M, Kudo N, Takeuchi Y, A non-invasive gene transfection technology using transcranial focused ultrasound irradiation, The 101st Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan. Kita-Kyushu, Japan. Mar 29, 2024. (Abstract No. 2P-150) Poster
  17. Takeuchi Y, Reinstating olfactory bulb-derived limbic gamma oscillations alleviates depression-like behavioral deficits in rodents, The 101st Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan. Kita-Kyushu, Japan. Mar 30, 2024. (Abstract No. 3O09-02-01) Oral

Scientific Essays

  1. Takeuchi Y (2013) Report of the 36th Annual Meeting of Japanese Neuroscience Society. Neuroscience News of the Japan Neuroscience Society 195: 10. (Japanese)
  2. Takeuchi Y (2015) Exciting scientific experience. J Physiol Soc Japan 77: 6–7. (Invited, Japanese)

Dataset Repositories

  1. Takeuchi Y (2017) Three-dimensional dendritic morphology of somatosensory thalamic neurons in developing mice: Takeuchi Archive. NeuroMorpho.org. URL: http://www.neuromorpho.org/bylab.jsp (Invited)
  2. Takeuchi Y (2017) Three-dimensional axonal morphology of principle neurons in the principle trigeminal nucleus of mice: Takeuchi Archive. NeuroMorpho.org. http://www.neuromorpho.org/bylab.jsp (Invited)
  3. Takeuchi Y (2017) LaserDiodeStabilizerCircuit. figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5419195
  4. Takeuchi Y (2017) FootshockCircuit. figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5421613
  5. Takeuchi Y (2017) ActiveBandPassFilter. figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5455702
  6. Takeuchi Y (2018) CMAPMethods. Mendeley Data, v1. http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/9g5n35fd3f.1
  7. Takeuchi Y (2018) RetrogradeMotorNeuronLabeling. figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5445199
  8. Takeuchi Y (2018) TaskController. figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.6154751
  9. Takeuchi Y (2018) RatHeadFixRestraintSystem. figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5466355
  10. Takeuchi Y (2018) MouseHeadFixRestraintSystem. figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.6154877
  11. Takeuchi Y (2018) OnHeadFaradayCage. figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.6160181
  12. Takeuchi Y (2018) InfraredMotionDetector. figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.6160226

Code Repositories

  1. Takeuchi Y (2017) CMAPAnalysis v1.0.0. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.800747
  2. Takeuchi Y (2017) tUtility v1.0.0. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.803404
  3. Takeuchi Y (2017) miniAna v1.0.0. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.804083
  4. Takeuchi Y (2017) tSort v1.0.0. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.805588
  5. Takeuchi Y (2017) tNeuroshare v1.0.0. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.805705
  6. Takeuchi Y (2017) tClamp16 v0.0.0-alpha. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.805901
  7. Takeuchi Y (2017) tClamp18 v0.1.0-alpha. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.805897
  8. Takeuchi Y (2017) NiDaqControlPanel v1.0.0. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.810332
  9. Takeuchi Y (2017) APDetector v1.0.0. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.815577
  10. Takeuchi Y (2017) RStatisticalTests v1.0.0. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.817654
  11. Takeuchi Y (2017) LaserDiodeStabilizer v1.0.0. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.897718
  12. Takeuchi Y (2017) CueFearConditioning v1.0.0. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.897730
  13. Takeuchi Y (2018) PMVmemAnalysis v1.0.0. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1220169
  14. Takeuchi Y (2018) SM2CInjection v1.0.0. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1220362

