
:space_invader: Chip8 emulator written in Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Chip8 in Rust Build Status

A simple implementation of Chip-8 emurator in Rust programming language. README in 日本語.

What's Chip8?

Chip8 is a small virtual machine designed for gaming in 1970s. Because of its simplicity, there are implementations in many programming languages. I recommend you to try implementing your own chip8!


  • Linux / macOS
  • Rust >= 1.31


$ cargo run ./roms/INVADERS

Keyboard layout

1 2 3 4(C)
Q(4) W(5) E(6) R(D)
A(7) S(8) D(9) F(E)
Z(A) X(0) C(B) V(F)
  • Letters in parenthesis are Chip8 keys
  • ESC is used to stop the program


Chip8, along with all its associated documentation, examples and tooling, are made available under the MIT license. See LICENSE for additional details.