Circle CI

Selenium WebDriver Book


You'll need to install

  • Java 8.
  • Maven.
  • Chrome.

Download the Application

git clone
cd source

Running Application

This is an example application with tests. To run the application:

mvn jetty:run

When it is ready you'll see "Started Jetty Server" printed onto the console. You can then view the sample HTML pages at http://localhost:8080.

To stop this web site, Ctrl+C, or:

mvn jetty:stop

The Book Store

The application contains a dynamic bookstore at http://localhost:8080/bookstore/.

Running Tests

To run a single test (using the Maven Failsafe Plugin):

mvn test-compile failsafe:integration-test failsafe:verify -Dit.test=HelloWebDriverIT

On just in another browser, other than Chrome:

mvn ... -Dwebdriver.capabilities.browserName=firefox
mvn ... -Dwebdriver.capabilities.browserName=htmlunit -Dwebdriver.screenshots.enabled=false
mvn ... -Dwebdriver.capabilities.browserName=safari
mvn ... -Dwebdriver.capabilities.browserName=phantomjs

To run remotely:

mvn ... -Dwebdriver.remote=true -Dwebdriver.remote.url=$WD_URL

Slow Tests

To find slow tests:

mvn clean install
mvn surefire-report:failsafe-report-only
open target/site/failsafe-report.html 

Chrome Mobile Emulation

Specifying known device:

mvn ... -Dwebdriver.capabilities.browserName=chrome -Dwebdriver.capabilities.chromeOptions.mobileEmulation.deviceName="Apple iPad"

Specifying individual device attributes:

mvn ... -Dwebdriver.capabilities.browserName=chrome \
    -Dwebdriver.capabilities.chromeOptions.mobileEmulation.deviceMetrics.width=768 \
    -Dwebdriver.capabilities.chromeOptions.mobileEmulation.deviceMetrics.height=1024 \
    -Dwebdriver.capabilities.chromeOptions.mobileEmulation.deviceMetrics.pixelRatio=2 \
    -Dwebdriver.capabilities.chromeOptions.mobileEmulation.userAgent='Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11A465 Safari/9537.53' 


On iOS:

mvn .. -Dwebdriver.remote=true \
    -Dwebdriver.remote.url=http://localhost:4723/wd/hub \
    -Dwebdriver.capabilities.deviceName="iPhone 5" \
    -Dwebdriver.capabilities.platformName=iOS \
    -Dwebdriver.capabilities.platformVersion=9.2 \

On Android (note that we disable screenshots and proxy):

mvn .. -Dwebdriver.remote=true \
    -Dwebdriver.remote.url=http://localhost:4723/wd/hub \
    -Dwebdriver.capabilities.deviceName="Nexus" \
    -Dwebdriver.capabilities.platformName=Android \
    -Dwebdriver.capabilities.platformVersion=4.4 \
    -Dwebdriver.capabilities.browserName=browser \
    -Dwebdriver.screenshots.enabled=false \

Local Selenium Grid With Vagrant

You can run a mini Selenium Grid if you like:

cd vagrant
vagrant up 

Check it is working at Please refer chapter 11 of the book for how to set-up Windows with IE10.

You can run your tests as follows:

mvn clean install -Dwebdriver.remote=true -Dwebdriver.remote.url=