Grants Received


  1. Afferent-input-dependent thalamic circuit plasticity. JSPS, KAKENHI: Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (Grant no. 09J00032), Role: PI, Period: 2009–2010, Total cost: 700,000 JPY
  2. Electrophysiological and neuroanatomical analyses of peripheral nerve transection-induced multiple-innervation of lemniscal fibers in the somatosensory thalamus of mice. JSPS KAKENHI: Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up (Grant no. 22800063), Role: PI, Duration: 2010–2012, Total cost: 2,535,000 JPY
  3. Molecular mechanisms underlying development and maintenance of thalamic remodeling after peripheral nerve injury. JSPS, KAKENHI: Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (Grant no. 25870757), Role: PI, Period: 2013–2016, Total cost: 4,290,000 JPY
  4. Real-time closed-loop interventions of epileptic seizures by non-invasive deep brain stimulation. JSPS, KAKENHI: Fostering Joint International Research (B) (Grant no. 18KK0236), Role: PI, Period: 2018–2022, Total cost: 179,40,000 JPY
  5. Development of a quantification method of seizure susceptibility using brain-wide electrical spatiotemporal dynamics. JSPS, KAKENHI: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Grant no. 19H03550), Role: PI, Period: 2019–2024, Total cost: 17,160,000 JPY
  6. Revealing neuronal network dynamics underlying behavioral phenotypes of psychiatric disorders by solving inverse problems. MEXT, KAKENHI: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Grant no. 19H05224), Role: PI, Period: 2019–2021, Total cost: 5,720,000 JPY
  7. JSPS, KAKENHI: Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) (Grant no. 21K19745), Role: co-PI, Period: 2021–2023, Total cost: 195,000 JPY
  8. A closed-loop brain stimulation for reinforcing hyper-adaptability. MEXT, KAKENHI: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Grant no. 22H04762), Role: PI, Period: 2022–2024, Total cost: 5,980,000 JPY
  9. JSPS, KAKENHI: Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) (Grant no. 22K18650), Role: co-PI, Period: 2022–2024, Total cost: 520,000 JPY
  10. JSPS, KAKENHI: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (Grant no. 23H00459), Role: co-PI, Period: 2023–2027, Total cost: 1,210,000 JPY
  11. Deletion of seizure susceptibility via transcranial deep brain stimulation. JSPS, KAKENHI: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Grant no. 23H02790), Role: PI, Period: 2023–2027, Total cost: 18,590,000 JPY
  12. Development of transcranial gene manipulation technologies. JSPS, KAKENHI: Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) (Grant no. 23K18250), Role: PI, Period: 2023–2026, Total cost: 6,370,000 JPY
  13. A method for elucidating a subset genes that enable hibernation-like hypometabolic states. MEXT, KAKENHI: Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (Grant no. 24H01999), Role: PI, Period: 2024–2026, Total cost: 10,920,000 JPY

Contract Researches

  1. Moonshot Goal 7. Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, Moonshot Research and Development Program, Role: co-PI, Period: 2021–2026, Total cost: 35,750,000 JPY
  2. Non-invasive, spatiotemporal control of internal organs via sonogenetic stimulation of the autonomic nervous system, AMED Prime, Role: PI, Period: 2022–2026, Total cost: 52,000,000 JPY

