
Simple homepage editor

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple homepage editor.
Edit on the browser. And publish these.
Edit-info is saved to files as json. Of course you can re-open and edit after saving.
publish to html. not using node just apache you need.
This not use databases just use filesysytem.

How to use

1: clone this with "git clone " 2: start this app with "node app" 3: visit "http://yousite:3000/manage" and set your sitename and username and others 1: you can add categories(=folder) and articles and edit them 2: in edit page "just save" means edit-info will be just saved. not published. "Publish" means save json file and create .html static file to staticdirectory that you configured.


This contains TwitterBootStrap(Apache License).
Thank you Twitter!