
Official CrypTool 2 git repository

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Open-source e-learning Windows application for cryptography and cryptanalysis. Part of the CrypTool project.


Documentation | Download CrypTool 2

ℹ️ About

CrypTool 2 (CT2) is a modern e-learning program for Windows, which visualizes cryptography and cryptanalysis. It includes not only the encryption and cryptanalysis of ciphers, but also their basics and the whole spectrum of modern cryptography.

CT2 provides a graphical user interface for visual programming. So workflows can be visualized and controlled to enable intuitive manipulation and interaction of cryptographic functions.

The vector-oriented GUI is based on the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and gives users the ability to scale the current view at will.

📺 Screenshots

startencter.png The Startcenter is the first screen that appears, when you start CrypTool 2

blockmode_visualization.png A template showing two different modes of operation (ECB and CBC) for AES

🔎 Features

  • Written in C#. User interface created with WPF
  • Contains more than 200 components for cryptography and cryptanalysis
  • Shipped with more than 250 templates (ready-to-run scenarios)
  • Plugin architecture, allowing to extend CT2 easily
  • Implements rich graphical programming language, allowing to cascade ciphers and analysis methods using components, connectors, and connections
  • Many components visualize internal workings of classic (e.g. the Enigma machine) and modern ciphers (e.g. the Keccack)
  • Implements most modern ciphers and many cryptographic protocols, e.g. Diffie-Hellman-Merkle key-exchange and zero-knowledge protocol
  • Implements state-of-the-art cryptanalysis algorithms for classical and historical ciphers
  • Each component contains an online help in English and German

📚 Documentation

👑 Releases and 🌓 nightly builds

CrypTool 2 is built every night and released in the so-called "nightly build". Also, stable versions are published regularly. Both versions can be downloaded either as a Windows installer and installed or as a zip installation with no need of installation. Finally, nightly builds and stable releases can be updated using the updater shipped within CT2.

The build system is located and executed on a private server maintained by the CrypTool 2 team. All released CrypTool 2 builds are digitally signed using a software signing certificate.

👷 Building and developing CrypTool 2

📞 Get in touch

📜 License

Apache License, Version 2.0.