Issue import from redmine (currently old version) to github issues. Ahmy Yulrizka (
- Ruby 1.9 (preferably 1.9.3)
There is builtin package for linux called ruby 1.9.1 but the preferable method to install ruby is with rvm ( or rbenv (
After installing ruby, install dependency with:
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
First Go to the redmine, and export the issues of a project to .csv file. There should be a link on the bottom of issues pages
$ ruby redmine2github.rb -h
-n, --dry-run Not actually write any data to github
-u, --user-file USER_FILE Specify YAML file with mapping 'Assigned to' to github username
-e API_KEY,REDMINE_URL, Export comments from redmine. API_KEY must be provided. you can find this key when trying to export issues as atom. its the 'key' parameter in the url
-m, --convert-to-markdown Convert comment to markdown
-c STATUS1,STATUS2,... Specify names of closed statuses, default: Resolved,Feedback,Closed
-s, --skip-ssl-cert
-v, --verbose Turn on verbose output
-h, --help help
ruby redmine2github.rb github_username github_repo redmine-issues.csv -u users.yml -e 123213123123123123123123123, --skip-ssl-cert -m -v
- github_username is the username of the repository where issues should be posted
- github_repo is the repository name
- redime-issues.csv is the exported issues file from redmine in csv format
- -u users.yml is mapping from Name "Assigend To" in the redmine issues to Github username (optional)
- -e 123123, is [key],[redmine_url]. you can obtain [key] when you want to export atom in your redmine issues. This would import Comments in redmine to github (optional)
- --skip-ssl-cert if you want to skip https verification
- -v turn on verbose output
you could 'convert' the 'assigned_to' field in redmine issue to github issues. to do this create a YAML ( file and add option -u to the commands there is example of users.yml provided in this repository