Research Foundation and Other Competitive Research Funds

  1. Functional and neuroanatomical analyses of afferent fiber remodeling in the thalamus after peri3heral nerve injury. Narishige Neuroscience Research Foundation, Research Award, Role: PI, Period: 2012–2013, Total cost: 300,000 JPY
  2. Membrane properties underlying abnormal thalamic firing after deafferentation. Casio Science Promotion Foundation: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2012–2013, Total cost: 1,000,000 JPY
  3. GluA2 glutamate receptor subunit as a target of phantom pain gene therapy. Terumo Life Science Foundation: Medical and Health Enhancement Program Subsidy, Role: PI, Period: 2012–2013, Total cost: 1,000,000 JPY
  4. Genetic visualization of central circuitry rewiring after peripheral nerve injury. The Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private School of Japan: The Science Research Promotion Fund, Role: PI, Period: 2013–2014, Total cost: 500,000 JPY
  5. Development of a new therapeutic approach for epileptic seizures by transcranial electrical stimulation. The Uehara Memorial Foundation, Research Fellowship, Role: PI, Period: 2016, Total cost: 3,600,000 JPY
  6. Real-time closed-loop interventions of epileptic seizures by non-invasive deep brain stimulation. The Kanae Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Science, Foreign Study Grants, Role: PI, Period: 2019–2020, Total cost: 1,000,000 JPY
  7. On-demand transcranial interventions of epileptic seizures. Life Science Foundation, Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2019–2020, Total cost: 1,000,000 JPY
  8. Development of a quantification method of seizure susceptibility using brain-wide electrical spatiotemporal dynamics. Japanese Neural Network Society, Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2021, Total cost: 300,000 JPY
  9. Identification and regulation of pathological brain activity patterns that govern impulsive/compulsive decision-making. Osaka City, OCU 'Think globally, act locally', Role: PI, Period: 2021-2022, Total cost: 1,000,000 JPY
  10. On-demand intervention of brain activities for controlling epilepsy. Takeda Science Foundation. Role: PI, Total cost: 2,000,000 JPY
  11. An international collaboration research for clinical application of a novel therapeutic technology of epilepsy. The Nagai Foundation of Tokyo: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2022–2023, Total cost: 500,000 JPY
  12. Closed-loop control of epilepsy via transcranial focused ultrasound stimulation. Tateisi Science and Technology Foundation: Research Grant (A), Role: PI, Period: 2022–2023, Total cost: 1,920,000 JPY
  13. Development of a novel non-invasive brain stimulation technology with ultrasound and genetic engineering. The Asahi Glass Foundation: Research Encouragement Grants, Role: PI, Period: 2022–2024, Total cost: 2,000,000 JPY
  14. An exploratory research of on-demand sonogenetic brain stimulation technology. Takahashi Industrial and Economic Research Foundation: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2022–2023, Total cost: 6,000,000 JPY
  15. A control technology of a brain activity pattern of impulsive and compulsive decision-making. Nishinomiya Basic Research Fund, Japan, Role: PI, Period: 2022–2023, Total cost: 500,000 JPY
  16. Development of a non-invasive and spatiotemporally-specific in vivo gene transfection technology. Noastec Foundation, Noas Talent Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2022–2023, Total cost: 400,000 JPY
  17. Non-invasive and voluntary manipulation of cardiac functions. Hokkaido University Creative Research Institution: Support System for the Collaborative Research of Next-Generation Researchers, Role: PI, Period: 2022–2023, Total cost: 500,000 JPY
  18. Development of transcranial gene manipulation technologies. Hokkaido University Cross-Departmental Symposium: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2022–2023, Total cost: 500,000 JPY
  19. Real-time control of epileptic seizures via a brain–computer–ultrasound closed-loop. Casio Science Promotion Foundation: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2022–2023, Total cost: 1,000,000 JPY
  20. Development of a novel technology for deletion of seizure susceptibility of epilepsy. Shimadzu Science Foundation: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2023–2025, Total cost: 1,000,000 JPY
  21. Deletion of seizure susceptibility via transcranial deep brain stimulation. Brain Science Foundation: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2023–2024, Total cost: 1,000,000 JPY
  22. Deletion of seizure susceptibility with ultrasound neuromodulation. The Japan Epilepsy Research Foundation: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2023-2026, Total cost: 1,600,000 JPY
  23. On-demand induction of a torpor-like hypometabolic state by transcranial ultrasound irradiation. Hokkaido University Cross-Departmental Symposium: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2023–2024, Total cost: 500,000 JPY
  24. Real-time control of brain disorders via a brain–computer–ultrasound closed-loop. Casio Science Promotion Foundation: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2023–2024, Total cost: 1,000,000 JPY
  25. Control of epilepsy with transcranial deep brain stimulation technologies. Suzuken Memorial Foudation: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2023–2024, Total cost: 2,000,000 JPY
  26. Development of a transcranial deep brain stimulation technology for depression control. SENSHIN Medical Research Foundation: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2023–2024, Total cost: 1,000,000 JPY
  27. Control of depression with transcranial deep brain stimulation technologies. The Suhara Memorial Foundation: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2024–2025, Total cost: 1,500,000 JPY
  28. Control of depression with transcranial deep brain stimulation technologies. Astellas Foundation for Research on Metabolic Disorders: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2024–2026, Total cost: 2,000,000 JPY
  29. Recovery of hedonia associated with food intake via transcranial deep brain stimulation. Lotte Foundation: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2024–2027, Total cost: 3,000,000 JPY
  30. Deletion of seizure susceptibility via transcranial deep brain stimulation. Ono Pharmaceutical Foundation for Oncology, Immunology, and Neurology: Research Grant, Role: PI, Period: 2024–2027, Total cost: 30,000,000 JPY

Other Grants

  1. A study of reorganization of the whisker-sensory thalamic circuit after peripheral nerve injury. Tokyo Women's Medical University: Research Grant for Basic Medical Research, Role: PI, Period: 2010–2011, Total cost: 800,000 JPY
  2. A study of large-scale reorganization of somatosensory map in the brain after peripheral sensory nerve injury. Tokyo Women's Medical University, Research Grant for Basic Medical Research, Role: PI, Period: 2014–2015, Total cost: 700,000 JPY

