
You can use Multipass to create two Ubuntu VMs and then set up a Kubernetes cluster on these two VMs. It only takes less than 7 minutes.

Primary LanguageShell

Kubernetes Cluster Made Easy by using Multipass!

You can use Multipass to create two Ubuntu VMs and then set up a Kubernetes cluster on these two VMs. It only takes less than 6 minutes.

Terminal iTerm2 pane layout, make sure they all are on the same directory.

| o o o                                                      |
| macOS                 | cks-master                         |
| $ pwd                 | $ pwd                              |
| /Users/yujunliang     | /Users/yujunliang                  |
| $ # Run Step 1 here.  | $ #Run Step 2 here.                |
|                       | $ #Run Step 3 on cks-worker pane.  | 
|                       |                                    |
|                       +------------------------------------+
|                       | cks-worker                         |
|                       |====================================|
|                       | $ pwd                              |
|                       | /Users/yujunliang                  |
|                       | $ #Run Step 3 here.                |


If you substract the time, it only takes 5 minutes and 26 seconds.


Installation steps

These are the links to install and create kubernetes cluster,

  1. Download multipass manually.
  2. Install Container runtimes
  3. Install kubeadm
  4. Create a cluster with kubeadm

Step 1. Create two Ubuntu VMs on macOS pane,

git clone https://github.com/yujunliang/multipass-kubernetes.git
cd multipass-kubernetes/multipass

Step 2. On cks-master pane,

2.1 SSH to Ubuntu VM cks-master

cd multipass-kubernetes/multipass

2.2 Install master packages

when in cks-master VM, execute the following commands

sudo -i
git clone https://github.com/yujunliang/multipass-kubernetes.git
cd multipass-kubernetes/cks-master

2.3 Copy join command

copy the output like this, and prepare to run it in Step 3.3

kubeadm join --token al0kvi.x60mi1xj4zesqnq3     --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:f4ff0c7684bbac599a8208b94bb28e451023662ab51bc1ce16f60a855a85e2a5

Step 3. On cks-worker pane,

3.1 SSH to Ubuntu VM cks-worker

cd multipass-kubernetes/multipass

3.2 Install worker packages

when in cks-worker,execute the following commands

sudo -i
git clone https://github.com/yujunliang/multipass-kubernetes.git
cd multipass-kubernetes/cks-worker

3.3 Join cks-master as cks-worker

then run what you copied from Step 2, something like this,

kubeadm join --token al0kvi.x60mi1xj4zesqnq3     --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:f4ff0c7684bbac599a8208b94bb28e451023662ab51bc1ce16f60a855a85e2a5

Step 4. On second window, cks-master

# kubectl get nodes
cks-master   Ready    master   34h   v1.19.0
cks-worker   Ready    <none>   34h   v1.19.0

# kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
pod/nginx created

# kubectl get pod
nginx   1/1     Running   0          19s

Step 5. Delete two Ubuntu VMs on macOS pane,

After you complete practice, you can delete the VMs. Assume you are still on the same directory as Step 1.


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