
c 语言实现的内网穿透客户端,配合frp服务端使用。主要用于基于openwrt的路由器上,对路由器的硬件配置要求极低。

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


What is xfrpc

xfrpc is frp client implemented by c language for OpenWRT The motivation to start xfrpc project is that we are OpenWRTer, and openwrt usually run in devices which have limit ROM and RAM space, however frpc always need more space and memory; therefore we launched xfrpc project.

Development Status

xfrpc partially compitable with latest frp release feature, It targets to fully compatible with latest frp release.

the following table is detail compatible feature:

Feature xfrpc frpc
tcp Yes Yes
tcpmux Yes Yes
http Yes Yes
https Yes Yes
custom_domains Yes Yes
subdomain Yes Yes
use_encryption No Yes
use_compression No Yes
udp No Yes
p2p No Yes
xtcp No Yes
vistor No Yes



Sequence Diagram

	title:	xfrpc与frps通信交互时序图
	participant 本地服务
	participant xfrpc
  participant frps
  participant 远程访问用户
  xfrpc ->> frps  : TypeLogin Message
  frps ->> xfrpc  : TypeLoginResp Message
  Note right of frps  : 根据Login信息里面的pool值,决定给xfrpc发送几条TypeReqWorkConn请求信息
  frps ->> xfrpc  : frps aes-128-cfb iv[16] data
  frps -->> xfrpc : TypeReqWorkConn Message
	loop 根据Login中的PoolCount创建工作连接数
  	xfrpc -->> frps  : TypeNewWorkConn Message
  	Note left of xfrpc  : 与服务器创建代理服务工作连接,并请求新的工作连接请求
  	Note right of frps  : 处理xfrpc端发送的TypeNewWorkConn消息,注册该工作连接到连接池中
  	frps ->> xfrpc  : TypeStartWorkConn Message
  	Note left of xfrpc  : 将新创建的工作连接与代理的本地服务连接做绑定
  xfrpc ->> frps  : xfrpc aes-128-cfb iv[16] data
  loop 用户配置的代理服务数
  	xfrpc -->> frps : TypeNewProxy Message
  	frps -->> xfrpc : NewProxyResp Message
  loop 心跳包检查
    xfrpc -->> frps : TypePing Message
    frps -->> xfrpc : TypePong Message
  远程访问用户 ->> frps   : 发起访问
  frps ->> xfrpc	 : TypeStartWorkconn Message
  loop  远程访问用户与本地服务之间的交互过程
    frps ->> xfrpc         : 用户数据
    xfrpc ->> 本地服务      : 用户数据
    本地服务 ->> xfrpc      : 本地服务数据
    xfrpc ->> frps         : 本地服务数据
    frps  ->> 远程访问用户  : 本地服务数据

Quickstart for Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS

xfrp need libevent openssl-dev and json-c support

Before compile xfrp, please install libevent and json-c in your system.

Install json-c libevent in ubuntu 20.04 LTS

sudo apt-get install -y libjson-c-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libevent-dev

Fork xfrpc on GitHub

git clone https://github.com/${YOUR_GITHUB_ACCOUNT_NAME}/xfrpc.git
cd xfrp
mkdir build
cmake ..

Compile on OpenWrt

xfrpc was recruited by openwrt community since version 1.04.515

anyway I highly recommend you to use latest version

in order to compile xfrpc in openwrt sdk environment, you should firstly make menuconfig, then select Network --> Web Servers/Proxies ---> xfrpc

Quick start

before using xfrpc, you should get frps server: frps

  • frps

frps use latest release 0.42.0

# frps.ini
bind_port = 7000

run frps

./frps -c frps.ini
  • xfrpc tcp
server_addr = your_server_ip
server_port = 7000

type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 22
remote_port = 6128
  • xfrpc http&https

compare with supporting tcp, supporting http&https need to add vhost_http_port&vhost_https_port in frps.ini as the following

# frps.ini
bind_port = 7000
vhost_http_port = 80
vhost_https_port = 443
# xfrpc_mini.ini 
server_addr = x.x.x.x
server_port = 7000

type = http
local_port = 80
custom_domains = www.example.com

type = https
local_port = 443
custom_domains = www.example.com
  • Run in debug mode
xfrpc -c frpc_mini.ini -f -d 7 
  • Run in release mode :
xfrpc -c frpc_mini.ini -d 0

Openwrt luci configure ui

If running xfrpc in openwrt box, luci-app-xfrpc is a good choice

luci-app-xfrpc was recruited by luci project

How to contribute our project

See CONTRIBUTING for details on submitting patches and the contribution workflow.


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