
Go library that parses and schedules cron job

Primary LanguageGo


GoDoc Build Status Coverage Status

Go library that schedule and parses cron expression


  • Simple parser for cron expression.
  • Using SQLStore, it allows running multiple instances of the application for high availability without needing external tool to do leader election (consul, zookeeper, etc).
  • During initialization fo SQLStore, it will make sure that the tables exist.


MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Ahmy Yulrizka

CRON Expression

  +------------------ Minute (0-59)       : [5]
  | +---------------- Hour (0-23)         : [0, 1, 2, ..., 23]
  | |   +------------ Day of month (1-31) : [5, 10, 15, 20, 30]
  | |   |    +------- Month (1-12)        : [1, 3, 5, ..., 11]
  | |   |    |     +- Day of Week  (0-6)  : [Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed]
  5 *  */5 1-12/2 0-3



On most of the cases, you would want the entries and events to be persisted after restarts. For this, we can use SQLStore. It uses SQL DB (currently tested with MySQL). The other benefit is that we can run more than one instances of the application (for availability). It will make sure that the job will be executed only once by using SQL lock tables.

package main

import (
	_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" // use the latest mysql driver


func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "username:password@tcp(")
	if err != nil {

	sqlStore, err := cron.NewSQLStore(db)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize MysqlPersister: %v", err)

	err := sqlStore.Initialize() // create mysql table if not exists
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize Table: %v", err)
	// add entry of job 'ENTRY-1' to the table manually via mysql client
	// mysql > INSERT INTO _entries (expression, location, name) VALUES ("* * * * *", "UTC", "ENTRY_1")

	// handler function that will be called
	handler := func(e cron.Entry) {
		switch e.Name {
		case "ENTRY_1":
			log.Printf("handling job %q", e.Name)
			log.Printf("[ERROR] unknown job %q", e.Name)

	// start the scheduler with handler above
	scheduler := cron.NewScheduler(handler, sqlStore)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to initialize scheduler: %v", err)

	// Run will check existance of required tables. If not found, it will try to create it
	if err := scheduler.Run(ctx); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("scheduler does not terminate properly: %v", err)

Memory Store

package main

import (


func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()

	// log error that can't be returned as a value. It let you choose how you would log the errors
	// if you don't read from the channel, errors will be silently discarded.
	go func() {
		for err := range cron.ErrorCh {
			log.Printf("[ERROR][CRON] %v", err)

	// this create cron entry by parsing expression.
	expression, location, name := "* * * * *", time.UTC, "ENTRY_1"
	entry, err := cron.Parse(expression, location, name)
	if err != nil {

	// if you want to check whether a time matches with the expression
	if entry.Match(time.Now()) {
		// cron entry matched

	// MemStore implements Store object which persists entries and events (triggered entries) 
	// to the memory store. This store will not be persisted during restart 
	// and used here for example. For real usage use persisted SQLStore (other example below).
	store := &cron.MemStore{}
	store.AddEntry(ctx, entry)

	// handler function that will be called by the scheduler if an entry is triggered
	handler := func(e cron.Entry) {
		// filter by the job name
		switch e.Name {
		case "ENTRY_1":
			log.Printf("handling job %q", e.Name)
			log.Printf("[ERROR] unknown job %q", e.Name)

	// setup and run the scheduler
	scheduler := cron.NewScheduler(handler, store)
	if err := scheduler.Run(ctx); err != nil {
		log.Printf("[ERROR] scheduler got error: %v", err)


Current limitation (by design)

  • Does not take account daylight saving time.

    example during CEST -> CET, 02:00:00 will be run twice (at 00:00:00 UTC (02:00 CEST) and 01:00:00 UTC (02:00 CET)).

    If possible always use UTC. It does mean that on DST task will be executed 1 hour earlier. The alternative would be to schedule the job one minute early or after (ex: 01:59:00 or 03:01:00).

  • Each run execution is in separate go routine, which means if your job takes more than one minute to execute next one will fire one minute after the first one. It will not wait until your first job finished.

    If you want to skip second job (on the next minute), you have to handle this with a semaphore (buffered channel).

    semA := make(chan struct{}, 1)
    func handler(entry cron.Entry) {
      if entry.Name == "JOB A" {
          select {
          case semA <- struct{}{}:
              // run your stuff here
             // already process, you can skip or block
  • For Simplicity macros (@yearly, @monthly, @daily, ...) are not supported. This can easily be expressed by normal expression.

Projects using this lib

  • TODO

Let me know if you want to list your project here.


If you have a bug or issue, please post it as github issue.

Contribution are always welcome. Please create a github issue first and describe your suggestion/plan so that we can have open discussion about it.


Thanks to