
Program for recording and replaying mouse and keyboard

Primary LanguagePython


Allowing recording and replaying movements, click or scroll actions from mouse and keyboard


Run record.py and follow the instructions to start recording
The recorded log will be saved into a text file, which is saved in the recoder_files/pynput_record

It is also possible to change the directory you want the file to be saved by editing the directory and session_name value in the record.py file
If you want to change the name of the recording file, change the file_name value
when muliple recording files are saved without changing the files' names respectively, the program will rename each file's name by adding a index number incrementally at the end of the name.

To replay a recording you just saved, run the replay.py and follow the instructions

The program will ask for the name of the file you want to replay from each time you run the program
If you want to specifiy the file name and stop the program from asking each single time, follow the instructions from comments at the end of the code.