
OCR Technical Assignment

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OCR Text Extraction Project


This project extracts text from a set of 75 images using three different Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tools: EasyOCR, PyTesseract, and TrOCR. The results are then analyzed to identify discrepancies, and a consensus text is determined and corrected for common OCR errors. The final output is saved as a JSON file.

Table of Contents

Project Structure

├── selected_images/            # Directory containing the 75 images
├── ocr_results.json            # Output JSON file with extracted and corrected text
├── ocr_processing.log          # Log file for tracking processing details and errors
├── main.py                     # Main script for executing OCR and text processing
└── README.md                   # This readme file


The project requires the following libraries:

  • Pillow (PIL)
  • easyocr
  • pytesseract
  • transformers (for TrOCR)
  • torch
  • concurrent.futures
  • tqdm
  • Levenshtein (for choosing the best text among 3 models)

Ensure you have the required tools installed:


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yujansaya/raha_beach_ocr/
    cd <your repository-directory>
  2. Install the Python dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Ensure Tesseract OCR is installed:


  1. Prepare the input images:

    • Place the 75 images in the selected_images/ directory.
  2. Run the main script:

    python main.py
  3. View the results:

    • The extracted and corrected text will be saved in ocr_results.json.
    • Logs can be found in ocr_processing.log.

Example Command

python main.py

Error Handling

The script includes comprehensive error handling:

  • Logging Errors: Errors encountered during OCR processing are logged in ocr_processing.log.
  • Handling Missing Files: Unsupported file formats or missing files are logged and skipped.

Performance Optimization

To improve performance:

  • Parallel Processing: Uses ThreadPoolExecutor for concurrent processing of images.
  • Batch Processing: Processes images in batches for TrOCR to utilize GPU more efficiently.

Output Quality

The preprocess_image function pre-propcesses the images that have very thick and bog letters that typically Tesseract fails to detect.

Selecting Best text among 3 models

The majority_vote, select_best_text and similarity functions compare the putpust of 3 models, and choose the best answer using Levenshtein Distance.


The script logs detailed information about the processing steps and errors:

  • Log File: ocr_processing.log
  • Log Levels: Includes information and error levels.

Future Improvements

  • Model Fine-Tuning: Fine-tune OCR models on a dataset similar to the target images for better accuracy.
  • Additional OCR Tools: Explore other OCR tools to enhance text extraction quality like Google Cloud Vision API, Amazon Textract or OpenCV.
  • Advanced Error Correction: Implement machine learning models for context-based error correction.