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HW01: A Brief Introduction of Myself

Who am I

Hi there! I am Yujia Liu and you can call me Randolph. I am from China (mainland). I spent a fall semester and a summer at UC Berkeley. It was a great time and I made incredible friends. During that time, I made a webpage to help them sort out the isolates of microbes. My academic interest cross a wide range, including microbiology, genomics and protein structures. But overall, I am interested in how to apply quantitative methods to study these questions. I really hope the BMB program here at UChicago will motivate me to explore more on these topics!

Why I pick Randolph as my English name? I originally used Rain as my name, since the Yu character in Chinese means Rain. Later I realize I need a name that is not so common, so I (kind of randomly) chose Randolph, which also starts with an "R".

Here is a photo of me:

Yujia and the alpaca

Yujia and the alpaca

Cuisines in my hometown

I live in Guangzhou, a city in the southern part of China. Guangzhou is famous for all kinds of local cuisines (Cantonese Cuisine). Here is my must-try dish list:

  • Rice noodle roll
  • Cha siu bao (barbecue-pork-filled bun)
  • Wonton noodles
  • Double skin milk

And my personal favourite:

  • Coconut pudding

Thoughts at the moment

I think this is a very hard time for all the international students coming to the US, especially for those from China. Are you positive that we can fight the COVID-19 pandemic in the US? Do you think the Chinese are labeled with the stereotype of virus? Or are you also an international student feeling difficult to travel to the US? Let's share our thoughts and help each other!