Paper list for database systems with artificial intelligence (machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning)
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SageDB: A Learned Database System (CIDR 2019)
Database Learning: Toward a Database that Becomes Smarter Every Time (SIGMOD 2017)
Self-Driving Database Management Systems (CIDR 2017)
Self-Driving : From General Purpose to Specialized DBMSs (Phd@PVLDB 2018)
Active Learning for ML Enhanced Database Systems (SIGMOD 2020)
Database Meets Artificial Intelligence: A Survey (TKDE 2020)
Self-driving database systems: a conceptual approach (Distributed and Parallel Databases 2020)
SARD: A statistical approach for ranking database tuning parameters (ICDEW, 2008)
Regularized Cost-Model Oblivious Database Tuning with Reinforcement Learning (2016)
Automatic Database Management System Tuning Through Large-scale Machine Learning (SIGMOD 2017)
The Case for Automatic Database Administration using Deep Reinforcement Learning ( 2018 ArXiv)
An End-to-End Automatic Cloud Database Tuning System Using Deep Reinforcement Learning (SIGMOD 2019)
External vs. Internal : An Essay on Machine Learning Agents for Autonomous Database Management Systems
QTune: A Query-Aware Database Tuning System with Deep Reinforcement Learning (VLDB 2019)
Optimizing Databases by Learning Hidden Parameters of Solid State Drives (VLDB 2019)
iBTune: Individualized Buffer Tuning for Large-scale Cloud Databases (VLDB 2019)
Black or White? How to Develop an AutoTuner for Memory-based Analytics (SIGMOD 2020)
Learning Efficient Parameter Server Synchronization Policies for Distributed SGD (ICLR 2020)
- Leaper: A Learned Prefetcher for Cache Invalidation in LSM-tree based Storage Engines (VLDB 2020)
Learning to hash for indexing big data - A survey (2016)
The Case for Learned Index Structures (SIGMOD 2018)
A-Tree: A Bounded Approximate Index Structure (2017)
FITing-Tree: A Data-aware Index Structure (SIGMOD 2019)
Learned Indexes for Dynamic Workloads (2019)
SOSD: A Benchmark for Learned Indexes (2019)
Learning Multi-dimensional Indexes (2019)
ALEX: An Updatable Adaptive Learned Index (SIGMOD 2020)
The ML-Index: A Multidimensional, Learned Index for Point, Range, and Nearest-Neighbor Queries (EDBT 2020)
Effectively Learning Spatial Indices (VLDB 2020)
Stable Learned Bloom Filters for Data Streams (VLDB 2020)
START — Self-Tuning Adaptive Radix Tree (ICDEW 2020)
Learned Data Structures (2020)
The ML-Index: A Multidimensional, Learned Index for Point, Range, and Nearest-Neighbor Queries (EDBT 2020)
The PGM-index: a fully-dynamic compressed learned index with provable worst-case bounds (VLDB 2020)
Index Selection in a Self- Adaptive Data Base Management System (SIGMOD 1976)
AutoAdmin 'What-if' Index Analysis Utility (SIGMOD 1998)
Self-Tuning Database Systems: A Decade of Progress (VLDB 2007)
AI Meets AI: Leveraging Query Executions to Improve Index Recommendations (SIGMOD 2019)
Automated Database Indexing using Model-free Reinforcement Learning (2020)
DRLindex: deep reinforcement learning index advisor for a cluster database (2020 Symposium on International Database Engineering & Applications)
An Index Advisor Using Deep Reinforcement Learning (CIKM 2020)
Schism: a Workload-Driven Approach to Database Replication and Partitioning (VLDB 2010)
Automated Data Partitioning for Highly Scalable and Strongly Consistent Transactions (2016 Transactions on Parallel and distributed systems)
GridFormation : Towards Self-Driven Online Data Partitioning using Reinforcement Learning (aiDM@SIGMOD 2018)
Learning a Partitioning Advisor with Deep Reinforcement Learning (2019)
Qd-tree: Learning Data Layouts for Big Data Analytics (SIGMOD 2020)
Workload Models for Autonomic Database Management Systems (International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems 2006)
Towards workload shift detection and prediction for autonomic databases (CIKM 2007)
Query-based Workload Forecasting for Self-Driving Database Management Systems (SIGMOD 2018)
Diagnosing Root Causes of Intermittent Slow Queries in Cloud Databases (VLDB 2020)
(kernal density model)
Self-Tuning, GPU-Accelerated Kernel Density Models for Multidimensional Selectivity Estimation (SIGMOD 2015)
Estimating Join Selectivities using Bandwidth-Optimized Kernel Density Models (VLDB 2017)
(sum-product network)
- DeepDB: Learn from Data, not from Queries! (VLDB 2020)
(autoregressive model)
Deep Unsupervised Cardinality Estimation (VLDB 2019)
Multi-Attribute Selectivity Estimation Using Deep Learning (arXiv 2019)
Deep Learning Models for Selectivity Estimation of Multi-Attribute Queries (SIGMOD 2020)
NeuroCard: One Cardinality Estimator for All Tables (VLDB 2020)
Learning to Sample: Counting with Complex Queries (VLDB 2020) (graphical models)
Selectivity estimation using probabilistic models (SIGMOD 2001)
Lightweight graphical models for selectivity estimation without independence assumptions (VLDB 2011)
An Approach Based on Bayesian Networks for Query Selectivity Estimation (DASFAA 2019)
Efficiently adapting graphical models for selectivity estimation (VLDB 2013)
Adaptive selectivity estimation using query feedback (SIGMOD 1994)