Invited Talks

2012 Invited speaker, Japan Health Sciences Foundation, Tokyo, Japan
2014 Invited symposiast, The 37th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Yokohama, Japan
2015 Invited speaker, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary: F1000Research 2017, 6:350 (slides) http://doi.org/10.7490/f1000research.1113811.1
2017 Invited speaker, MathWorks Asia Research Summit 2017, Tokyo, Japan
2018 Invited speaker, PCS 3rd Global Cell Science and Stem Cell Conference, Budapest, Hungary
2018 Invited speaker, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan
2018 Invited speaker, The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Tokai Branch @ Nagoya City University, Nagoya, Japan
2018 Invited speaker, Seminar @ National Institute of Physiological Sciences
2019 Invited speaker, Seminar @ University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
2019 Invited speaker, Seminar @ Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan
2019 Invited speaker, Seminar @ Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
2021 Invited speaker, Seminar @ Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan
2021 Invited speaker, Seminar @ Human Brain Research Center, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
2021 Invited speaker, Seminar @ Synchro-Biology, virtual
2021 Invited symposiast, The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Kobe, Japan
2021 Invited symposiast, The 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Sendai, Japan
2021 Invited speaker, Seminar @ Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
2022 Invited speaker, Seminar @ National Institute of Quantum Science and Technology, Chiba, Japan
2022 Invited speaker, Seminar @ Human Brain Research Center, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
2022 Invited speaker, Summer Program @ Taipei Medical University, Taipei City, Taipei
2022 Invited symposiast, Seitai-kinou and Souyaku Symposium 2022 @ University of Shizuoka, Shizuoka, Japan
2022 Invited speaker, The 73th Meeting of the North Branch of the Japanese Pharmacological Society, Sapporo, Japan
2022 Invited speaker, Dr. Wake CREST kick-off symposium, Sapporo, Japan
2022 Invited speaker, NIPS seminar, Online
2022 Invited symposiast, BPCNPNPPP4 conference, Tokyo, Japan
2023 Invited speaker, Kobe University, Online
2023 Invited speaker, Ritsumeikan Univ, Online

Contributed Talks

2006 The 27th Annual Meeting of Japanese Narcotics Research Conference, Wakayama, Japan
2012 Young Researchers’ Forum of Physiology, Tokyo, Japan
2012 Research forum, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan
2013 Young Researchers’ Forum of Physiology, Tokyo, Japan
2019 The 28th Meeting of Young Researchers’ Society of Neurobehavioral Pharmacology, Hyogo, Japan
2020 The 29th Meeting of Young Researchers’ Society of Neurobehavioral Pharmacology, Yokohama, Japan (online)
2020 Research forum, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan (online)
2021 Research forum, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan
2021 The 8th Japan BMI Research forum (online)

Relevant Experience

2005 Patch-Clamp Training Course; National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan; Daily practice for 1 wk
2006 Slice Patch-Clamp Training Course; National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan; Daily practice for 1 wk
2013 Advanced Brain Research by Optical Measurements and Manipulations; The 13th Summer School of Physiological Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan; 1 day session
2014 Matlab Fundamentals; Mathworks Japan, Tokyo, Japan; 3 day practice
2014 Diffusion Tensor Imaging Analysis (Linux introduction/DTI TBSS/DTI tractgraphy); Comprehensive Brain Science Network, Tokyo, Japan; 1 day practice
2017 FELASA Accredited Education and Training Course, “Animal experiments theory and practice – level C (Ref No.:035/2014)”, Szeged, Hungary, 80 h lectures and practices
2018 Publons Academy


