
[UE4 Marketplace] Prediction Shot Plugin Document

[UE4 Marketplace] PredictionShotPlugin

[UE4 Marketplace] Prediction Shot Plugin Document
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Basic Tutorial


Advanced Tutorial

When combining linear movement and circular movement, implement as follows.

  1. Build Linear FCS and Circular FCS by referring to the basic tutorial.
  2. Use the GetAngularVelocity function from the Observer property of the CircularFCS component to get the angular velocity (rad)
  3. Switch between Linear FCS and Circular FCS using the obtained angular velocity
  4. Please set the reference value for switching by yourself.


Version 1.2

  • Optimized processing when the predicted position collides with a wall etc.
  • Add SetAccuracy Node (Ability to change Accuracy at runtime)

Version 1.1

  • Add PredictPos function to calculate predicted position
  • Add HighArc option to shoot projectiles such as grenades at a higher angle
  • Improve accuracy of prediction calculation during circular movement
  • BugFix prediction calculation during counterclockwise circular movement

Correspondence table of FCSComponent and MeasurerComponent

Measurer components that can be attached per FCS component are different

FCS Component Mesurer Component
LinearFCS {SMA, EMA} VelocityMeasurer
CircularFCS {SMA, EMA} AngularMeasurer
CharacterLinearFCS {SMA, EMA} VelocityMeasurer
CharacterCircularFCS {SMA, EMA} AngularMeasurer

Blueprint API Reference

{Linear, CharacterLinear} FCS SceneComponent


Type Name Description
int32 Accuracy Accuracy of prediction calculation
float ObserverTickInterval Observe the target at the interval
ECollisionChannel TraceChannel Trace channel for measuring the height of the landing point
float OffsetFromCollisionSurface Offset value when the predicted point collides with the surface (Default = 50)
IVelocityObservable Observer Object implementing IVelocityObservable


Return Type Name Description
FRotator Prediction(
const float BulletSpeed,
const float BulletGravityScale,
const float TargetGravityScale,
const FVector& From,
const FVector& To,
const bool bHighArc
Calculate predicted shooting direction

BulletGravityScale - Set the value of GravityScale set for the bullet to be shot
TargetGravityScale - Set the value of GravityScale set for Target
FVector PredictPos(
const float BulletSpeed,
const float BulletGravityScale,
const float TargetGravityScale,
const FVector& From,
const FVector& To,
const bool bHighArc
Calculate predicted position

BulletGravityScale - Set the value of GravityScale set for the bullet to be shot
TargetGravityScale - Set the value of GravityScale set for Target

{Circular, CharacterCircular} FCS SceneComponent

If Character's AirControl value is fairly low, CharacterLinearFCS may be used during jumping (When the AirControl value is low, it is almost linear movement during jumping)

How to use CharacterLinearFCS and CharacterCircularFCS togetherTutorial Video


Type Name Description
int32 Accuracy Accuracy of prediction calculation
float ObserverTickInterval Observe the target at the interval
ECollisionChannel TraceChannel Trace channel for measuring the height of the landing point
float OffsetFromCollisionSurface Offset value when the predicted point collides with the surface (Default = 50)
IAngularObservable Observer Object implementing IAngularObservable


Return Type Name Description
FRotator Prediction(
const float BulletSpeed,
const float BulletGravityScale,
const float TargetGravityScale,
const FVector& From,
const FVector& To,
const bool bHighArc
Calculate predicted shooting direction

BulletGravityScale - Set the value of GravityScale set for the bullet to be shot
TargetGravityScale - Set the value of GravityScale set for Target
FVector PredictPos(
const float BulletSpeed,
const float BulletGravityScale,
const float TargetGravityScale,
const FVector& From,
const FVector& To,
const bool bHighArc
Calculate predicted position

BulletGravityScale - Set the value of GravityScale set for the bullet to be shot
TargetGravityScale - Set the value of GravityScale set for Target

SMA {Velocity, Angular} Measurer SceneComponent


Type Name Description
int32 NumOfFrames Number of frames to be recorded by SMA
int32 CurrentIndex Index representing the latest data
TArray<float> {Velocity, Angular} RecordingArray Recording array

EMA {Velocity, Angular} Measurer SceneComponent


Type Name Description
float SmoothingFactor Smoothing factor of EMA

VelocityObservable Interface


Return Type Name Description
void SetTarget(
AActor* Target
Set target
AActor* GetTarget() Get target
float GetZVelocity() Get speed in the Z direction when moving on a slope or the like (Character only)
float GetZAcceleration() Get acceleration in the Z direction when moving on a slope or the like (Character only)
float GetJumpVelocity() Get speed in the Z direction when jumping (Character only)
float GetVelocity() Get velocity
float GetAcceleration() Get acceleration

AngularObservable Interface


Return Type Name Description
void SetTarget(
AActor* Target
Set target
AActor* GetTarget() Get target
float GetZVelocity() Get speed in the Z direction when moving on a slope or the like (Character only)
float GetZAcceleration() Get acceleration in the Z direction when moving on a slope or the like (Character only)
float GetJumpVelocity() Get speed in the Z direction when jumping (Character only)
float GetAngularVelocity() Get angular velocity (radian)
float GetAngularAcceleration() Get angular acceleration (radian)
TArray<FVector> GetLocations() Prev 3 locations (Index 0 -> the oldest position, Index 2 -> Newest position)

VelocityMeasurable Interface

By implementing this interface and attaching to the {CharacterLinear, Linear} FCS component, you can calculate predicted shots with your own measurement method


Return Type Name Description
void Reset(
const AActor* const Target
Reset the measurement
void SetFlyingMode(
const bool bIsFlyingMode
False if attached to CharacterFCS, true is passed otherwise
bool Measure(
const AActor* const Target,
float& OutVelocity,
float& OutAcceleration,
float& OutZVelocity,
float& OutZAcceleration,
float& OutJumpVelocity
Measure the target (The return value is a dummy parameter)

AngularMeasurable Interface

By implementing this interface and attaching to the {CharacterCircular, Circular} FCS component, you can calculate predicted shots with your own measurement method


Return Type Name Description
void Reset(
const AActor* const Target
Reset the measurement
void SetFlyingMode(
const bool bIsFlyingMode
False if attached to CharacterFCS, true is passed otherwise
bool Measure(
const AActor* const Target,
float& OutAngularVelocity,
float& OutAngularAcceleration,
float& OutZVelocity,
float& OutZAcceleration,
float& OutJumpVelocity,
TArray<FVector>& OutLocations,
int32& OutStartIndex
Measure the target (The return value is a dummy parameter)