Antra SEP java evaluation project


  1. Add update/delete/selectById report
  2. Use mongoDB for ExcelRepositoryImpl
  3. Use mongoDB for PDFRepositoryImpl
  4. add tests for api in ClientService
  5. Adding UI with Angular

3. Make improvement in the code/system level.

Suggestions: 0. Add new features like update/delete/edit report.

  1. Improve sync API performance by using multithreading and sending request concurrently to both services.
  2. Use a database instead of hashmap in the ExcelRepositoryImpl.
  3. Improve code coverage by adding more tests.
  4. Convert sync API into microservices by adding Eureka/Ribbon support.
  5. Add pressure tests to benchmark the system.
  6. Change MongoDB to DynamoDB.
  7. Fix bugs.
  8. Make the system more robust by adding fault tolerance such like : DeadLetter Queue, retry, cache, fallback etc.
  9. Add security and jwt support.
  10. Add more fancy UI using angular/react.
  11. Setup your CI/CD pipeline.
  12. Add new Services like PNGService, JPEGService etc
  13. ...

4. Send your code to Dawei Zhuang( using Github/Gitlab.

Make sure there is README.MD to indicate what did you change/add to the project.