Teaching Contributions on Undergraduate Courses

FY2010–2013 Practical of Hematology (Osmotic fragility and Coagulation cascade); Tokyo Women’s Medical University; 4th year undergraduate students; 2 × 4 h sessions per wk for 2 wks
FY2010–2014 Practical of Physiology (Spirometry); Tokyo Women’s Medical University; 2nd year undergraduate students; 2 × 4 h sessions per wk for 3 wks
FY2012 Tutor of Problem Based Learning; Tokyo Women’s Medical University; 1st year undergraduate students; 2 × 2 h sessions per wk for 6 wks
2012–2013 Practical of Physiology (Spirometry); Tokyo Women’s Medical University; graduate students for biomedical course; 2 × 2 h sessions in a day
2013–2014 Tutor of Team-Based Learning; Tokyo Women’s Medical University; 1st year undergraduate students; 2 × 2 h sessions per wk for 6 wks
2013 Supervision of Basic Medical Research; Tokyo Women’s Medical University; 3rd year undergraduate student (Sawako Kamo); Daily mentorship for 3 wks
2014 Practical of Physiology (In silico Simulation of Cardiac Ion Channels); Tokyo Women’s Medical University; 2nd year undergraduate students; 2 × 4 h sessions per wk for 3 wks
2015 Problem-Based Learning; Tokyo Women’s Medical University; 1st year undergraduate students; 4 × 2 h sessions
2016–2020 Medical Physiology Seminar I; University of Szeged; 2nd year undergraduate students; 14 × 2 h sessions during the 1st semester
2016–2020 Medical Physiology Seminar II; University of Szeged; 2nd year undergraduate students; 15 × 2 h sessions during the 2nd semester
2019–2020 Internship training, University of Szeged; 4th year undergraduate students; 8 weeks full-time
FY2021–present Pharmacology IV;Hokkaido University, school of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy, 3rd year undergraduate students, 7 x 2 h sessions during the 2nd semester
FY2021–present Methods in Life Science II; Hokkaido University, school of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy, 3rd year undergraduate students, 2 x 2 h sessions during the 2nd semester
FY2021–present Laboratory Exercise of Analytical Chemistry; Hokkaido University, school of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy, 2nd year undergraduate students, 4 x 4 h sessions in the 2nd semester
FY2022–present Introduction to Pharmaceutical Science: Hokkaido University, school of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy, 2nd year undergraduate students, 2 x 2 h sessions during the 1st semester
FY2022–present Pharmacology II;Hokkaido University, school of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy, 3rd year undergraduate students, 3 x 2 h sessions during the 1st semester
FY2022–present Pharmacology III;Hokkaido University, school of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy, 3rd year undergraduate students, 3 x 2 h sessions during the 1st semester
FY2022–present Freshman Seminar Introduction of Neuropharmacology; Hokkaido University, 1st year undergraduate students, 2 x 2 h sessions during the 1st semester
FY2022–present Freshman Seminar A Guide to Neuroscience Research; Hokkaido University, 1st year undergraduate students, 15 x 2 h sessions during the 2nd semester
FY2022–present Laboratory Exercise of Physics; Hokkaido University, 2nd year undergraduate students, 4 x 4 h sessions during the 2nd semester
FY2023–present Freshman Seminar Introduction of Brain Researches in Hokkaido University; Hokkaido University, 1st year undergraduate students, 2 x 2 h sessions during the 1st semester

Educational Publications

  1. Takeuchi Y (2017) Physiological Education and Japanese Medical Students in University of Szeged. J Physiol Soc Japan 79: 8-15. (Peer Reviewed, Japanese) http://physiology.jp/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Education_20170201_8-15.pdf.

Teaching Committee and Organization

FY2015 Segment 2 Tutorial Committee Member School of Medicine, Tokyo Women’s Medical University
FY2015 Tutorial Committee Organizing Member School of Medicine, Tokyo Women’s Medical University
FY2021 Admission committee, Hokkaido University

Relevant Experience

2019 FAOPS2019 & ADInstruments, Teaching Workshop, Kobe, Japan; Daily practice for two days. Kobe, Japan, March 27-28.

Educational Code Repositories

  1. Takeuchi Y (2017) physiology-examiner v1.0.0 [Data set]. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.583685

MD/PhD course Advisor

  1. Harangozó M and Földi T (2017) MTA-SZTE „Lendület“ Oszcillatorikus Neuronhálózatok Kutatócsoport - SZTE ÁOK Élettani Intézet; A temporális lebeny epilepszia rohamainak közvetett csillapítása a neuromodulátoros rendszerek optogenetikai modulációjával. 15 Nov 2017, Szeged, TDK. Co-Advisor
  2. Harangozó M (2018) MTA-SZTE „Lendület“ Oszcillatorikus Neuronhálózatok Kutatócsoport - SZTE ÁOK Élettani Intézet; A temporális lebeny epilepszia kezelése sejtvonalspecifikus ”proxy” ingerléssel. 14 Nov 2018, Szeged, TDK. Co-Advisor
  3. Harangozó M (2019) MTA-SZTE „Lendület“ Oszcillatorikus Neuronhálózatok Kutatócsoport - SZTE ÁOK Élettani Intézet; A temporális lebeny epilepszia kezelése sejtvonalspecifikus ”proxy” ingerléssel. 25 Apr 2019, Debrecen, OTDK. Co-Advisor
  4. Harangozó M (2019) MTA-SZTE „Lendület“ Oszcillatorikus Neuronhálózatok Kutatócsoport - SZTE ÁOK Élettani Intézet; A temporális lebeny epilepszia kezelése a mediális szeptum elektromos ingerlésével. 14 Nov 2019, Szeged, TDK. Co-Advisor s1. Harangozó M (2021) MTA-SZTE „Lendület“ Oszcillatorikus Neuronhálózatok Kutatócsoport - SZTE ÁOK Élettani Intézet; A temporális lebeny epilepszia kezelése a mediális szeptum elektromos ingerlésével. 6 Apr 2021, Szeged, OTDK. Co-Advisor

