Definex Java Spring Practicum Second Homework - Order Application
- List all the clients.
- List all the invoices.
- List client names whose name has a "C" letter in them.
- Create a system to add new clients.
- List invoices that have a total amount of more than 1500.
- Show the average value of the invoices that have a total amount of more than 1500.
- List the names of customers with invoices amount under 500 in the system.
- List the name and industry of companies with an average invoice amount of less than 750 in June.
- List the invoices of the clients with the registration month in June.
Maven Command Screenshots
- Database data
- Main Menu
- List all the clients.
- List all the invoices.
- List client names whose name has a "C" letter in them.
- List invoices that have a total amount of more than 1500.
- Show the average value of the invoices that have a total amount of more than 1500.
- List the names of customers with invoices amount under 500 in the system.
- List the name and industry of companies with an average invoice amount of less than 750 in June.
- List the invoices of the clients with the registration month in June.