
This repo is about verification of atexit on Android in termux.

Includes several test .c files which used to figure out the issue #933


It's easy to setup the repo to run the verification under termux.

$ apt install hub
$ hub clone yumaokao/termux-so-atexit
$ cd termux-so-atexit


To check atexit called from shared library is printed out or not.

$ make test_atexit-so-constructor
Should see messages and aborted
atexit called from shared library
make: *** [Makefile:15: test_atexit-so-constructor] Aborted

Make Targets

There are several targets in Makefile.

  1. test_atexit-so-constructor:
    • atexit is called from a function decorated with __attribute__ ((__constructor__));
    • expected to see: atexit called from shared library
  2. test_atexit-so
    • atexit is called from a function in shared library
    • expected to see: atexit called from shared library
  3. test_atexit-so-main
    • atexit is called from main executable
    • expected to see: atexit called from main
  4. test_issue933
    • original test code in issue #933
  5. test_issue933-ok
    • modified version for issue #933