Teaching Contributions on Graduate Courses

FY2013 Pain Research, Practice (Formalin test and Immunohistochemistry of spinal sections); Graduate school of medicine, Tokyo Women’s Medical University; Daily practice for a week
FY2012–2014 Respiratory Medicine for Bio-Medical Curriculum, Practice; Graduate school of medicine, Tokyo Women’s Medical University; 4 × 2 h sessions
FY2021 Basic Brain Science IV : Molecular and Cellular basis of Neurotransmission, Lecture; Graduate School of Life Science, Hokkaido University
FY2021 Pharmaceutical Science, Lecture; Hokkaido University
FY2022 Brain Science I, Lecture; Hokkaido University
FY2022 Brain Science I, Practice; Hokkaido University

Faculty Development

FY2023 Hokkaido University URA station, Lectures for AMED-CREST/PRIME grant application

Teaching Materials Prepared

FY2010 Text for Physiology Practice (Blood) @ Tokyo Women's Medial University
FY2010 Text for Physiology Practice (Cardiovascular system) @ Tokyo Women's Medial University
FY2010 Text for Physiology Practice (Respiratory system) @ Tokyo Women's Medial University
FY2012 Text for Physiology Practice (Respiratory system) @ Tokyo Women's Medial University Graduate School of Medicine
FY2013 Text for Physiology Practice (Somatosensory system) @ Tokyo Women's Medical University Graduate School of Medicine
FY2015 Objectives and Tutor Guide for PBL Tutorial (Physiology) @ Tokyo Women's Medical University
FY2015 Objectives and Tutor Guide for TBL Tutorial (Physiology) @ Tokyo Women's Medical University
FY2015/2016 Lecture Slides for Physiology Seminar I @ University of Szeged
FY2015/2016 Lecture Slides for Physiology Seminar II @ University of Szeged
FY2015/2016 Lecture Slides for Pharmacology Seminar @ University of Szeged
FY2016/2017 Lecture Slides for Orientation of Graduate Theses @ University of Szeged
FY2021 Lecture Slides for Basic Brain Science IV @ Hokkaido University
FY2021 Lecture Slides for Pharmaceutical Science @ Hokkaido University
FY2021 Lecture Slides for Pharmacology IV @ Hokkaido University
FY2021 Lecture Slides for Methods in Life Science II @ Hokkaido University
FY2022 Lecture Slides for Pharmacology II @ Hokkaido University
FY2022 Lecture Slides for Pharmacology III @ Hokkaido University
FY2022 Lecture Slides for Brain Science I @ Hokkaido University
FY2022 Text for Pharmacology Practice (Gastrointestinal system) @ Hokkaido University, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
FY2022 Lecture Slides for Freshman Seminar: Introduction of Neuropharmacology @ Hokkaido University
FY2022 Lecture Slides for Training Course for Electrophysiology (1)/(2): Hokkaido Summer Institute
FY2022 Lecture Slides for Freshman Seminar: A Guide to Neuroscience Research @ Hokkaido University
FY2023 Lecture Slides for AMED Prime application
FY2023 Lecture Slides for Freshman Seminar: A Guide to Brain Researches in Hokkaido University @ Hokkaido University

Other Teaching Contributions

2015–2020 Tutorial of Medical Physiology I; Hungary Medical Office; 2nd year undergraduate students; 14 × 2-h sessions during the 1st semester
2015–2020 Tutorial of Medical Physiology II; Hungary Medical Office; 2nd year undergraduate students; 14 × 2-h sessions during the 2nd semester
2015–2020 Tutorial of Medical Pharmacology I; Hungary Medical Office; 4th year undergraduate students; 14 × 2-h sessions during the 1st semester
2015–2020 Tutorial of Medical Pharmacology II; Hungary Medical Office; 4th year undergraduate students; 14 × 2-h sessions during the 2nd semester


