
line 8: 341073 Segmentation fault

tanger-code opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm simulating the long reads using command:
pbsim --strategy wgs --method qshmm --qshmm /data/home/tangen/data/sim_small_variant/model/QSHMM-RSII.model --depth 5 --genome /data/home/tangen/data/sim_small_variant/GCA_chr21.fa --prefix long_depth_5/sd

But there is an error:

The pbsim version I used is v3.0.2, and v3.0.4 is the same.

Thank you for using PBSIM3.
The cause cannot be determined from the error message.
Is "long_depth_5" pre-created? (PBSIM3 does not create directories)
Is the input files path correct? .

Sorry, there is an error when I copy the model file. It works now. Thank you!