
Yolo v2 implementation in Chainer, ChainerCV

Primary LanguagePython


Yolo v2 implementation in Chainer

YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger link
See the project webpage for more details.

original code: https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet

Download datasets



Converter from darknet to chainer

python to_chainer_converter.py --orig /path/to/original_model --name yolo_v2_chainer


python demo.py experiments/yolov2_update_608_test.yml --img_path ./data/dog.jpg --thresh 0.20 --nms_thresh 0.3 --save dog
nms: by class
nms_thresh = 0.3
img_thresh = ?


python train.py experiments/yolov2_update_voc_416.yml
nms: by class


python evaluate.py experiments/yolov2_update_416_eval.yml --batchsize 32 --gpu 0
# fps of evaluation includes the time of loading images.
nms: by class
nms_thresh = 0.5
img_thresh = 0.001

Model Comparison from Darknet

Model Dataset darknet map chainer map cfg darknet weight Chainer orig fps chainer fps
YOLOv2 VOC2007+20012 76.8 75.2 link link link **** ****
YOLOv2 544×544 VOC2007+20012 78.6 77.9 link link link
Tiny YOLO VOC2007+20012 link link
YOLOv2 608×608 COCO link link link 58.8 66.6
Tiny YOLO COCO link link
prior version(YOLOv2) COCO link link link