Editorial Contributions

Research Topic

20 Nov 2020 Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience Oscillotherapeutics

Handling Editor

14 May 2021 Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience Wada M et al.
14 May 2021 Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience Okonogi T and Sasaki T
28 Jun 2021 Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience Tomar A et al.
19 Jul 2021 Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Nakajima A et al.
25 Nov 2021 Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience Mokhothu TM and Tanaka KZ
24 Dec 2021 Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience Acerbo E et al
11 Oct 2023 Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Hüsser AM et al

Reviews of Research Articles

Pre-publication Peer Reviews

10 Dec 2017 Neuroscience Research
28 Sep 2019 Neuropsychopharmacology Reports
13 Nov 2019 Neuropsychopharmacology Reports
09 Nov 2020 Annals of Translational Medicine
27 Feb 2021 Translational Neuroscience
14 Apr 2021 Translational Neuroscience
19 Nov 2021 Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (Link)
28 Jan 2022 Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience
06 May 2022 Applied Artificial Intelligence
14 Jun 2022 Frontiers in Neural Circuits (Link)
24 Jul 2022 BMC Neuroscience
10 Dec 2022 Current Gene Therapy
07 Feb 2023 Current Molecular Pharmacology
24 Mar 2023 Current Gene Therapy
11 Apr 2023 Neuroscience Research
29 Nov 2023 Neuropsychopharmacology Reports
16 Jan 2024 Neuropsychopharmacology Reports
24 Feb 2024 Neuroscience Research
14 Mar 2024 Neuroscience Research

Post-publication Peer Reviews

2017 Publons, https://publons.com/publon/462513/
02 Jan 2018 Publons, https://publons.com/publon/1605916/
02 Jan 2018 Publons, https://publons.com/publon/1605917/
02 Jan 2018 Publons, https://publons.com/publon/1605918/

Symposium organization etc.

26 Jul 2014 Young Researchers of Physiology Forum 2014 (Tokyo)
29 Jul 2020 Symposium: Cutting-edge closed-loop and non-invasive brain stimulation technologies for neurological and psychiatric disorders (1S06a). The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Kobe)
18 Oct 2023 Symposium: Young Researchers' Symposium, The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Hokkaido Branch
21 Feb 2024 Special seminar: The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Hokkaido Branch, Sapporo
14 Mar 2024 Special seminar: The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Hokkaido Branch, Sapporo
28 Mar 2024 Symposium: Ultrasound interrogation and control physiological functions (1S05a). The 101st Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan (Kita-Kyushu)

Panelist, Chair etc.

07 Jul 2018 3rd Global Cell Science and Stem Cell Conference, Chair
29 Mar 2019 9th FAOPS Congress, Meet the Lectures, Facilitator
26 Aug 2021 Seitai-kinou and Souyaku symposium 2021, Chair
30 Jun 2022 Neuro2022, Chair
20 May 2023 The 150th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Hokkaido branch, Chair
04 Aug 2023 The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Chair
05 Sep 2023 The 2nd IGM-NIPS Joint symposium, Chair

Reviews of Research Grants

UKRI – UK Research and Innovation

2021–present Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Research Training Course

01 Nov 2008 Instructor of Slice Patch-Clamp Training Course; National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan; Graduate students and Young researchers; Daily practice for 1 week
09 Aug 2022 Training Course for Electrophysiology (1)/(2), Hokkaido Summer Institute

Laboratory Supervisory


2010–2015 Supervision of technicians; Tokyo Women’s Medical University; 1st year undergraduate students; Daily mentorship for 12 months
2015–2020 Supervision of technicians; University of Szeged; Daily mentorship for 12 months
2020–2021 Supervision of technicians; Osaka City University; Daily mentorship for 12 months

Outreach activities

01 Nov 2008 Open-lab, National Institute of Physiological Sciences, Japan
20 Sep 2014 Open-lab, School of Medicine, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Japan
26 Nov 2016 Open-lab, Department of Physiology, University of Szeged, Hungary
7,8 Aug 2022 Open-Campus, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University, Japan
12 Sep 2023 Official Neuro Navigator, The Japan Neuroscience Society