
Small android app that record the position at time of a square draggable with finger.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Square Position History

The purpose of this app is to record the position at time of a square draggable with finger. It contains:

  • A screen that able the user to move the square and print the current position
  • A settings dialog that allow the user to tweak the square and the app theme
  • A screen that able to visualize history


The app ui layer is based on Jetpack Compose


The implementation tries to follow as much as possible the clean architecture principles.

├── core
│   ├── data
│   │   ├── repository
│   │   └── service
│   ├── domain
│   │   ├── model
│   │   ├── repository
│   │   └── service
│   └── ui
│       └── theme
├── di
├── extensions
├── feature_position_history
│   ├── data
│   ├── domain
│   └── ui
├── feature_square_move
│   └── ui
└── screens

At the root we can find:

  • core package that holds common code for the whole application
  • di package that contains koin module
  • extensions is an helper package for kotlin extensions
  • feature_* packages separe the different features of the app, here a feature is consider as a screen
  • screens contains the sealed class helper for the navigation

Inside core and features packages, we got the 3 clean architecture layers:

  • domain package holds the models and all the interfaces, free as much as possible of the platform specific class and code
  • data contains a concrete implementation of the domain layer
  • ui contains all components that are relative to the ui

Main Libraries

  • Compose - for ui layer
  • Koin - for dependency injection


Possible improvement:

  • Relocate and reorganize all the mappers, they should not be inside domain layer
  • Create libraries to improve the modularity of the app
  • Improve current position display
  • Inject ThemeManager
  • Make home screen floating elements like PositionHistoryCard and floating buttons move when the square is on them