Selectivity Estimation in Extensible Databases -A Neural Network Approach (VLDB 1998)
Effective query size estimation using neural networks. (Applied Intelligence 2002)
LEO - DB2's LEarning optimizer (VLDB 2011)
A Black-Box Approach to Query Cardinality Estimation (CIDR 07)
Cardinality Estimation Using Neural Networks (2015)
Towards a learning optimizer for shared clouds (VLDB 2018)
Learning State Representations for Query Optimization with Deep Reinforcement Learning (DEEM@SIGMOD2018)
Learned Cardinalities: Estimating Correlated Joins with Deep Learning (CIDR2019)
Estimating Cardinalities with Deep Sketches (SIGMOD 2019)
Selectivity estimation for range predicates using lightweight models (VLDB 2019)
(Review) An Empirical Analysis of Deep Learning for Cardinality Estimation (arXiv 2019)
Flexible Operator Embeddings via Deep Learning (arXiv 2019)
Improved Cardinality Estimation by Learning Queries Containment Rates (EDBT 2020)
NN-based Transformation of Any SQL Cardinality Estimator for Handling DISTINCT, AND, OR and NOT (2020)
QuickSel: Quick Selectivity Learning with Mixture Models (SIGMOD 2020)
Efficiently Approximating Selectivity Functions using Low Overhead Regression Models (VLDB 2020)
Statistical learning techniques for costing XML queries (VLDB 2005)
Predicting multiple metrics for queries: Better decisions enabled by machine learning (icde 2009)
The Case for Predictive Database Systems : Opportunities and Challenges (CIDR 2011)
Learning-based query performance modeling and prediction (ICDE 2012)
Robust estimation of resource consumption for SQL queries using statistical techniques (VLDB 2012)
Plan-Structured Deep Neural Network Models for Query Performance Prediction (arXiv 2019)
An End-to-End Learning-based Cost Estimator (arXiv 2019)(VLDB 2019)
Cost Models for Big Data Query Processing: Learning, Retrofitting, and Our Findings (2020)
DBMS Fitting: Why should we learn what we already know? (CIDR 2020)
A Note On Operator-Level Query Execution Cost Modeling (2020)
PQR: Predicting query execution times for autonomous workload management (ICAC 2008)
Performance Prediction for Concurrent Database Workloads (SIGMOD 2011)
Predicting completion times of batch query workloads using interaction-aware models and simulation(EDBT 2011)
Interaction-aware scheduling of report-generation workloads (VLDB 2011) (有调度策略)
Towards predicting query execution time for concurrent and dynamic database workloads (not machine learning) (VLDB 2014)
Contender: A Resource Modeling Approach for Concurrent Query Performance Prediction (EDBT 2014)
Query Performance Prediction for Concurrent Queries using Graph Embedding (VLDB 2020)
Adaptive Optimization of Very Large Join Queries (SIGMOD 2018) (Not machine learning
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Join Order Enumeration (aiDM@SIGMOD 2018)
Learning to Optimize Join Queries With Deep Reinforcement Learning (ArXiv)
Reinforcement Learning with Tree-LSTM for Join Order Selection (ICDE 2020)
Research Challenges in Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Join Query Optimization (aiDM 2020)
Plan Selection Based on Query Clustering (VLDB 2002)
Cost-Based Query Optimization via AI Planning (AAAI 2014)
Sampling-Based Query Re-Optimization (SIGMOD 2016)
Learning State Representations for Query Optimization with Deep Reinforcement Learning (DEEM@SIGMOD2018)
Towards a Hands-Free Query Optimizer through Deep Learning (CIDR 2019)
Neo: A Learned Query Optimizer (VLDB 2019)
Bao: Learning to Steer Query Optimizers (2020)
ML-based Cross-Platform Query Optimization (ICDE 2020)
- The Case for a Learned Sorting Algorithm (SIGMOD 2020)
- SkinnerDB : Regret-Bounded Query Evaluation via Reinforcement Learning (VLDB 2018)
Eddies: Continuously adaptive query processing. (SIGMOD 2000)
Micro adaptivity in Vectorwise (SIGMOD 2013)
Cuttlefish: A Lightweight Primitive for Adaptive Query Processing (2018)
DBEST: Revisiting approximate query processing engines with machine learning models (SIGMOD 2019)
LAQP: Learning-based Approximate Query Processing (2020)
Approximate Query Processing for Data Exploration using Deep Generative Models (ICDE 2020)
ML-AQP: Query-Driven Approximate Query Processing based on Machine Learning (2020)
Workload management for cloud databases via machine learning (ICDE 2016 WiseDB)
A learning-based service for cost and performance management of cloud databases (ICDEW 2017)(short version for WiSeDB)
WiSeDB: A Learning-based Workload Management Advisor for Cloud Databases (2016 VLDB)
Buffer Pool Aware Query Scheduling via Deep Reinforcement Learning (Computer Science 2020)
CrocodileDB: Efficient Database Execution through Intelligent Deferment (CIDT 2020)
Buffer Pool Aware Query Scheduling via Deep Reinforcement Learning (2020) (transaction 👇)
Scheduling OLTP transactions via learned abort prediction (aiDM@SIGMOD 2019)
Scheduling OLTP Transactions via Machine Learning (2019)
Query2Vec (ArXiv)
An End-to-end Neural Natural Language Interface for Databases
SQLNet: Generating Structured Queries From Natural Language Without Reinforcement Learning (ArXiv)
Facilitating SQL Query Composition and Analysis (ArXiv 2020)
Natural language to SQL: Where are we today? (VLDB 2020)