Pinned Repositories
ICS 3U Assignment. October 27, 2020. Use files to load, save, update, and display the marks for a class
Virtual Escape Room Website. December 2021. Created for the Holiday Escape Room Event for the Creative Writing Club of Willian Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate Institute
Created for ICS 3U. Creates a chart with exponents of 5, ending power chosen by the user input. October 2, 2020
ICS 2U Assignment. An Animation Created Using Processing for ICS class in June, 2020
ICS 3U Assignment. October 13, 2020. Takes 3 integers inputs and determines the smallest value.
Codes Written for the Lyon's Coding Contest. October 22, 2020
A short visual novel-esque game where you play as a witch crafting items to summon eldritch beasts and attempt to talk to them. Developed in 72 hours for the UW Game Jam, in October 2024.
ICS 3U Assignment. November 2020. A fully functional space invaders game with thirty enemies that drop bombs, player that can shoot missiles, ten levels, and high score records board
A computer game where the users go through various arcade-themed mini game stages that simulates the stresses a highschool student receives
yuj7121's Repositories
A short visual novel-esque game where you play as a witch crafting items to summon eldritch beasts and attempt to talk to them. Developed in 72 hours for the UW Game Jam, in October 2024.
ICS 3U Assignment. October 27, 2020. Use files to load, save, update, and display the marks for a class
Virtual Escape Room Website. December 2021. Created for the Holiday Escape Room Event for the Creative Writing Club of Willian Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate Institute
Created for ICS 3U. Creates a chart with exponents of 5, ending power chosen by the user input. October 2, 2020
ICS 2U Assignment. An Animation Created Using Processing for ICS class in June, 2020
ICS 3U Assignment. October 13, 2020. Takes 3 integers inputs and determines the smallest value.
Codes Written for the Lyon's Coding Contest. October 22, 2020
ICS 4U Assignment. March 1, 2022. Reads in data from a file, creates students, test marks, assignment marks, final project mark, and average mark. Can choose students to view or edit by names or student number. Saves data to file.
ICS 4U Assignment. February 14, 2022. Creates a Magic School Bus which Inherits Bus.
ICS3U Assignment. Programming Challenge 2. Creates a school with students using OOP. October 2, 2020
ICS 3U Assignment. November 2020. A fully functional space invaders game with thirty enemies that drop bombs, player that can shoot missiles, ten levels, and high score records board
A computer game where the users go through various arcade-themed mini game stages that simulates the stresses a highschool student receives
ICS 3U Assignment. October 21, 2020. Uses a return method to calculate the volume of a cylinder, pyramid, or cone with dimensions given by user input
ICS 4U Assignment. Created in collaboration with Andrew Jamieson and Nicole Poroshenko. February 28, 2022.
(Work in Process) ICS 4U Assignment. Created in Collaboration with Andrew Jamieson and Nicole Poroshenko. March 23. Takes in a list of students and countries, sort them by name(alphabetically) and marks or population and saves to a new file.
ICS 4U intro Assignment. February 4th. Compares two strings regardless of case
ICS 3U Assignment. October 6, 2020. Created in collaboration with Lois Zan. Displays a star constellation trading card
ICS 3U Assignment. October 8, 2020. Displays a native American style bead loom in 400 by 400 window
ICS 3U Assingemnt. Calculates the Volume of a cylinder or a sphere with dimensions given by user input. October 15, 2020
Config files for my GitHub profile.